Debunking Rape Epidemic Claims

No one presented the "overall rape epidemic" as made up - but rather, while rapes do occur, the claim of there being a "rape epidemic" is made up by fear mongering anti-immigrant groups.

If rape of infidel women pleases Allah, is it really even rape? Should these women actually be thanking your allies for doing them the favor of raping them in the name of Allah? Obama Akbar.

Do you have any emperical data to show the OP is wrong? Something besides silly claims of "covering for rape"?

Do I have empirical evidence debunking your apologetics of RAPE by the allies of your filthy party?



Drawing only from German media reports, the list documents more than 160 instances of rape and sexual assault committed by migrants in train stations, swimming pools and other public places against victims as young as seven.

German police use terms such as “southerners” (südländer), men with “dark skin” (dunkelhäutig, dunklere gesichtsfarbe, dunklem hauttyp) or “southern skin colour” (südländische hautfarbe) to describe the alleged perpetrators.

Authorities across the country have been accused of downplaying the true extent of the problem by suppressing information about migrant-related crimes, ostensibly due to a “lack of public interest”.}

New democrat slogan; "what's wrong with rape?"

Hillary, promoting RAPE to please Allah.
Sweden’s rape crisis isn’t what it seems

...Behind it you’ll find the resurrection of an old, deadly appeal to fear – that people of certain skin colours are natural-born predators who threaten white women. It’s a version of lynch-mob logic that happens to appeal to the liberal and tolerant as much as the hateful and intolerant.

And it falls apart as soon as you speak to anyone knowledgeable in Sweden.

“What we’re hearing is a very, very extreme exaggeration based on a few isolated events, and the claim that it’s related to immigration is more or less not true at all,” says Jerzy Sarnecki, a criminologist at Stockholm University who has devoted his career to the study of criminality, ethnicity and age.

Sweden does indeed have far more reported cases of sexual assault than any other country. But it’s not because Swedes – of any colour – are very criminal. It’s because they’re very feminist. In 2005, Sweden’s Social Democratic government introduced a new sex-crime law with the world’s most expansive definition of rape.

Imagine, for example, if your boss rubbed against you in an unwanted way at work once a week for a year. In Canada, this would potentially be a case of sexual assault. Under Germany’s more limited laws, it would be zero cases. In Sweden, it would be tallied as 52 separate cases of rape. If you engaged in a half-dozen sex acts with your spouse, then later you felt you had not given consent, in Sweden that would be classified as six cases of rape.

The marked increase in rape cases during the 2000s is almost entirely a reflection of Sweden’s deep public interest in sexual equality and the rights of women, not of attacks by newcomers.

But aren’t refugees and immigrants responsible for a greater share of Sweden’s sexual assaults?

In a sense. Statistics show that the foreign-born in Sweden, as in most European countries, do have a higher rate of criminal charges than the native-born, in everything from shoplifting to murder (though not enough to affect the crime rate by more than a tiny margin). The opposite is true in North America, where immigrants have lower-than-average crime rates.

Why the difference? Because people who go to Sweden are poorer, and crime rates are mostly a product not of ethnicity but of class. In a 2013 analysis of 63,000 Swedish residents, Prof. Sarnecki and his colleagues found that 75 per cent of the difference in foreign-born crime is accounted for by income and neighbourhood, both indicators of poverty. Among the Swedish-born children of immigrants, the crime rate falls in half (and is almost entirely concentrated in lesser property crimes) and is 100-per-cent attributable to class – they are no more likely to commit crimes, including rape, than ethnic Swedes of the same family income.

What also stands out is that almost all the victims of these crimes – especially sex crimes – are also foreign-born. But for a handful of headline-grabbing atrocities, it isn’t a case of swarthy men preying on white women, but of Sweden’s system turning refugees into victims of crime.

