Death toll of Omicron

How do you explainthe surgein S Africa? Personally I don't give a fuck whether they are Omicron deaths or not so I have nothing to prove It does not change my position that you need to get vaxxed and take other precautions

It's South Africa.

The burned remains of a gasoline-soaked tire around a decedent's neck is a “comorbidity” to a #CoronaHoax death.
How do you explainthe surgein S Africa? Personally I don't give a fuck whether they are Omicron deaths or not so I have nothing to prove It does not change my position that you need to get vaxxed and take other precautions
You got owned in post 258. Have you no shame?
As I predicted the other day, you already know the answer to your question and are just trolling.
I I see, you do not have any omicron deaths to post, and you resent this. Why don't you go borrow some deaths from some other death toll to add to this thread? See post 258 for how to do this.
It's South Africa.

The burned remains of a gasoline-soaked tire around a decedent's neck is a “comorbidity” to a #CoronaHoax death.
It is breathtaking how he tried to come up with omicron deaths as specified in post 258. I'm not surprised that lefties would cheat like he did, but it is even more vile when his attempted deception was already spelled out in advance.
You got owned in post 258. Have you no shame?
Really? That's all you got? We'll see who owns who

You're just running from the fact that you can't explain the surge in deaths that corresponds to the emergence of Omicron in S Africa

Furthermore you can't refute the fact that there are more cases overall, with the emegence of Omicron and that is is likely more transmissable-facts that are as important as deaths- yet you keep moroniclly harping on mortality rates to the exclusion ofother factors

And you can't explain how Omicron deaths-or lack there of if that is the case - should impact Covid policy and specifically vaccine policy. Yet you are clumsily implying that if there are deaths that can be tied to Omicron we need not worry about such measures. In fact, it is apparent that you don't have the integrety or courage to actually come out say and what it is that you belive about how to deal with Covid

Clearly you don't have a clue as to how to present an argument and try to cover that fact up by idiotic trolling. Have you no shame ? Never mind, I know theanswer
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It is breathtaking how he tried to come up with omicron deaths as specified in post 258. I'm not surprised that lefties would cheat like he did, but it is even more vile when his attempted deception was already spelled out in advance.
I posted an acticle that shows a correlation between a spike in deaths and the onset of Omicron. Which you cant explain. If you had half of a fucking brain you would have countered that correlation does not equal causation which I agree with. I posted that in part to see just how stupid you are, and now I know

Instead of engaging and debating like an adult, all that you can do is attack and insult, while avoiding the presentation of any actual ideas as to what we should be doing.

I made it clear that I have no stake in proving that people are dying from Omicron. Peole aresuffering and dying from Covid regaless of the varient. YOU cannot explain why it matters what varient is killing people or what effect it has on vaccine policy but you moroniclly keep harping on it and try to portray us as desparate to prove thagt Omicron is killing people You are truely pathetic
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Really? That's all you got? We'll see who owns who

You're just running from the fact that you can't explain the surge in deaths that corresponds to the emergence of Omicron in S Africa

Furthermore you can't refute the fact that there are more cases overall, with the emegence of Omicron and that is is likely more transmissable-facts that are as important as deaths- yet you keep moroniclly harping on mortality rates to the exclusion ofother factors

And you can't explain how Omicron deaths-or lack there of if that is the case - should impact Covid policy and specifically vaccine policy. Yet you are clumsily implying that if there are deaths that can be tied to Omicron we need not worry about such measures. In fact, it is apparent that you don't have the integrety or courage to actually come out say and what it is that you belive about how to deal with Covid

Clearly you don't have a clue as to how to present an argument and try to cover that fact up by idiotic trolling. Have you no shame ? Never mind, I know theanswer
What is damned funny eagle1462010
Yea, this omicron pandemic is horrifying. The only way to save yourself from the omicron death wave is to get the latest vaccine, right?
It's the delta variant causing the trouble right now. Damn you are dumb. You start threads on this topic all the time and STILL know nothing about it. Embarrassing.
Nothing unhealthy aboutt [sic] it. Fear is a survival mechanism. Stay the fuck away from me. I got jabbed X 3 and I'm doing fine

If your three shots are really doing any good to protect you, then why do you need to be afraid of someone who was smart enough not to let them inject this dangerous experimental shit into him?

And how many times are you going t let them frighten and brainwash you into letting them inject this shit into you, before you start to wise up and realize how you're being scammed?

Of course, you come across as the sort who, over your life, has probably taken enough assorted mind-destroying drugs that this shit is nothing to you; perhaps that is why you cannot understand the prudent caution of those of us who are much more careful about what drugs we will ever take, and for what reasons.

If your three shots are really doing any good to protect you, then why do you need to be afraid of someone who was smart enough not to let them inject this dangerous experimental shit into him?

And how many times are you going t let them frighten and brainwash you into letting them inject this shit into you, before you start to wise up and realize how you're being scammed?

Of course, you come across as the sort who, over your life, has probably taken enough assorted mind-destroying drugs that this shit is nothing to you; perhaps that is why you cannot understand the prudent caution of those of us who are much more careful about what drugs we will ever take, and for what reasons.

View attachment 573787
Haha, now you have to invent fantasies to keep yourself terrified. Sad.
If your three shots are really doing any good to protect you, then why do you need to be afraid of someone who was smart enough not to let them inject this dangerous experimental shit into him?
I am not afraid . I am cautious as any rational person would be. There are breakthrough infections, especially with the Omicrom varient. I got the Pfizer vaxx which is fully approved. Get the fuck over it. Nothing dangerou about it. No side effects at all and it has been weeks now

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