Death of a Great Rabbi; Time for Jewish Revenge for Death


Liberal democrat
Jan 8, 2012
New York City area
On February 8, 2012 Rabbi W. Gunther Plaut, a famous and notable Toronto rabbi died. He was Senior Rabbi at Toronto's Holy Blossom Synagogue from 1961 to 1977 and remained active as a commentator on the Torah since. He in fact wrote what is now the standard Reform commentary on the Torah, that is in use in most Reform synagogues.

This interview is both stirring and stunning (link). This is the link to his obituary. This is an excerpt (link to original) from another tribute:

“We are not a bomb-throwing group,” Plaut intoned in that crisp lightly tinged German-Jewish accent, “but I want everyone to know we are a militant group.” Rabbi Plaut required no megaphone; his voice seemed to carry across the park and bury itself in our souls.

“We will not be silent. Four thousand years of history and millions of dead Jews shout into the silence with us,” he cried, and then with a fierce strength of purpose he began the chant: “One, Two, Three, Four, Open up the iron door; Five, Six, Seven, Eight, let my people emigrate!” And as if with one voice spurred on by this brave rabbi, the thousands joined in.​
He was truly a special man.

Now, the question is, will rival groups fight it out in the streets to assume his mantle of leadership? Will the Toronto Jews go on a frenzied rampage and fire guns in the air to avenge his death? bud, your views?

Perhaps Plaut's own words, in the excerpt above, answers that question.
On February 8, 2012 Rabbi W. Gunther Plaut, a famous and notable Toronto rabbi died. He was Senior Rabbi at Toronto's Holy Blossom Synagogue from 1961 to 1977 and remained active as a commentator on the Torah since. He in fact wrote what is now the standard Reform commentary on the Torah, that is in use in most Reform synagogues.

This interview is both stirring and stunning (link). This is the link to his obituary. This is an excerpt (link to original) from another tribute:

“We are not a bomb-throwing group,” Plaut intoned in that crisp lightly tinged German-Jewish accent, “but I want everyone to know we are a militant group.” Rabbi Plaut required no megaphone; his voice seemed to carry across the park and bury itself in our souls.

“We will not be silent. Four thousand years of history and millions of dead Jews shout into the silence with us,” he cried, and then with a fierce strength of purpose he began the chant: “One, Two, Three, Four, Open up the iron door; Five, Six, Seven, Eight, let my people emigrate!” And as if with one voice spurred on by this brave rabbi, the thousands joined in.​
He was truly a special man.

Now, the question is, will rival groups fight it out in the streets to assume his mantle of leadership? Will the Toronto Jews go on a frenzied rampage and fire guns in the air to avenge his death? bud, your views?

Perhaps Plaut's own words, in the excerpt above, answers that question.

The new testament is bad enough. Anybody who believes the old testament is not only naive and foolish they are to be pitied.
On February 8, 2012 Rabbi W. Gunther Plaut, a famous and notable Toronto rabbi died. He was Senior Rabbi at Toronto's Holy Blossom Synagogue from 1961 to 1977 and remained active as a commentator on the Torah since. He in fact wrote what is now the standard Reform commentary on the Torah, that is in use in most Reform synagogues.

This interview is both stirring and stunning (link). This is the link to his obituary. This is an excerpt (link to original) from another tribute:

“We are not a bomb-throwing group,” Plaut intoned in that crisp lightly tinged German-Jewish accent, “but I want everyone to know we are a militant group.” Rabbi Plaut required no megaphone; his voice seemed to carry across the park and bury itself in our souls.

“We will not be silent. Four thousand years of history and millions of dead Jews shout into the silence with us,” he cried, and then with a fierce strength of purpose he began the chant: “One, Two, Three, Four, Open up the iron door; Five, Six, Seven, Eight, let my people emigrate!” And as if with one voice spurred on by this brave rabbi, the thousands joined in.​
He was truly a special man.

Now, the question is, will rival groups fight it out in the streets to assume his mantle of leadership? Will the Toronto Jews go on a frenzied rampage and fire guns in the air to avenge his death? bud, your views?

Perhaps Plaut's own words, in the excerpt above, answers that question.