That is the real Swedish crisis. Refugee shelters are terrible, dangerous places, whoever is in them. When such shelters, then known as displaced persons camps, held millions of Europeans in the 1940s and 1950s, histories show they were at risk of sexual predation and organized attacks against Jewish refugees.

Because otherwise generous Sweden doesn’t allow refugees to seek work until they know the language, tens of thousands of people are stuck in these awful places, in similar conditions, or in welfare-dependent netherworlds.

There they become victims of violent crime, victims of economic exclusion and victims of a grotesque, viral story that portrays them as predators, entirely because of their skin colour.

Class division is the cause of rape???? Few isolated events??

C'mon, how much of those 'personal' cases get to the mainstream media and how much are left to be quietly 'investigated'? Sure we hear mostly of the most vile cases, and even then it's mostly covered by political correctness out of fear.

Poor poor rapists, the money they get for free, the big welcome chants and the housing they get only makes them feel frustrated. Poor poor 20-something males who ran away from defending their home poor poor raping coward low-lifes.

What do actual crime statistics say?

And, how does what you say relate to the differing legal definitions of rape in Sweden compared to other countries?

Maybe we should stick to fact rather than emotion here.

Statistics can be altered to match any agenda...ask your commy-socialist friend Stalin.

Fact is we know it's not only Sweden, and fact is most cases don't reach the media. Another fact is nurses in hospitals try to convince raped tourists not to report or just invite a police officer to make a farce show...I personally know such cases.
Sweden’s rape crisis isn’t what it seems

...Behind it you’ll find the resurrection of an old, deadly appeal to fear – that people of certain skin colours are natural-born predators who threaten white women. It’s a version of lynch-mob logic that happens to appeal to the liberal and tolerant as much as the hateful and intolerant.

And it falls apart as soon as you speak to anyone knowledgeable in Sweden.

“What we’re hearing is a very, very extreme exaggeration based on a few isolated events, and the claim that it’s related to immigration is more or less not true at all,” says Jerzy Sarnecki, a criminologist at Stockholm University who has devoted his career to the study of criminality, ethnicity and age.

Sweden does indeed have far more reported cases of sexual assault than any other country. But it’s not because Swedes – of any colour – are very criminal. It’s because they’re very feminist. In 2005, Sweden’s Social Democratic government introduced a new sex-crime law with the world’s most expansive definition of rape.

Imagine, for example, if your boss rubbed against you in an unwanted way at work once a week for a year. In Canada, this would potentially be a case of sexual assault. Under Germany’s more limited laws, it would be zero cases. In Sweden, it would be tallied as 52 separate cases of rape. If you engaged in a half-dozen sex acts with your spouse, then later you felt you had not given consent, in Sweden that would be classified as six cases of rape.

The marked increase in rape cases during the 2000s is almost entirely a reflection of Sweden’s deep public interest in sexual equality and the rights of women, not of attacks by newcomers.

But aren’t refugees and immigrants responsible for a greater share of Sweden’s sexual assaults?

In a sense. Statistics show that the foreign-born in Sweden, as in most European countries, do have a higher rate of criminal charges than the native-born, in everything from shoplifting to murder (though not enough to affect the crime rate by more than a tiny margin). The opposite is true in North America, where immigrants have lower-than-average crime rates.

Why the difference? Because people who go to Sweden are poorer, and crime rates are mostly a product not of ethnicity but of class. In a 2013 analysis of 63,000 Swedish residents, Prof. Sarnecki and his colleagues found that 75 per cent of the difference in foreign-born crime is accounted for by income and neighbourhood, both indicators of poverty. Among the Swedish-born children of immigrants, the crime rate falls in half (and is almost entirely concentrated in lesser property crimes) and is 100-per-cent attributable to class – they are no more likely to commit crimes, including rape, than ethnic Swedes of the same family income.

What also stands out is that almost all the victims of these crimes – especially sex crimes – are also foreign-born. But for a handful of headline-grabbing atrocities, it isn’t a case of swarthy men preying on white women, but of Sweden’s system turning refugees into victims of crime.

