Death to Churches Under Islam

The jews already had a State
Soviet authorities established the autonomous oblast in 1934. It was the result of Joseph Stalin's nationality policy, which provided the Jewish population of the Soviet Union with a large territory in which to pursue Yiddish cultural heritage.[15] According to the 1939 population census, 17,695 Jews lived in the region (16% of the total population). The Jewish population peaked in 1948 at around 30,000, about one-quarter of the region's population.[16]

Jewish settlement and development in the region[edit source | edit]On March 28, 1928, the Presidium of the General Executive Committee of the USSR passed the decree "On the attaching for Komzet of free territory near the Amur River in the Far East for settlement of the working Jews." The decree meant "a possibility of establishment of a Jewish administrative territorial unit on the territory of the called region".[29] In the future, based on JAO was supposed to create a Jewish republic (as a place of compact residence of the Jews of the USSR), but this plan was never implemented.[30]

World War II era (1930s and 1940s)[edit source | edit]The peak of its Jewish population reached JAO in 1937 - 20 thousand,[30] and then continuously decreased.

The Birobidzhan experiment ground to a halt in the mid-1930s, during Stalin's first campaign of purges. Soviet authorities arrested and executed Jewish leaders, and Yiddish schools were shut down. Shortly after this, World War II brought an abrupt end to concerted efforts to bring Jews east.

The jews already had a State
Soviet authorities established the autonomous oblast in 1934. It was the result of Joseph Stalin's nationality policy, which provided the Jewish population of the Soviet Union with a large territory in which to pursue Yiddish cultural heritage.[15] According to the 1939 population census, 17,695 Jews lived in the region (16% of the total population). The Jewish population peaked in 1948 at around 30,000, about one-quarter of the region's population.[16]

The Jews already had a State by the stats that you quote? lol Typical Pro Palestinian Mentality
Christians: On the Front Lines of Muslim Violence

August 20, 2013 By Noah Beck

As Egypt’s Islamists blame Christians for the ouster of Mohammed Morsi, anti-Christian violence has reached epidemic levels, with an estimated 82 churches across Egypt attacked and heavily damaged by Morsi supporters in a mere 48 hours.

Unfortunately, the persecution of Christians is nothing new in Egypt or other Muslim-majority countries. But thanks to the mainstream media, few Westerners understand the true scale or nature of the horrors involved.

As you read this, Christians around the world are being murdered, raped, plundered, abducted, forcibly converted to Islam, or otherwise oppressed by Muslims. Christians in Muslim-majority areas are some of the most vulnerable and horribly oppressed people on Earth; they live at the mercy of the mob and receive little or no protection from the police or other government institutions.


Christians: On the Front Lines of Muslim Violence | FrontPage Magazine
These islamist are truly Beasts, It's time for an American Jihad...:eusa_shhh:

Death to Churches Under Islam: A Study of the Coptic Church, Part I

By Raymond Ibrahim
April 26, 2013 in Islam,
Muslim Persecution of Christians



Christians throughout the Islamic world are under attack. Unlike Muslim attacks on Christians, which are regularly confused with a myriad of social factors, the ongoing attacks on Christian churches in the Muslim world are perhaps the most visible expression of Christian persecution under Islam. In churches, Christians throughout the Islamic world are simply being Christians—peacefully and apolitically worshipping their God. And yet modern day Muslim governments try to prevent them, Muslim mobs attack them, and Muslim jihadis massacre them.


Death to Churches Under Islam: A Study of the Coptic Church, Part I | Raymond Ibrahim
What is happening in Egypt is not a war of religions, it's a war of classes.

It is the war between the poor vs ruling elites. And it is spreading around the world.

One only has to look at what the top 1% has done to this country to see why?

Here in the US, "Occupy" American's chose peaceful protest over violent insurrection.