The new testament is bad enough. Anybody who believes the old testament is not only naive and foolish they are to be pitied.
Was he murdered or did he die from natural causes.

If he died from natural causes, I doubt the jews will go nuts and try to use violence to determine who should claim his mantle of leaderhip. If he was murdered,the jews will most likely turn to the justice system and use it to persecute the murderer.
On February 8, 2012 Rabbi W. Gunther Plaut, a famous and notable Toronto rabbi died. He was Senior Rabbi at Toronto's Holy Blossom Synagogue from 1961 to 1977 and remained active as a commentator on the Torah since. He in fact wrote what is now the standard Reform commentary on the Torah, that is in use in most Reform synagogues.

This interview is both stirring and stunning (link). This is the link to his obituary. This is an excerpt (link to original) from another tribute:

“We are not a bomb-throwing group,” Plaut intoned in that crisp lightly tinged German-Jewish accent, “but I want everyone to know we are a militant group.” Rabbi Plaut required no megaphone; his voice seemed to carry across the park and bury itself in our souls.

“We will not be silent. Four thousand years of history and millions of dead Jews shout into the silence with us,” he cried, and then with a fierce strength of purpose he began the chant: “One, Two, Three, Four, Open up the iron door; Five, Six, Seven, Eight, let my people emigrate!” And as if with one voice spurred on by this brave rabbi, the thousands joined in.​
He was truly a special man.

Now, the question is, will rival groups fight it out in the streets to assume his mantle of leadership? Will the Toronto Jews go on a frenzied rampage and fire guns in the air to avenge his death? bud, your views?

Perhaps Plaut's own words, in the excerpt above, answers that question.

The new testament is bad enough. Anybody who believes the old testament is not only naive and foolish they are to be pitied.

So you're ready to stand with

1) Mankind and dinosaurs on a boat till nearly four mile deep waters receded/evaporated?

2)Big fish puking up live men?

3) Folks enduring a 1200 degree furnace?

4) Seas opening long enough for the white hats to pass then closing on the bad guys?

5) Stone walls falling on command?

6) Evil people being turned into salt?

7) The sun blacked out by an invisilbe man in the sky

Not To Mention About 200 More Tons Of Bullshit:

Aaron’s rod changed Egypt Exd 7:10-12
Waters made blood Egypt Exd 7:20-25
Frogs produced Egypt Exd 8:5-14
Lice Egypt Exd 8:16-18
Flies Egypt Exd 8:20-24
Murrain Egypt Exd 10:3-6
Boils Egypt Exd 9:11
Thunder, etc. Egypt Exd 9:23
Locusts Egypt Exd 10:10-14
Darkness Egypt Exd 10:21-22
Death of the first‐born Egypt Exd 12:29-30
Red Sea Egypt Exd 14:21-31
Marah’s waters sweetened Egypt Exd 15:23-25
Manna sent In the Wilderness Exd 16:14-35
Water from the rock Rephidim Rephidim Exd 17:5-7
Aaron’s rod budded Kadesh Num 17:1-10
Nadab and Abihu consumed Sinai Lev 10:1-2
The burning of Taberah Tabereth Num 11:1-3
Earthquake and Fire — Num 16:31-35
Water flowing from the Rock Desert of Zin Num 20:7-11
Serpent healing the Israelites Desert of Zin Num 21:8-9
Balaam’s ass speaking Pethor Num 22:21-35
The river Jordan divided River Jordan Jos 3:14-17
Walls of Jericho fall down Jericho Jos 6:6-20
Sun and moon stand still Gibeon Jos 10:12-14
Water flowing from the rock En‐hakkore Jdg 15:19
Philistines slain before the ark Ashdod 1Sa 5:1-12
Men of Bethshemesh smitten Bethshemesh 1Sa 6:19
Thunder destroys Philistines Ebenezer 1Sa 7:10-12
Thunder and rain in harvest Gilgal 1Sa 12:18
Sound in the mulberry trees Rephaim 2Sa 5:23-25
Uzzah struck dead Perez‐uzzah 2Sa 6:7
Jeroboam’s hand withered Beth‐el 1Ki 13:4-5
Widow of Zarephath’s meal Zarephath 1Ki 17:14-16
Widow's son raised Zarephath 1Ki 17:17-24
Sacrifice consumed Mount Carmel 1Ki 18:30-38
Rain obtained Land of Israel 1Ki 18:41-45
Ahaziah’s captains consumed Near Samaria 2Ki 1:10-12
River Jordan divided River Jordan 2Ki 2:7-8, 14
Waters of Jericho healed Jericho 2Ki 2:21-22
Water for Jehoshaphat’s army Land of Moab 2Ki 3:16-20
The widow’s oil multiplied — 2Ki 4:2-7
Shunammite’s son raised Shunem 2Ki 4:32-37
The deadly pottage cured Gilgal 2Ki 4:38-41
Hundred men fed with twenty loaves Gilgal 2Ki 4:42-44
Naaman cured of his leprosy Samaria 2Ki 5:10-14
Leprosy inflicted Gehazi Samaria 2Ki 5:20-27
Iron swims River Jordan 2Ki 6:5-7
King of Syria’s army smitten Dothan 2Ki 6:18-20
Elisha’s bones revive the dead — 2Ki 13:21
Sennacherib’s army destroyed Jerusalem 2Ki 19:35
Sun goeth back Jerusalem 2Ki 20:9-11
Uzziah struck with leprosy Jerusalem 2Ch 26:16-21
Shadrach, Meshach, etc., delivered Babylon Dan 3:19-27
Daniel in the den of lions Babylon Dan 6:16-23
Jonah in the whale’s belly — Jon 2:1-10
The new testament is bad enough. Anybody who believes the old testament is not only naive and foolish they are to be pitied.