That is the real Swedish crisis. Refugee shelters are terrible, dangerous places, whoever is in them. When such shelters, then known as displaced persons camps, held millions of Europeans in the 1940s and 1950s, histories show they were at risk of sexual predation and organized attacks against Jewish refugees.

Because otherwise generous Sweden doesn’t allow refugees to seek work until they know the language, tens of thousands of people are stuck in these awful places, in similar conditions, or in welfare-dependent netherworlds.

There they become victims of violent crime, victims of economic exclusion and victims of a grotesque, viral story that portrays them as predators, entirely because of their skin colour.

Class division is the cause of rape???? Few isolated events??

C'mon, how much of those 'personal' cases get to the mainstream media and how much are left to be quietly 'investigated'? Sure we hear mostly of the most vile cases, and even then it's mostly covered by political correctness out of fear.

Poor poor rapists, the money they get for free, the big welcome chants and the housing they get only makes them feel frustrated. Poor poor 20-something males who ran away from defending their home poor poor raping coward low-lifes.

What do actual crime statistics say?

And, how does what you say relate to the differing legal definitions of rape in Sweden compared to other countries?

Maybe we should stick to fact rather than emotion here.

Another fact is we know it's supported by those immigrant societies, who see rape of boys and girls as nothing special, and encouraged by their religious law.

How can a woman apologize for this ??
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  • #44
No one presented the "overall rape epidemic" as made up - but rather, while rapes do occur, the claim of there being a "rape epidemic" is made up by fear mongering anti-immigrant groups.

If rape of infidel women pleases Allah, is it really even rape? Should these women actually be thanking your allies for doing them the favor of raping them in the name of Allah? Obama Akbar.

Now you're just sounding like a retard.

Do you have any emperical data to show the OP is wrong? Something besides silly claims of "covering for rape"?

Do I have empirical evidence debunking your apologetics of RAPE by the allies of your filthy party?



Yes, seriously. All you offer is emotional hype.

Drawing only from German media reports, the list documents more than 160 instances of rape and sexual assault committed by migrants in train stations, swimming pools and other public places against victims as young as seven.

That article talks about 2 incidents, one involving 2 people and the other 1 person.

That's not exactly empirical data.

German police use terms such as “southerners” (südländer), men with “dark skin” (dunkelhäutig, dunklere gesichtsfarbe, dunklem hauttyp) or “southern skin colour” (südländische hautfarbe) to describe the alleged perpetrators.

Authorities across the country have been accused of downplaying the true extent of the problem by suppressing information about migrant-related crimes, ostensibly due to a “lack of public interest”.}

You link to a German article, do you read German? I don't. Instead, when you cut and paste how about providing a link to the source? Like Europe’s Muslim rape epidemic: ‘Cologne is every day’.

Lots of use of "alleged" and "claimed" and claims of "supressing" info. What actual data is there?

New democrat slogan; "what's wrong with rape?"

Hillary, promoting RAPE to please Allah.

Oh geez. More stupidy.
  • Thread starter
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  • #45
Sweden’s rape crisis isn’t what it seems

...Behind it you’ll find the resurrection of an old, deadly appeal to fear – that people of certain skin colours are natural-born predators who threaten white women. It’s a version of lynch-mob logic that happens to appeal to the liberal and tolerant as much as the hateful and intolerant.

And it falls apart as soon as you speak to anyone knowledgeable in Sweden.

“What we’re hearing is a very, very extreme exaggeration based on a few isolated events, and the claim that it’s related to immigration is more or less not true at all,” says Jerzy Sarnecki, a criminologist at Stockholm University who has devoted his career to the study of criminality, ethnicity and age.

Sweden does indeed have far more reported cases of sexual assault than any other country. But it’s not because Swedes – of any colour – are very criminal. It’s because they’re very feminist. In 2005, Sweden’s Social Democratic government introduced a new sex-crime law with the world’s most expansive definition of rape.

