Death to America!


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Here is a clip of Leftists protesting in Oakland shouting "Death to America"! This is the exact sort of thing the Iranian regime has been shouting for decades.

This is what you need to know is happening!

But what does death to America actually mean to them?

I don't think it means death to Americans, although those that die to achieve their political goals would be acceptable casualties to them I think, no matter how many those may be, I think that they are really shouting death to something else. And although all of these riots and protests seem to have been triggered due to racial injustice, I don't believe that is the true issue either. I don't believe all of these movements are about opposing systemic racism because Leftists groups like BLM are openly run by Marxist loving people, even though Marx himself was a racist. Nor is it about slavery of the past considering that only about 3% of trans-Atlantic slaves came to America, the rest went to central and South America and the Caribbean, yet there is no hate shown to those countries by the Left. No, if you listen to the Left the world would be a utopia if only economic freedom in the US was destroyed. The reason that the US ended up having more slaves was because only in the US were slaves allowed to have families, hence being treated better. In fact, the world back then was all based on racism and slavery, but only the US must pay for their past sins it seems. Does a country that has elected a black man twice need to be destroyed because of systemic racism? We all know its a lie.

No, the issue is economic freedom, or in short, freedom itself because not having economic freedom really means not having freedom that is meaningful. It is the same reason that both Hitler and Stalin abhorred capitalism. It is a craving for the state to take over every aspect of your life leading to 100% dependence on the state. But as they attempt to "burn it down", the media will say that it is all because of Orange man who is dividing the country, but these sort of riots started long before Trump came to be. No, the issue is the infiltration of Leftists into society and government, the media, and academia that has been going on for over a century as they seek to divide and conquer. I really think that the general media agrees with death to America as well, but they just are not as open about it................yet. In fact, how long did it take for Leftists to feel comfortable shouting death to America? It took a period of time before they felt comfortable shouting this till they saw that the media was 100% behind them and would down play or ignore such chants.
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I believe reparations are due, and they can manifest in way of a taxpayer funded rowboat, set of oars, compass, and nautical map with directions on reaching Liberia, gifted to every disgruntled black who hates America, repatriating all such malcontents to the dark continent from whence they, or rather their ancestors came.... :wink:
Hell it is even in their logo
Yet we should vote these people into office.

After all, you always run something you fundamentally hate to its core well.

There was zero chance, less than zero chance, I would vote for Trump. I despise the direction he has taken in many instances. Then this shit came along. I didn't think anything could make me go towards Trump but the recent rioting and the left kowtowing to open racists and violence leading to numerous murders certainly is pushing me that way.

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