In Egypt, they chose the opposite.
The jews already had a State
Soviet authorities established the autonomous oblast in 1934. It was the result of Joseph Stalin's nationality policy, which provided the Jewish population of the Soviet Union with a large territory in which to pursue Yiddish cultural heritage.[15] According to the 1939 population census, 17,695 Jews lived in the region (16% of the total population). The Jewish population peaked in 1948 at around 30,000, about one-quarter of the region's population.[16]

According to your own figures the Jews were far in the minority. Where did they have their " own state?" lol Typical Pro Palestinian Mentality :cuckoo:
The jews already had a State
Soviet authorities established the autonomous oblast in 1934. It was the result of Joseph Stalin's nationality policy, which provided the Jewish population of the Soviet Union with a large territory in which to pursue Yiddish cultural heritage.[15] According to the 1939 population census, 17,695 Jews lived in the region (16% of the total population). The Jewish population peaked in 1948 at around 30,000, about one-quarter of the region's population.[16]

The Jews already had a State by the stats that you quote? lol Typical Pro Palestinian Mentality

A little more info. about the " Jewish State"


Anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just a few examples. Seriously, you have to wonder where these Pro Palestinians get their distorted view of history from :cuckoo:
A Middle East Without Christians

August 13, 2013 By Noah Beck

Islamist terrorists have exploited the lawless Sinai to perpetrate vicious attacks on Egyptian Christians there, as reported earlier this week in the New York Times. Indeed, throughout Egypt, the Copts continue to be targeted and scapegoated for the ousting of the Muslim Brotherhood.

As defenseless and abandoned as Mideast Christians seem today, it is worth remembering their historical roots, and recognizing just how much the plight of Middle East Christians has deteriorated. Over 2,000 years ago, Christianity was born as a religion and spread from Jerusalem to other parts of the Levant, including territories in modern Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Egypt. The Christian faith flourished as one of the major religions in the Middle East until the Muslim conquests of the 7th century.


The one bright spot is the state of Israel – “the only place in the Middle East [where] Christians are really safe,” according to the Vicar of St. George’s Church in Baghdad, Canon Andrew White. Home to Christianity’s holiest sites and to a colorful array of Christian denominations, Israel has the only growing Christian community in the Middle East.

Because Israel is the only non-Muslim state in all of the Middle East and North Africa, it represents a small victory for religious minorities in the region, and serves as the last protector of freedom and security for Jews, Christians, Bahai, Druze, and others. Without Israel, how much more vulnerable would Christians in the Middle East become?

A Middle East Without Christians | FrontPage Magazine

What is happening is it is drawing nearer to the day Obadiah prophesied. You see, when Israel is surrounded on all sides about to be over -run by Egypt - who has 10 times the population of Israel, the Hamas in Gaza, the Lebanese, Syria, Jordan, when that day draws near - then Israel shall respond nuclear and the people who have not already fled Egypt? The bible says their tongues shall melt in their mouths and their eyes in their sockets. It is the description of nuclear war. The same fate for Damascus - it becomes a heap of ruins. Syria goes down, Jordan, Egypt, part of Saudi Arabia will burn with pitch day and night from then on - must be oil - who else? Oh yeah, all the palestinians will be driven out of there all enemies that are in immediate borders will be gone - then after the dust settles - Israel shall remove her wall. She will widen her borders greatly.

Then later in Ezekiels war that would be Ezekiel 37, 38, 39, you'll notice they never mention Jordan, Egypt, Syria or Lebanon or SA as joining the Russian led Islamic army. Persia ( Iran ) is mentioned by these nations are not listed. Why? THEY HAVE ALREADY BEEN WIPED OUT. G-d is right now allowing this for Christians to leave Egypt and these other nations that surround Israel. Many will leave. Some will not. It's at the door. Read Isaiah 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and you'll see the list of nations who will fall and exactly what is about to happen to them. Israel is described as lean afterwards which means she is going to lose some people but she will prevail against her enemies. It's been a long time coming. Things will be much better for Israel once all her neighbors are destroyed. It's coming to that quickly. - Jeremiah