Imagine, for example, if your boss rubbed against you in an unwanted way at work once a week for a year. In Canada, this would potentially be a case of sexual assault. Under Germany’s more limited laws, it would be zero cases. In Sweden, it would be tallied as 52 separate cases of rape. If you engaged in a half-dozen sex acts with your spouse, then later you felt you had not given consent, in Sweden that would be classified as six cases of rape.

The marked increase in rape cases during the 2000s is almost entirely a reflection of Sweden’s deep public interest in sexual equality and the rights of women, not of attacks by newcomers.

But aren’t refugees and immigrants responsible for a greater share of Sweden’s sexual assaults?

In a sense. Statistics show that the foreign-born in Sweden, as in most European countries, do have a higher rate of criminal charges than the native-born, in everything from shoplifting to murder (though not enough to affect the crime rate by more than a tiny margin). The opposite is true in North America, where immigrants have lower-than-average crime rates.

Why the difference? Because people who go to Sweden are poorer, and crime rates are mostly a product not of ethnicity but of class. In a 2013 analysis of 63,000 Swedish residents, Prof. Sarnecki and his colleagues found that 75 per cent of the difference in foreign-born crime is accounted for by income and neighbourhood, both indicators of poverty. Among the Swedish-born children of immigrants, the crime rate falls in half (and is almost entirely concentrated in lesser property crimes) and is 100-per-cent attributable to class – they are no more likely to commit crimes, including rape, than ethnic Swedes of the same family income.

What also stands out is that almost all the victims of these crimes – especially sex crimes – are also foreign-born. But for a handful of headline-grabbing atrocities, it isn’t a case of swarthy men preying on white women, but of Sweden’s system turning refugees into victims of crime.

That is the real Swedish crisis. Refugee shelters are terrible, dangerous places, whoever is in them. When such shelters, then known as displaced persons camps, held millions of Europeans in the 1940s and 1950s, histories show they were at risk of sexual predation and organized attacks against Jewish refugees.

Because otherwise generous Sweden doesn’t allow refugees to seek work until they know the language, tens of thousands of people are stuck in these awful places, in similar conditions, or in welfare-dependent netherworlds.

There they become victims of violent crime, victims of economic exclusion and victims of a grotesque, viral story that portrays them as predators, entirely because of their skin colour.

Class division is the cause of rape???? Few isolated events??

C'mon, how much of those 'personal' cases get to the mainstream media and how much are left to be quietly 'investigated'? Sure we hear mostly of the most vile cases, and even then it's mostly covered by political correctness out of fear.

Poor poor rapists, the money they get for free, the big welcome chants and the housing they get only makes them feel frustrated. Poor poor 20-something males who ran away from defending their home poor poor raping coward low-lifes.

What do actual crime statistics say?

And, how does what you say relate to the differing legal definitions of rape in Sweden compared to other countries?

Maybe we should stick to fact rather than emotion here.

Statistics can be altered to match any agenda...ask your commy-socialist friend Stalin.

Fact is we know it's not only Sweden, and fact is most cases don't reach the media. Another fact is nurses in hospitals try to convince raped tourists not to report or just invite a police officer to make a farce show...I personally know such cases.

Crime data provides the best available evidence - far more than testimonials and unsubstantiated claims. In any other instance, we'd probably rely on crime data so why not here? hmmm?
  • Thread starter
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  • #46
Sweden’s rape crisis isn’t what it seems

...Behind it you’ll find the resurrection of an old, deadly appeal to fear – that people of certain skin colours are natural-born predators who threaten white women. It’s a version of lynch-mob logic that happens to appeal to the liberal and tolerant as much as the hateful and intolerant.

And it falls apart as soon as you speak to anyone knowledgeable in Sweden.

