Debbie Wasserman Schultz staffer arrested trying to flee America & charged with bank fraud

When they flip him and he talks, watch for killer liberals!
This IT debacle was something that the DOJ should have been looking at months ago. There's a reason people are pissed at Sessions. The AG should have had someone on this case instead of letting the Capitol Police handle this.

Here you have the Congressmen and Congresswomen who employed these individuals having their cyber security potentially AGAIN and the DOJ left this up to the Capitol Hill police?

Come on. The only reason the feds got involved was the Marine that rented the house from him reported all these smashed up devices and got hold of the Navy who got hold of the FBI who retrieved them.
Hopefully they'll keep him in protective custody for awhile. We wouldn't want this very important witness ending up in a mysterious suicide with ten self-inflicted gunshots to the back of the head.

I'm just sayin'

Hum, again the only ones reporting this are the Alt Rightie Fake / Fabricated news sources.. and you all jump on it like it is

That should speak volumes to you about the leftist fake news media. It doesn't support their agenda, so why would they even mention the story?
Story just breaking. Let’s see if this guy cracks and gives us all the info we need on the DNC. Sing, Canary, sing!



From two days ago.

EXCLUSIVE: FBI Seized Smashed Hard Drives From Wasserman Schultz IT Aide’s Home
oh,,,,shoot,,,i misread the post,,,i thought it read that Debbie was arrested.......damn!
Hopefully they'll keep him in protective custody for awhile. We wouldn't want this very important witness ending up in a mysterious suicide with ten self-inflicted gunshots to the back of the head.

I'm just sayin'

We don't need another case of Arkancide.
1- it's a daily caller article . Fake news site .

2- Debbie is the one they stole it from . If anything the FBI would be trying to get her property back .

Hum, again the only ones reporting this are the Alt Rightie Fake / Fabricated news sources.. and you all jump on it like it is

The Blaze


You don't believe that the fake news cartel wouldn't touch a story like that? Evidently it doesn't support their narrative unless it has something to do with Trump and Russia.

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