Note* Many bible scholars could not figure out why Israel is described as "unwalled" when Ezekiels war takes place. Because as we know her wall is up! But when you don't have any hostile neighbors left? You don't need a wall. So that is why she is going to take it down. See the Hebrew prophets never got it wrong. Not once. That is how you knew they were true prophets. Everything they said happened exactly as they said it would! We need to pray for the people in Egypt and the surrounding nations because soon most of them will die. Sad but true. They brought it on themselves though. G-d always warned the pit you dig for his children he will let you fall into. It's in the bible.
Oh and Psalm 83 is also a prophecy of this coming destruction. Also Joel 2 and 3. Zechariah - I forget the chapter - have to look it up. It's all there. This happens when the Jews have returned to Israel after their long exile. We're there, folks! Obadiah's prophesy is at the door right now!

Imagine it! Here her neighbors think we've got her now! We'll over run her and her land is ours! And with the Bear ( Russia ) & Dragon ( China ) striking America first? Who could protect Israel, right? LOL! Wrong! After Russia and China strike the United States the Jews realize it was never America keeping them safe anyhow! It was their G-d! Ha! Ha!

Is that cool or what? I love the bible. It just blesses me to see how G-d always turns the tables on our enemies! It always happens that way. Look at Haman! Hung on his own gallows! That is what is going to happen to the communists here in America plotting against the christians by the way. They are going to die like the enemies of Israel are! - Jeri
These islamist are truly Beasts, It's time for an American Jihad...:eusa_shhh:

Death to Churches Under Islam: A Study of the Coptic Church, Part I

By Raymond Ibrahim
April 26, 2013 in Islam,
Muslim Persecution of Christians



Christians throughout the Islamic world are under attack. Unlike Muslim attacks on Christians, which are regularly confused with a myriad of social factors, the ongoing attacks on Christian churches in the Muslim world are perhaps the most visible expression of Christian persecution under Islam. In churches, Christians throughout the Islamic world are simply being Christians—peacefully and apolitically worshipping their God. And yet modern day Muslim governments try to prevent them, Muslim mobs attack them, and Muslim jihadis massacre them.


Death to Churches Under Islam: A Study of the Coptic Church, Part I | Raymond Ibrahim
What is happening in Egypt is not a war of religions, it's a war of classes.

It is the war between the poor vs ruling elites. And it is spreading around the world.

One only has to look at what the top 1% has done to this country to see why?

Here in the US, "Occupy" American's chose peaceful protest over violent insurrection.

In Egypt, they chose the opposite.

You really don't have a clue..... do ya....... But you do have a crusade...... Keep tilting at those windmills. :thup:
The Jihadist Cleansing of Christianity from Muslim Countries

December 25, 2013 by Robert Spencer


Christians in Muslim countries are awaiting Christmas not with joy, but with trepidation.

Fox News reported that in Iraq, “Christians are afraid to put up a Christmas tree or other decorations, according to one Christian pastor in Iraq. Such displays of faith in an increasingly extremist nation can bring threats and violence, say human rights groups. Christian churches must be regularly guarded, but congregants are even more on edge during their holiest days.”

And in Nigeria, according to Reuters, “fearing attacks by Islamist militant group Boko Haram over Christmas, Nigerian police said on Sunday they had ordered extra patrols, surveillance and covert operations to better secure potential targets during the festive period. The militants have struck every Christmas for the past three years, most dramatically in 2011, when they bombed three churches. One of them, on St. Theresa Catholic Church in Madalla, on the edge of Abuja, killed 37 people and wounded 57.”

Likewise in Indonesia, Reuters reported that President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono “has ordered police to step up security around churches over the Christmas holidays following reports of possible attacks.”


The Jihadist Cleansing of Christianity from Muslim Countries | FrontPage Magazine

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