“What we’re hearing is a very, very extreme exaggeration based on a few isolated events, and the claim that it’s related to immigration is more or less not true at all,” says Jerzy Sarnecki, a criminologist at Stockholm University who has devoted his career to the study of criminality, ethnicity and age.

Sweden does indeed have far more reported cases of sexual assault than any other country. But it’s not because Swedes – of any colour – are very criminal. It’s because they’re very feminist. In 2005, Sweden’s Social Democratic government introduced a new sex-crime law with the world’s most expansive definition of rape.

Imagine, for example, if your boss rubbed against you in an unwanted way at work once a week for a year. In Canada, this would potentially be a case of sexual assault. Under Germany’s more limited laws, it would be zero cases. In Sweden, it would be tallied as 52 separate cases of rape. If you engaged in a half-dozen sex acts with your spouse, then later you felt you had not given consent, in Sweden that would be classified as six cases of rape.

The marked increase in rape cases during the 2000s is almost entirely a reflection of Sweden’s deep public interest in sexual equality and the rights of women, not of attacks by newcomers.

But aren’t refugees and immigrants responsible for a greater share of Sweden’s sexual assaults?

In a sense. Statistics show that the foreign-born in Sweden, as in most European countries, do have a higher rate of criminal charges than the native-born, in everything from shoplifting to murder (though not enough to affect the crime rate by more than a tiny margin). The opposite is true in North America, where immigrants have lower-than-average crime rates.

Why the difference? Because people who go to Sweden are poorer, and crime rates are mostly a product not of ethnicity but of class. In a 2013 analysis of 63,000 Swedish residents, Prof. Sarnecki and his colleagues found that 75 per cent of the difference in foreign-born crime is accounted for by income and neighbourhood, both indicators of poverty. Among the Swedish-born children of immigrants, the crime rate falls in half (and is almost entirely concentrated in lesser property crimes) and is 100-per-cent attributable to class – they are no more likely to commit crimes, including rape, than ethnic Swedes of the same family income.

What also stands out is that almost all the victims of these crimes – especially sex crimes – are also foreign-born. But for a handful of headline-grabbing atrocities, it isn’t a case of swarthy men preying on white women, but of Sweden’s system turning refugees into victims of crime.

That is the real Swedish crisis. Refugee shelters are terrible, dangerous places, whoever is in them. When such shelters, then known as displaced persons camps, held millions of Europeans in the 1940s and 1950s, histories show they were at risk of sexual predation and organized attacks against Jewish refugees.

Because otherwise generous Sweden doesn’t allow refugees to seek work until they know the language, tens of thousands of people are stuck in these awful places, in similar conditions, or in welfare-dependent netherworlds.

There they become victims of violent crime, victims of economic exclusion and victims of a grotesque, viral story that portrays them as predators, entirely because of their skin colour.

Class division is the cause of rape???? Few isolated events??

C'mon, how much of those 'personal' cases get to the mainstream media and how much are left to be quietly 'investigated'? Sure we hear mostly of the most vile cases, and even then it's mostly covered by political correctness out of fear.

Poor poor rapists, the money they get for free, the big welcome chants and the housing they get only makes them feel frustrated. Poor poor 20-something males who ran away from defending their home poor poor raping coward low-lifes.

What do actual crime statistics say?

And, how does what you say relate to the differing legal definitions of rape in Sweden compared to other countries?

Maybe we should stick to fact rather than emotion here.

Another fact is we know it's supported by those immigrant societies, who see rape of boys and girls as nothing special, and encouraged by their religious law.

How can a woman apologize for this ??

No one is apologizing for anything.

I simply want truth. Not fear mongering or hate mongering. These "immigrant societies" comprises a whole lot of different countries and cultures and you are claiming they all see the rape of boys and girls as nothing special and are "encouraged" by their religious law?