So you're ready to stand with

1) Mankind and dinosaurs on a boat till nearly four mile deep waters receded/evaporated?

2)Big fish puking up live men?

3) Folks enduring a 1200 degree furnace?

4) Seas opening long enough for the white hats to pass then closing on the bad guys?

5) Stone walls falling on command?

6) Evil people being turned into salt?

7) The sun blacked out by an invisilbe man in the sky

Not To Mention About 200 More Tons Of Bullshit:

Aaron’s rod changed Egypt Exd 7:10-12
Waters made blood Egypt Exd 7:20-25
Frogs produced Egypt Exd 8:5-14
Lice Egypt Exd 8:16-18
Flies Egypt Exd 8:20-24
Murrain Egypt Exd 10:3-6
Boils Egypt Exd 9:11
Thunder, etc. Egypt Exd 9:23
Locusts Egypt Exd 10:10-14
Darkness Egypt Exd 10:21-22
Death of the first‐born Egypt Exd 12:29-30
Red Sea Egypt Exd 14:21-31
Marah’s waters sweetened Egypt Exd 15:23-25
Manna sent In the Wilderness Exd 16:14-35
Water from the rock Rephidim Rephidim Exd 17:5-7
Aaron’s rod budded Kadesh Num 17:1-10
Nadab and Abihu consumed Sinai Lev 10:1-2
The burning of Taberah Tabereth Num 11:1-3
Earthquake and Fire — Num 16:31-35
Water flowing from the Rock Desert of Zin Num 20:7-11
Serpent healing the Israelites Desert of Zin Num 21:8-9
Balaam’s ass speaking Pethor Num 22:21-35
The river Jordan divided River Jordan Jos 3:14-17
Walls of Jericho fall down Jericho Jos 6:6-20
Sun and moon stand still Gibeon Jos 10:12-14
Water flowing from the rock En‐hakkore Jdg 15:19
Philistines slain before the ark Ashdod 1Sa 5:1-12
Men of Bethshemesh smitten Bethshemesh 1Sa 6:19
Thunder destroys Philistines Ebenezer 1Sa 7:10-12
Thunder and rain in harvest Gilgal 1Sa 12:18
Sound in the mulberry trees Rephaim 2Sa 5:23-25
Uzzah struck dead Perez‐uzzah 2Sa 6:7
Jeroboam’s hand withered Beth‐el 1Ki 13:4-5
Widow of Zarephath’s meal Zarephath 1Ki 17:14-16
Widow's son raised Zarephath 1Ki 17:17-24
Sacrifice consumed Mount Carmel 1Ki 18:30-38
Rain obtained Land of Israel 1Ki 18:41-45
Ahaziah’s captains consumed Near Samaria 2Ki 1:10-12
River Jordan divided River Jordan 2Ki 2:7-8, 14
Waters of Jericho healed Jericho 2Ki 2:21-22
Water for Jehoshaphat’s army Land of Moab 2Ki 3:16-20
The widow’s oil multiplied — 2Ki 4:2-7
Shunammite’s son raised Shunem 2Ki 4:32-37
The deadly pottage cured Gilgal 2Ki 4:38-41
Hundred men fed with twenty loaves Gilgal 2Ki 4:42-44
Naaman cured of his leprosy Samaria 2Ki 5:10-14
Leprosy inflicted Gehazi Samaria 2Ki 5:20-27
Iron swims River Jordan 2Ki 6:5-7
King of Syria’s army smitten Dothan 2Ki 6:18-20
Elisha’s bones revive the dead — 2Ki 13:21
Sennacherib’s army destroyed Jerusalem 2Ki 19:35
Sun goeth back Jerusalem 2Ki 20:9-11
Uzziah struck with leprosy Jerusalem 2Ch 26:16-21
Shadrach, Meshach, etc., delivered Babylon Dan 3:19-27
Daniel in the den of lions Babylon Dan 6:16-23
Jonah in the whale’s belly — Jon 2:1-10
Yep. Better than standing with you when Jesus returns. I will be a lot safer.
I think the Jews will mourn his loss, but Israel is on the brink of war. Possibly as soon as a few months. I think Jews everywhere will be focused on the fate of the nation of Israel.

