Debate Opens on New War Powers


Active Member
Nov 24, 2014
WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama asked Congress for new powers to wage military operations against the Islamic State militant group, kicking off a renewed national debate over the scope of wartime powers that should be afforded to the commander-in-chief.

Eleven years of spending who knows how many trillions on this rathole based upon blatant lies has only created more extremists. It will never end--and maybe that is the plan of the war profiteers masquerading as independent contractors.
As I understand it - under the War Powers Act - President Obama can remain the President indefinitely - the election would be postponed - indefinitely. I was told that yesterday he said he wants full authority to do what he needs to concerning ISIS for the next three years. That person said what is he talking about? He won't be in office for the next three years. His term is up in about 18 months. If the Wars Powers Act is called - he can stay indefinitely. Will this happen? I do not know.

This is what I have always believed since he was first sworn in. He isn't leaving.

He is going to stay in office and the discussions about a 2016 election - who will run - who will win - etc. is a non issue. Because he is not leaving. Mark my words. He's not leaving.
Can't win a war against terror through strength of arms. Nature of your enemies assures that. And every time you might try, you only multiply your enemy causing additional resentment and fear leading to more terrorists.

Since even I, who isn't a strategic planner or politician sees that, but the "experts" do not, I can only conclude making more terrorists is by design. Job security or something.
As I understand it - under the War Powers Act - President Obama can remain the President indefinitely - the election would be postponed - indefinitely. I was told that yesterday he said he wants full authority to do what he needs to concerning ISIS for the next three years. That person said what is he talking about? He won't be in office for the next three years. His term is up in about 18 months. If the Wars Powers Act is called - he can stay indefinitely. Will this happen? I do not know.

This is what I have always believed since he was first sworn in. He isn't leaving.

He is going to stay in office and the discussions about a 2016 election - who will run - who will win - etc. is a non issue. Because he is not leaving. Mark my words. He's not leaving.

You have a very poor understanding. There is nothing which would do that and it is not going to happen.
You have very poor discernment, PrachettFan. The War Powers Act can most definitely hand the president an indefinite stay in office and suspend any elections. Look it up.
You have very poor discernment, PrachettFan. The War Powers Act can most definitely hand the president an indefinite stay in office and suspend any elections. Look it up.

No. It can't. Obama will finish out his presidency and be replaced right on schedule. At that point, he will not have put people in concentration camps, taken away our guns, turned us into a communist state, brought on the end of times or any of the other mindless predictions that have been put forth since he took office. Where ever you are getting your information, it is so far from true that I even hesitate to give it the credibility of just being wrong.
This is what I have always believed since he was first sworn in. He isn't leaving.

He is going to stay in office and the discussions about a 2016 election - who will run - who will win - etc. is a non issue. Because he is not leaving.
Hah hah bookmarked, to be revisited when we have our usual peaceful transfer of executive power.

The colossal stupidity that spins this kind of stuff is hilarious.

Mark my words.
My pleasure.

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