Death toll of Omicron

Of course, you come across as the sort who, over your life, has probably taken enough assorted mind-destroying drugs that this shit is nothing to you; perhaps that is why you cannot understand the prudent caution of those of us who are much more careful about what drugs we will ever take, and for what reasons.
There is a difference between prudent caution and irrational paranoia.
Really? That's all you got? We'll see who owns who

You're just running from the fact that you can't explain the surge in deaths that corresponds to the emergence of Omicron in S Africa

Furthermore you can't refute the fact that there are more cases overall, with the emegence of Omicron and that is is likely more transmissable-facts that are as important as deaths- yet you keep moroniclly harping on mortality rates to the exclusion ofother factors

And you can't explain how Omicron deaths-or lack there of if that is the case - should impact Covid policy and specifically vaccine policy. Yet you are clumsily implying that if there are deaths that can be tied to Omicron we need not worry about such measures. In fact, it is apparent that you don't have the integrety or courage to actually come out say and what it is that you belive about how to deal with Covid

Clearly you don't have a clue as to how to present an argument and try to cover that fact up by idiotic trolling. Have you no shame ? Never mind, I know theanswer
Looks like EvMetro has left the building and is on the run. Totally out of bullshit. Check Mate
You are the one who is brainwashed, scammed and frightened. And quite possibly soon to be dead

From a disease with a 99.7%+ recovery rate. Of all the plausible ways I might be harmed or killed, this disease isn't even on the radar. I'm much more likely to be killed or injured in a traffic accident, or a work-related accident, or in any number of other mundane ways, than I am to be significantly harmed by this disease.

You're the one who has been deceived into being deathly afraid of what amounts to a common cold; and scared by this fake threat into surrendering your freedom and your health, and into letting them inject dangerous experimental drugs into you. You're the one demanding that other also be similarly scared, and similarly abused.

Now, tell me again, which of us is the one who is brainwashed, scammed, and frightened?

Anybody have any omicron deaths to post? What is the death toll up to now?
A post that was complete bullshit when it was first written will still be bullshit no matter how many times you refer back to it.
His post post 267 also came after post 258 where he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
Lol, not even the ones that TheProgressivePatriot tried to borrow from the regular covid tally to create an omicron tally.
How many times do I have to tell you dumb fucks that I no interest in proving that there are Omicron deaths. There are Covid deaths. I have asked you what you think should be dome about COVID and you wont answer the question, because to do so would require you to admit that you don't think that anything should be done. You are a sniviling coward
This thread is specifically about omicron deaths, dumb fuck.
You can't discuss Omicrn without discussing Covid in general. Omicron is Covid . But I understand, you don't want to talk about Covid even though there are documented deaths - because yoiu are too much of a wimp and a coward to admit that you are opposed to doing the things needed to combat it
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