( Cammmpppppbell,
You were a man that had "religion" for a good portion of your life. Was there an event that turned you away, or some sort of an epiphany? Did you go to church and just not believe what they said, or did you decide at some later date that God couldn't do the impossible?
Could some of God's restrictions stem from a lack of understanding on our part?
for example:
Jonah wasn't swallowed by a whale. Their throats are about the size of an orange. He was swallowed by a Leviathan. Plenty of room, plenty of air. )
Was he murdered or did he die from natural causes.

If he died from natural causes, I doubt the jews will go nuts and try to use violence to determine who should claim his mantle of leaderhip. If he was murdered,the jews will most likely turn to the justice system and use it to persecute the murderer.
There was not enough rioting.
The new testament is bad enough. Anybody who believes the old testament is not only naive and foolish they are to be pitied.

The Bible, particularly the Old Testament is to be studied, not read. Reading the Bible from the perspective of 21st Century humans is like a toddler who is pretending to read by flipping through pages of a book held upside down.
So you're ready to stand with....

Absolutely--but very differently from how you view it. These are ancient stories, told in story form, with lessons being presented.

Your list did not come from a textbook, an encyclopedia, a factual newspaper account, etc. These accounts were not written from the perspective of modern man. They are truths and lessons presented by people much more talented in conveying and understanding lessons and truths in stories than we are.

Can you interpret another language or modern art or body language, or can you only deal in lists of straight facts?
The new testament is bad enough. Anybody who believes the old testament is not only naive and foolish they are to be pitied.

The Bible, particularly the Old Testament is to be studied, not read. Reading the Bible from the perspective of 21st Century humans is like a toddler who is pretending to read by flipping through pages of a book held upside down.
So if kangaroos weren’t on Noah’s boat, where do they come from?
The new testament is bad enough. Anybody who believes the old testament is not only naive and foolish they are to be pitied.

He's a Jew. Jews don't believe the Old Testament. They just believe selective breeding and culture makes them better them better than you.
The new testament is bad enough. Anybody who believes the old testament is not only naive and foolish they are to be pitied.

He's a Jew. Jews don't believe the Old Testament. They just believe selective breeding and culture makes them better them better than you.
Despite the behavior of some of the arrogant assholes on this forum Jews do not see anything special about themselves. They give all credit to God.
Despite the behavior of some of the arrogant assholes on this forum Jews do not see anything special about themselves. They give all credit to God.

Hey fcktard, most Jews are Atheists. How do they give credit to something they don't believe. Hey, you fckling shithead, have you ever read the Talmud?

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