Debt/Shutdown deal passes Senate by 81 votes!!


Aug 20, 2013
Good to know that many Republicans came to their senses, and voted for this bill.

Now its time for Moderates in the House to do the same thing.

I expect more than 20 Republicans will vote "YES".
Granny says she didn't miss dem politicians if dey was off work...
78% Didn’t Miss Government During Shutdown
October 22, 2013 -- A large majority of Americans say they did not miss the federal government when it was partially shutdown during the first half of October, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll released today.
The survey conducted Oct. 17-20 asked 1,002 adults: “Were you personally inconvenienced by the partial shutdown of the federal government or not?”

If the person said they were inconvenienced, the survey asked this followup: “Was it a major inconvenience or a minor inconvenience?”

78 percent said that they were not inconvenienced by the partial shutdown of the government. Of the 22 percent who said they were inconvenienced, 11 percent said it was a major inconvenience and 11 percent said it was a minor inconvenience.

WashPost Poll: 78% Didn?t Miss Government During Shutdown | CNS News
Only you rabid liberals ever believed Republicans would allow a debt default.

They always stated they did not want a default, you shitbags just couldn't believe them because MSNBC tells you they are nothing but liars.
Only you rabid liberals ever believed Republicans would allow a debt default.

They always stated they did not want a default, you shitbags just couldn't believe them because MSNBC tells you they are nothing but liars.

They can't control their fringe base, FACT.

Their fucking around hurt our standing in international markets and banking, FACT.

They failed, FACT.

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