Again, let's see actual evidence that this is occurring in Sweden, for example.
Sweden’s rape crisis isn’t what it seems

...Behind it you’ll find the resurrection of an old, deadly appeal to fear – that people of certain skin colours are natural-born predators who threaten white women. It’s a version of lynch-mob logic that happens to appeal to the liberal and tolerant as much as the hateful and intolerant.

And it falls apart as soon as you speak to anyone knowledgeable in Sweden.

“What we’re hearing is a very, very extreme exaggeration based on a few isolated events, and the claim that it’s related to immigration is more or less not true at all,” says Jerzy Sarnecki, a criminologist at Stockholm University who has devoted his career to the study of criminality, ethnicity and age.

Sweden does indeed have far more reported cases of sexual assault than any other country. But it’s not because Swedes – of any colour – are very criminal. It’s because they’re very feminist. In 2005, Sweden’s Social Democratic government introduced a new sex-crime law with the world’s most expansive definition of rape.

Imagine, for example, if your boss rubbed against you in an unwanted way at work once a week for a year. In Canada, this would potentially be a case of sexual assault. Under Germany’s more limited laws, it would be zero cases. In Sweden, it would be tallied as 52 separate cases of rape. If you engaged in a half-dozen sex acts with your spouse, then later you felt you had not given consent, in Sweden that would be classified as six cases of rape.

The marked increase in rape cases during the 2000s is almost entirely a reflection of Sweden’s deep public interest in sexual equality and the rights of women, not of attacks by newcomers.

But aren’t refugees and immigrants responsible for a greater share of Sweden’s sexual assaults?

In a sense. Statistics show that the foreign-born in Sweden, as in most European countries, do have a higher rate of criminal charges than the native-born, in everything from shoplifting to murder (though not enough to affect the crime rate by more than a tiny margin). The opposite is true in North America, where immigrants have lower-than-average crime rates.

Why the difference? Because people who go to Sweden are poorer, and crime rates are mostly a product not of ethnicity but of class. In a 2013 analysis of 63,000 Swedish residents, Prof. Sarnecki and his colleagues found that 75 per cent of the difference in foreign-born crime is accounted for by income and neighbourhood, both indicators of poverty. Among the Swedish-born children of immigrants, the crime rate falls in half (and is almost entirely concentrated in lesser property crimes) and is 100-per-cent attributable to class – they are no more likely to commit crimes, including rape, than ethnic Swedes of the same family income.

What also stands out is that almost all the victims of these crimes – especially sex crimes – are also foreign-born. But for a handful of headline-grabbing atrocities, it isn’t a case of swarthy men preying on white women, but of Sweden’s system turning refugees into victims of crime.

That is the real Swedish crisis. Refugee shelters are terrible, dangerous places, whoever is in them. When such shelters, then known as displaced persons camps, held millions of Europeans in the 1940s and 1950s, histories show they were at risk of sexual predation and organized attacks against Jewish refugees.

Because otherwise generous Sweden doesn’t allow refugees to seek work until they know the language, tens of thousands of people are stuck in these awful places, in similar conditions, or in welfare-dependent netherworlds.

There they become victims of violent crime, victims of economic exclusion and victims of a grotesque, viral story that portrays them as predators, entirely because of their skin colour.

Class division is the cause of rape???? Few isolated events??

C'mon, how much of those 'personal' cases get to the mainstream media and how much are left to be quietly 'investigated'? Sure we hear mostly of the most vile cases, and even then it's mostly covered by political correctness out of fear.

Poor poor rapists, the money they get for free, the big welcome chants and the housing they get only makes them feel frustrated. Poor poor 20-something males who ran away from defending their home poor poor raping coward low-lifes.

What do actual crime statistics say?

And, how does what you say relate to the differing legal definitions of rape in Sweden compared to other countries?

Maybe we should stick to fact rather than emotion here.

Another fact is we know it's supported by those immigrant societies, who see rape of boys and girls as nothing special, and encouraged by their religious law.

How can a woman apologize for this ??

No one is apologizing for anything.

