Debbie Wasserman Schultz staffer arrested trying to flee America & charged with bank fraud



Every one of these people are as dirty as a dank cellar. Like a nest of cockroaches You can be sure the DNC is concerned, and Hillary is watching. Their greatest fear: Trump said that if elected, he would put Hillary in jail. He never goes back on his word and if it were up to him only, she would already be there. Bravo to Sean. Can't wait for his show tonight! The Deep State is working overtime to keep Trump busy or get him impeached before he can execute the deal. Where the hell is that useless, floppy-eared bastard, Sessions???


View attachment 140492

Every one of these people are as dirty as a dank cellar. Like a nest of cockroaches You can be sure the DNC is concerned, and Hillary is watching. Their greatest fear: Trump said that if elected, he would put Hillary in jail. He never goes back on his word and if it were up to him only, she would already be there. Bravo to Sean. Can't wait for his show tonight! The Deep State is working overtime to keep Trump busy or get him impeached before he can execute the deal. Where the hell is that useless, floppy-eared bastard, Sessions???
hey, i thought i saw her on the first star wars movie
1- it's a daily caller article . Fake news site .

2- Debbie is the one they stole it from . If anything the FBI would be trying to get her property back .

Missed the FBI seized smashed hard drives didn't ya?

What's your point ? So they smashed hard drives they stole .

Don't you know it is useless trying to talk to a Bot?

No, I'm pretty sure the Wookie was played by someone else.

NO WAIT! Here she is! I found her:

1- it's a daily caller article . Fake news site .

2- Debbie is the one they stole it from . If anything the FBI would be trying to get her property back .

Missed the FBI seized smashed hard drives didn't ya?

What's your point ? So they smashed hard drives they stole .

Don't you know it is useless trying to talk to a Bot?

No, I'm pretty sure the Wookie was played by someone else.

NO WAIT! Here she is! I found her:

View attachment 140494
wheres the curly fries hair?
1- it's a daily caller article . Fake news site .

2- Debbie is the one they stole it from . If anything the FBI would be trying to get her property back .

You need to get up to speed. This story first broke a few months ago when the brothers were denied access to the Capitol.
1- it's a daily caller article . Fake news site .

2- Debbie is the one they stole it from . If anything the FBI would be trying to get her property back .

Missed the FBI seized smashed hard drives didn't ya?

Thank heavens the Marine that rented his house reported them. I STILL can't believe that Congress was just letting the Capitol Police handle the investigation.


View attachment 140492

Every one of these people are as dirty as a dank cellar. Like a nest of cockroaches You can be sure the DNC is concerned, and Hillary is watching. Their greatest fear: Trump said that if elected, he would put Hillary in jail. He never goes back on his word and if it were up to him only, she would already be there. Bravo to Sean. Can't wait for his show tonight! The Deep State is working overtime to keep Trump busy or get him impeached before he can execute the deal. Where the hell is that useless, floppy-eared bastard, Sessions???

Hannity has been dogging it. Kudo's to the Daily Caller for being on this right from the beginning. And Rush was starting to hammer away at it as well. This should have been a mega story right from the get go.

Shows how the real fake news media was hiding this from the public.

Hum, again the only ones reporting this are the Alt Rightie Fake / Fabricated news sources.. and you all jump on it like it is

The Blaze


Um no you are wrong. You should learn how to use Google darling :smoke:

Mainstream Reports, sorry it's not The Huffington Post or Mother Jones, you know the news sites that Leftists ONLY accept :rolleyes-41:




Wasserman Schultz staffer arrested trying to leave the country


Feds arrest IT staffer for Wasserman Schultz trying to leave country
Breaking Update!

A refresher in what's been going on up until this point..

The biggest scandal you’ve never heard of

NAIL THE SKANK BITCH! Then lock the doors on all of the media outlets not publishing the story. Why would a NEWS OUTLET ignore major damning news unless they were in on the collusion to impede knowledge to the public to FACILITATE A CRIME?

These people are supposed to be the WATCHDOGS of the government.

Time to arrest all of these bastards, the Clintons, half the DNC and finally cut half the crime in this country in half.

The DNC is the largest crime syndicate on planet Earth!
1- it's a daily caller article . Fake news site .

2- Debbie is the one they stole it from . If anything the FBI would be trying to get her property back .

Missed the FBI seized smashed hard drives didn't ya?

What's your point ? So they smashed hard drives they stole .

"So they smashed hard drives they stole ."

No the FBI didn't smash the hard drives, this Debbie Wasserman Schultz and/or people working for her SMASHED the hard drives, they were ALREADY smashed when the FBI seized them and took them into custody.

Law enforcement doesn't steal, they are legally allowed to seize and take custody of items of interest.

But Timmy you being a 10 year old boy, you wouldn't know about grown up or educated things like this. You really should just go and entertain yourself with your sand pit and Play Doh, you embarrass yourself every time you post by NOT having a clue WTF you are babbling about.
1- it's a daily caller article . Fake news site .

2- Debbie is the one they stole it from . If anything the FBI would be trying to get her property back .

Missed the FBI seized smashed hard drives didn't ya?

What's your point ? So they smashed hard drives they stole .

View attachment 140499

And this Pakistani, Imran Awan is the same one who's now been arrested.
OMG, people breaking laws, what a novelty!

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