Death in Black and White, an Op-Ed by Michael Eric Dyson

Eric Dyson is just another race baiting Democrat charlatan of an exclusive legion of Democrat race baiting charlatans promoting hate for profit and dividing the country with sweet and phony flowery words.

As long as Democrats and their race baiters promote the lie that Republicans and police are racists and Democrats controlling the ghettos of the inner cities show little success along the lines of education, jobs and opportunity then refuse to take responsibility and get away with it, this problem will remain the same or continue getting worse.

Just take Chicago as an example of Democratic Party failure, they created these conditions, they control these conditions and their failures are obvious but hey no problem for the well paid off race baiters of the Democratic Party.

HeyJackass! .. < Chicago crime statistics..
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Interesting piece but I don't feel your pain.

Blacks are only 13% of the population. Yet they commit over 50% of all violent crimes; including murder. If I was a cop I'd be extra jumpy when dealing with a detained black suspect or black motorist with a broken tail light.

Personally, I don't want to live in a predominately black neighborhood in order to get to know you. The more blacks the more crime. My family's safety comes first.

I don't want my kids attending a majority black school. The more blacks, the more drugs and fights; and the lower the academic ratings. Because education isn't a high priority in the black community.

I work with back people and get along fine. But I have no desire to hang around my black co-workers on my off hours. Most likely they don't want to hang around a white guy. Which doesn't hurt my feelings.

I take zero responsibility for the multitude of problems in the black community. It's their community not mine. They need to address their shortcomings and quit blaming whitey.for their pathetic living conditions.

It's getting old. ...... :cool:
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A good article. I've said many times here and elsewhere, you keep your boot on someone's neck long enough and sooner or later they will look up and cut your legs off. Even if they have to die doing it. All people, everywhere. No human just accepts oppression. None. The shooting in Dallas was horrendous and cannot be condoned in any way. Neither can the shootings of the black men we've witnessed this week and for the past couple years as people videotape these encounters more and more.

The black community needs to adopt a universal standard way of interacting with the police. If in a car and pulled over, keep your hands on the steering wheel at all times and don't make sudden movement. Even knowing you have done nothing wrong. I'm white and I do this. If you have a camera videotape all incidents. I know black people are approached by the police more often than whites and being profiled as a criminal over and over when you have never had a thought of committing a crime really starts eating at you as it never stops.

The police have to get rid of all the people that are racist or exhibit racist tendencies, or are violent where they don't need to be. This is a big one, the 'police code' generally has all police protecting each other no matter what, and no one wants to say something and end a career, or they have kids to support yada yada. Until this good 'ol boy network is dismantled nothing will change.

Also it is more than apparent that a large number of police officers in the US are poorly trained. It's evident in the video some of these officers are scared out of their minds where no threat existed! Divert $30 billion from the defense budget to train all of our police correctly. Get rid of all the lone wolfs who see a badge as an excuse to play god.

Finally the police have the onus in this. They are the ones carrying the guns and who have the authority to kill someone on the spot. Citizens are at a huge disadvantage in the interactions and are in fact at the mercy of the cop. If the cop is poorly trained or has a god complex he can easily abuse this situation, including shooting or killing innocent people and getting away with it.

Something has to change. This cannot go on. Shooting a man in a car who is reaching for his license who just volunteered information that he does have a concealed carry permit and has a firearm in the car. In front of a four year old child?

This shit has to change.
I've always been a fan of Michael Eric Dyson, and he certainly nailed it with this one, yet again.

I'd like everyone to read this.

Looking at Boss.

Your thoughts...?
That is a racist rant.

The problems in the black community are not caused by whites, they are caused by government. A government that doesn't give a shit about blacks.
Eric Dyson is just another race baiting Democrat charlatan of an exclusive legion of Democrat race baiting charlatans promoting hate for profit and dividing the country with sweet and phony flowery words.

As long as Democrats and their race baiters promote the lie that Republicans and police are racists and Democrats controlling the ghettos of the inner cities show little success along the lines of education, jobs and opportunity then refuse to take responsibility and get away with it, this problem will remain the same or continue getting worse.

Just take Chicago as an example of Democratic Party failure, they created these conditions, they control these conditions and their failures are obvious but hey no problem for the well paid off race baiters of the Democratic Party.

HeyJackass! .. < Chicago crime statistics..
Do you consider yourself to be on the divisive side of the equation or the uniting side?
Eric Dyson is just another race baiting Democrat charlatan of an exclusive legion of Democrat race baiting charlatans promoting hate for profit and dividing the country with sweet and phony flowery words.

As long as Democrats and their race baiters promote the lie that Republicans and police are racists and Democrats controlling the ghettos of the inner cities show little success along the lines of education, jobs and opportunity then refuse to take responsibility and get away with it, this problem will remain the same or continue getting worse.

