Debbie Wasserman Schultz staffer arrested trying to flee America & charged with bank fraud

Hum, again the only ones reporting this are the Alt Rightie Fake / Fabricated news sources.. and you all jump on it like it is

The Blaze

I research the Deep State. I did a search on this forum tonight to see if this story had a thread on it, b/c a professor, a liberal one out from Berkley that is concerned with how the Deep State is manipulating our nation, posted this article;

The Exploding DNC IT Scandal Is As Crazy As Fiction
The Exploding DNC IT Scandal Is As Crazy As Fiction

McDaniel said, “We have to get to the bottom of this, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz has obstructed at every level on something that affects potentially our national security. So to have this gentlemen try and leave the country yesterday, and now we know there is bank fraud and we know he destroyed these hard drives, when you read story about the Marine that found them in the apartment he was trying to rent. I mean, it is a long story but something we have to get to the bottom of. We are not hearing the Democrats talk about it at all. Where's Debbie Wasserman Schultz? And we also need to know why the DNC never turned over their hard drive to the FBI to review it as to their hacking situation. So the Democrats are on TV and they're grandstanding every chance they get, but they're not complying and they're not being forthright with their role."

That led to these;

Wasserman Schultz aide arrested trying to leave the country
Wasserman Schultz aide arrested trying to leave the country
Alvi, another House staff member involved in the Capitol Hill investigation, left the country with their three daughters, headed for Pakistan, in March, according to an affidavit filed in the Awan case. Alvi had “numerous pieces of luggage” and more than $12,000 in cash, FBI agent Brandon Merriman wrote in the affidavit.

House staffers under criminal investigation still employed
House staffers under criminal investigation still employed

For those of you who want to know how Seth Rich knew what he knew, and what he knew? Now you know.

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