Dear White People


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
Can't wait to see this movie,

I wonder how much more white liberals can take of this in your face racism from blacks.

Anyways enjoy:

Just hurry up and DIE already!!!

Dear black people. Stop using our electricy, cars, computers, etc. If you think our system is so fucking evil.
Wow, Im gonna have to go watch that one just because. When they make the sequel, Dear White People 2 , they should film it in Chechnia and see how that works out.
It's supposed to be a satire. With some outstanding actors all around.

Is that too difficult for little tanky-boy to understand?
Once you have your panties all straightened out, then come on out and play with the adults. Until then, go play with your mattel tanks.
Satire....definitely, obviously, clearly.

Goodness, Tank....we really do need that irony font, don't we?
Tanky boy is afraid of anything not pasty white. The sight of something brown or, shudder, black, makes him hide under the bed and wet his pants. Such a frightened little boy.
Who's afraid?

I'm going to go see this movie about black people making fun of white people
Can't wait to see this movie,

I wonder how much more white liberals can take of this in your face racism from blacks.

Anyways enjoy:

Another cracker shitting their pants thread :coffee::popcorn::popcorn:
Negroes are the most racist group in this country! ALL Americans deserve equal rights, but none special rights.

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