Just take Chicago as an example of Democratic Party failure, they created these conditions, they control these conditions and their failures are obvious but hey no problem for the well paid off race baiters of the Democratic Party.

HeyJackass! .. < Chicago crime statistics..
Do you consider yourself to be on the divisive side of the equation or the uniting side?

Well, it doesn't seem to matter that I'm on the uniting side according to Democrats I'm a racist and all who I support are racists regardless of the truth. The reality is, Democrats care far more about the Black vote than solving the issues and as long as Blacks swallow their race baiting lies hook line and sinker and don't hold Democrats in political power over them responsible, success will remain elusive.
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I've always been a fan of Michael Eric Dyson, and he certainly nailed it with this one, yet again.

I'd like everyone to read this.

Looking at Boss.

Your thoughts...?
I agree with most of Dyson's essay. We differ n the notion of a Black nation within a nation. There is no Black nation in America because the necessary elements crucial to being defined a nation are absent. Blacks have not elected a Black national government or leader for themselves. Blacks pay taxes to a White controlled government instead of a government formed and elected by them. Blacks have little or no sovereignty as a people in this country and they have no cohesion among themselves to stand together on obtaining that sovereignty.

The rest of the essay was on point. But RW White males aren't interested in what Dyson says. They can't handle the truth.
A good article. I've said many times here and elsewhere, you keep your boot on someone's neck long enough and sooner or later they will look up and cut your legs off. Even if they have to die doing it. All people, everywhere. No human just accepts oppression. None. The shooting in Dallas was horrendous and cannot be condoned in any way. Neither can the shootings of the black men we've witnessed this week and for the past couple years as people videotape these encounters more and more.

The black community needs to adopt a universal standard way of interacting with the police. If in a car and pulled over, keep your hands on the steering wheel at all times and don't make sudden movement. Even knowing you have done nothing wrong. I'm white and I do this. If you have a camera videotape all incidents. I know black people are approached by the police more often than whites and being profiled as a criminal over and over when you have never had a thought of committing a crime really starts eating at you as it never stops.

The police have to get rid of all the people that are racist or exhibit racist tendencies, or are violent where they don't need to be. This is a big one, the 'police code' generally has all police protecting each other no matter what, and no one wants to say something and end a career, or they have kids to support yada yada. Until this good 'ol boy network is dismantled nothing will change.

Also it is more than apparent that a large number of police officers in the US are poorly trained. It's evident in the video some of these officers are scared out of their minds where no threat existed! Divert $30 billion from the defense budget to train all of our police correctly. Get rid of all the lone wolfs who see a badge as an excuse to play god.

Finally the police have the onus in this. They are the ones carrying the guns and who have the authority to kill someone on the spot. Citizens are at a huge disadvantage in the interactions and are in fact at the mercy of the cop. If the cop is poorly trained or has a god complex he can easily abuse this situation, including shooting or killing innocent people and getting away with it.

Something has to change. This cannot go on. Shooting a man in a car who is reaching for his license who just volunteered information that he does have a concealed carry permit and has a firearm in the car. In front of a four year old child?

This shit has to change.

You don't see the obvious do you?
I've always been a fan of Michael Eric Dyson, and he certainly nailed it with this one, yet again.

I'd like everyone to read this.

Looking at Boss.

Your thoughts...?
My man is definitely on point about most of his views. However, he doesnt speak for all Blacks. There are some Blacks...out of sight to him evidently... that don't waste time trying to convince whites to care. Its long been evident that caring and humanity is not something in the genetic code of white people. We have centuries of documented evidence to attest to that fact in their savage treatment of non whites the world over.

There are some Blacks that will not condemn the shooter in Dallas. I stand among those. I cannot condemn the shooter because this white system of oppression created him. Like Malcolm X said about chickens coming home to roost, it is the same in this case. To me and a lot of other Black people he is a soldier willing to die for what he believes is a just cause. White people love to give people like him the label of terrorist even though they are the biggest terrorists this planet has ever seen.
I've always been a fan of Michael Eric Dyson, and he certainly nailed it with this one, yet again.

I'd like everyone to read this.

Looking at Boss.

Your thoughts...?
That is a racist rant.

The problems in the black community are not caused by whites, they are caused by government. A government that doesn't give a shit about blacks.
A government built by slave owners that felt Blacks were inferior and supported by whites in its racism either directly or passively.
ADDRESS the OP Boys and Girls. Not each other.
I've always been a fan of Michael Eric Dyson, and he certainly nailed it with this one, yet again.

I'd like everyone to read this.

Looking at Boss.

