Debbie Wasserman Schultz staffer arrested trying to flee America & charged with bank fraud

So I go and google it to figure out what it was about.

Wasserman Schultz staffer arrested trying to leave the country

The guy was double charging for IT work and got caught. And then House Democrats fired him.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

Pathetic. Criminal investigation. Cybersecurity probe.

"House authorities told members in February that Awan and his relatives were suspects in a criminal investigation into theft and IT abuses, and they were banned from the Capitol network.

Wasserman Schultz has refused to fire Imran, despite being a known criminal suspect in a cybersecurity probe for months, and has blocked Capitol Police from searching a laptop they confiscated because it was tied to him.

TheDCNF reported Sunday night that the FBI had joined the investigation and seized smashed hard drives from Imran’s home. The next day, the FBI apprehended him at Dulles Airport after noticing that he had purchased a ticket to Pakistan, routed through Qutar.

The affidavit says he was charged with bank fraud involving fraudulently taking out mortgages, which was one of several financial schemes TheDCNF has detailed. It appears to be a placeholder for future charges, spurred because of the attempt to leave the country, and does not mention his work for Congress, which is the investigation’s primary focus."

Wasserman Schultz’s IT Aide Arrested At Airport After Transferring $300k To Pakistan From House Office
So I go and google it to figure out what it was about.

Wasserman Schultz staffer arrested trying to leave the country

The guy was double charging for IT work and got caught. And then House Democrats fired him.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

There might be a clearer picture coming out of this.
It is rumored that the actual Clinton email leakers were the 3 Pakistani IT personnel, 2 guys and 1 undesclosed girl.
Have you ever considered that
Huma Mahmood Abedin might have been compromised or an agent of Pakistan?
Naseef, the Muslim World League, and the government of Pakistan created the Rabita Trust in 1988 which Abedin was involved with this Rabita Trust formally designated as a foreign terrorist funding foundation.
The DNC would be too embarassed to
admit the carelessness, for how could they protect our country if they can't even protect their own server and campaign which in the least chance was colluding with Pakistan.
Knowingly or unwittingly. Enough of an embarasment to create the
Russian ruse & diversion? Surely the Russia excuse is less embarassing then letting Bin Laden's hide out hosts infiltrate your staff.
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Lying again, I see.

Awan is accused of attempting to defraud the Congressional Federal Credit Union by obtaining a $165,000 home equity loan for a rental property, which is against the credit union’s policies since it is not the owner's primary residence. Those funds were then included as part of a wire transfer to two individuals in Faisalabad, Pakistan.

Awan was arrested at Dulles Airport on Monday evening before boarding a flight to Lahore, Pakistan. His wife, Hina Alvi, has already left the country for Pakistan along with their children. Federal agents do not believe Alvi has any intention of returning to the U.S., according to a court document.
Wasserman Schultz aide arrested trying to leave the country


The criminal probe into a cadre of Capitol Hill techies who worked for dozens of Democratic lawmakers remains shrouded in mystery, months after their access to congressional IT systems was suspended.

It’s still not clear whether the investigation by the Capitol Police into the five staffers, who all have links to Pakistan, involves the theft of classified information.

The staffers are accused of stealing equipment and possible breaches of the House IT network, according to Politico, which first reported on the investigation in February.
So I go and google it to figure out what it was about.

Wasserman Schultz staffer arrested trying to leave the country

The guy was double charging for IT work and got caught. And then House Democrats fired him.

Nothing to see here. Move along.
It is interesting with all the choices in IT personnel available to a top level Democrat, Schultz chooses Pakistanis. Almost as weird as Hillary going with Ma and Pa Kettle to manage her private server.
They were paid much more than the usual it staffers were, as well.
It is interesting with all the choices in IT personnel available to a top level Democrat, Schultz chooses Pakistanis. Almost as weird as Hillary going with Ma and Pa Kettle to manage her private server.
They did, I believe, and he is wearing a monitor. Here it is-

Awan was released Tuesday on a “high-intensity supervision program,” according to a DOJ spokesman. He must wear a GPS monitor, abide by a curfew of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. and cannot leave a 50-mile radius of his Lorton, Va., home. He was also forced to surrender his passports and is scheduled to reappear in court for a preliminary hearing Aug. 21.

They should take away his passport pending Trial.
They did, I believe, and he is wearing a monitor. Here it is-

Awan was released Tuesday on a “high-intensity supervision program,” according to a DOJ spokesman. He must wear a GPS monitor, abide by a curfew of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. and cannot leave a 50-mile radius of his Lorton, Va., home. He was also forced to surrender his passports and is scheduled to reappear in court for a preliminary hearing Aug. 21.

They should take away his passport pending Trial.
Fatal mistake letting him go home. Now he's susceptible to being arkancided in a 50-mile radius if he leaves home.
They did, I believe, and he is wearing a monitor. Here it is-

Awan was released Tuesday on a “high-intensity supervision program,” according to a DOJ spokesman. He must wear a GPS monitor, abide by a curfew of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. and cannot leave a 50-mile radius of his Lorton, Va., home. He was also forced to surrender his passports and is scheduled to reappear in court for a preliminary hearing Aug. 21.

They should take away his passport pending Trial.
Fatal mistake letting him go home. Now he's susceptible to being arkancided in a 50-mile radius if he leaves home.

Agreed. He should be taken into protective custody and placed in a padded cell.
It boggles the mind how naive our Gov't officials and local gov't are about giving foreign agents access to our info and servers.
Did you know many cities use a court house jury pool online response confirmation & info gathering service set up that is registered to a Czech located company?
That leaves foreign agents(from anywhere using that country front) opportunity to possibly use stolen identities to bring in foreign agents, plant jurrors to select local cases in their interests or involving their officials or own scam law suits for things like insurance fraud or corporation liability suits.
They need to be more aware of the programs they use origins, the web designed programs housing registration origin, the phone app permissions and capabilities leading to leaked info by gov't employees etc...
LACK of tech savy in our ranks and naivety is our worst enemy.
Debbie is in trouble,,with her looks, wont be easy to disquise herself to the airport looking for a plane to australia

Tell me about it. Can't she do something with that damn hair and those
teeth. Bitch is scary looking...HRC wouldn't probably touch her.
Debbie is in trouble,,with her looks, wont be easy to disquise herself to the airport looking for a plane to australia

Tell me about it. Can't she do something with that damn hair and those
teeth. Bitch is scary looking...HRC wouldn't probably touch her.
i think the only species that is sexually attracted to her are tazmainian devils
1- it's a daily caller article . Fake news site .

2- Debbie is the one they stole it from . If anything the FBI would be trying to get her property back .

Missed the FBI seized smashed hard drives didn't ya?

What's your point ? So they smashed hard drives they stole .

"So they smashed hard drives they stole ."

No the FBI didn't smash the hard drives, this Debbie Wasserman Schultz and/or people working for her SMASHED the hard drives, they were ALREADY smashed when the FBI seized them and took them into custody.

Law enforcement doesn't steal, they are legally allowed to seize and take custody of items of interest.

But Timmy you being a 10 year old boy, you wouldn't know about grown up or educated things like this. You really should just go and entertain yourself with your sand pit and Play Doh, you embarrass yourself every time you post by NOT having a clue WTF you are babbling about.

Dummy . Not the FBI stole, the IT guy stole . The IT guy who was fired .

So Debbie's IT was up for some bank fraud ? And ??? What's your pee brain getting too?

Some delusion that he has sexting photos of Hillary banging Putin ?

You really are clueless. Get off the board. Read some news sites and get up to speed.

Or you could just actually read the thread links!

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