Your thoughts...?
My man is definitely on point about most of his views. However, he doesnt speak for all Blacks. There are some Blacks...out of sight to him evidently... that don't waste time trying to convince whites to care. Its long been evident that caring and humanity is not something in the genetic code of white people. We have centuries of documented evidence to attest to that fact in their savage treatment of non whites the world over.

There are some Blacks that will not condemn the shooter in Dallas. I stand among those. I cannot condemn the shooter because this white system of oppression created him. Like Malcolm X said about chickens coming home to roost, it is the same in this case. To me and a lot of other Black people he is a soldier willing to die for what he believes is a just cause. White people love to give people like him the label of terrorist even though they are the biggest terrorists this planet has ever seen.
Someone in the media said, on Friday, that barber shops across the country has already had the conversation that wen't something like, "if they don't do something about this, someone is going to start killing them." Referring to police and the wanton killing of black lives when they encounter them.

I've stated it on here before as well. The events of Dallas didn't surprise me that happened, it surprised me that it took this long to happen.
I've always been a fan of Michael Eric Dyson, and he certainly nailed it with this one, yet again.

I'd like everyone to read this.

Looking at Boss.

Your thoughts...?
My man is definitely on point about most of his views. However, he doesnt speak for all Blacks. There are some Blacks...out of sight to him evidently... that don't waste time trying to convince whites to care. Its long been evident that caring and humanity is not something in the genetic code of white people. We have centuries of documented evidence to attest to that fact in their savage treatment of non whites the world over.

There are some Blacks that will not condemn the shooter in Dallas. I stand among those. I cannot condemn the shooter because this white system of oppression created him. Like Malcolm X said about chickens coming home to roost, it is the same in this case. To me and a lot of other Black people he is a soldier willing to die for what he believes is a just cause. White people love to give people like him the label of terrorist even though they are the biggest terrorists this planet has ever seen.
Someone in the media said, on Friday, that barber shops across the country has already had the conversation that wen't something like, "if they don't do something about this, someone is going to start killing them." Referring to police and the wanton killing of black lives when they encounter them.

I've stated it on here before as well. The events of Dallas didn't surprise me that happened, it surprised me that it took this long to happen.

It didnt surprise me either. I figured it was coming sooner or later. The national media has been burying some of the events but Black people are passing along local news to each other.

Witness: ‘I Saw White Cop Assassinate Black Teen’
I've always been a fan of Michael Eric Dyson, and he certainly nailed it with this one, yet again.

I'd like everyone to read this.

Looking at Boss.

Your thoughts...?
My man is definitely on point about most of his views. However, he doesnt speak for all Blacks. There are some Blacks...out of sight to him evidently... that don't waste time trying to convince whites to care. Its long been evident that caring and humanity is not something in the genetic code of white people. We have centuries of documented evidence to attest to that fact in their savage treatment of non whites the world over.

There are some Blacks that will not condemn the shooter in Dallas. I stand among those. I cannot condemn the shooter because this white system of oppression created him. Like Malcolm X said about chickens coming home to roost, it is the same in this case. To me and a lot of other Black people he is a soldier willing to die for what he believes is a just cause. White people love to give people like him the label of terrorist even though they are the biggest terrorists this planet has ever seen.
Someone in the media said, on Friday, that barber shops across the country has already had the conversation that wen't something like, "if they don't do something about this, someone is going to start killing them." Referring to police and the wanton killing of black lives when they encounter them.

I've stated it on here before as well. The events of Dallas didn't surprise me that happened, it surprised me that it took this long to happen.
Is killing innocent cops justified? If you say yes, you are pathological.
I've always been a fan of Michael Eric Dyson, and he certainly nailed it with this one, yet again.

I'd like everyone to read this.

Looking at Boss.

Your thoughts...?
My man is definitely on point about most of his views. However, he doesnt speak for all Blacks. There are some Blacks...out of sight to him evidently... that don't waste time trying to convince whites to care. Its long been evident that caring and humanity is not something in the genetic code of white people. We have centuries of documented evidence to attest to that fact in their savage treatment of non whites the world over.

There are some Blacks that will not condemn the shooter in Dallas. I stand among those. I cannot condemn the shooter because this white system of oppression created him. Like Malcolm X said about chickens coming home to roost, it is the same in this case. To me and a lot of other Black people he is a soldier willing to die for what he believes is a just cause. White people love to give people like him the label of terrorist even though they are the biggest terrorists this planet has ever seen.
Someone in the media said, on Friday, that barber shops across the country has already had the conversation that wen't something like, "if they don't do something about this, someone is going to start killing them." Referring to police and the wanton killing of black lives when they encounter them.

I've stated it on here before as well. The events of Dallas didn't surprise me that happened, it surprised me that it took this long to happen.
Is killing innocent cops justified? If you say yes, you are pathological.
Its justified if cops are killing innocent Black people. Its none of my business if you think I am pathological.

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