I simply want truth. Not fear mongering or hate mongering. These "immigrant societies" comprises a whole lot of different countries and cultures and you are claiming they all see the rape of boys and girls as nothing special and are "encouraged" by their religious law?

Again, let's see actual evidence that this is occurring in Sweden, for example.
Sweden’s rape crisis isn’t what it seems

...Behind it you’ll find the resurrection of an old, deadly appeal to fear – that people of certain skin colours are natural-born predators who threaten white women. It’s a version of lynch-mob logic that happens to appeal to the liberal and tolerant as much as the hateful and intolerant.

And it falls apart as soon as you speak to anyone knowledgeable in Sweden.

“What we’re hearing is a very, very extreme exaggeration based on a few isolated events, and the claim that it’s related to immigration is more or less not true at all,” says Jerzy Sarnecki, a criminologist at Stockholm University who has devoted his career to the study of criminality, ethnicity and age.

Sweden does indeed have far more reported cases of sexual assault than any other country. But it’s not because Swedes – of any colour – are very criminal. It’s because they’re very feminist. In 2005, Sweden’s Social Democratic government introduced a new sex-crime law with the world’s most expansive definition of rape.

Imagine, for example, if your boss rubbed against you in an unwanted way at work once a week for a year. In Canada, this would potentially be a case of sexual assault. Under Germany’s more limited laws, it would be zero cases. In Sweden, it would be tallied as 52 separate cases of rape. If you engaged in a half-dozen sex acts with your spouse, then later you felt you had not given consent, in Sweden that would be classified as six cases of rape.

The marked increase in rape cases during the 2000s is almost entirely a reflection of Sweden’s deep public interest in sexual equality and the rights of women, not of attacks by newcomers.

But aren’t refugees and immigrants responsible for a greater share of Sweden’s sexual assaults?

In a sense. Statistics show that the foreign-born in Sweden, as in most European countries, do have a higher rate of criminal charges than the native-born, in everything from shoplifting to murder (though not enough to affect the crime rate by more than a tiny margin). The opposite is true in North America, where immigrants have lower-than-average crime rates.

Why the difference? Because people who go to Sweden are poorer, and crime rates are mostly a product not of ethnicity but of class. In a 2013 analysis of 63,000 Swedish residents, Prof. Sarnecki and his colleagues found that 75 per cent of the difference in foreign-born crime is accounted for by income and neighbourhood, both indicators of poverty. Among the Swedish-born children of immigrants, the crime rate falls in half (and is almost entirely concentrated in lesser property crimes) and is 100-per-cent attributable to class – they are no more likely to commit crimes, including rape, than ethnic Swedes of the same family income.

What also stands out is that almost all the victims of these crimes – especially sex crimes – are also foreign-born. But for a handful of headline-grabbing atrocities, it isn’t a case of swarthy men preying on white women, but of Sweden’s system turning refugees into victims of crime.

That is the real Swedish crisis. Refugee shelters are terrible, dangerous places, whoever is in them. When such shelters, then known as displaced persons camps, held millions of Europeans in the 1940s and 1950s, histories show they were at risk of sexual predation and organized attacks against Jewish refugees.

Because otherwise generous Sweden doesn’t allow refugees to seek work until they know the language, tens of thousands of people are stuck in these awful places, in similar conditions, or in welfare-dependent netherworlds.

There they become victims of violent crime, victims of economic exclusion and victims of a grotesque, viral story that portrays them as predators, entirely because of their skin colour.

Class division is the cause of rape???? Few isolated events??

C'mon, how much of those 'personal' cases get to the mainstream media and how much are left to be quietly 'investigated'? Sure we hear mostly of the most vile cases, and even then it's mostly covered by political correctness out of fear.

Poor poor rapists, the money they get for free, the big welcome chants and the housing they get only makes them feel frustrated. Poor poor 20-something males who ran away from defending their home poor poor raping coward low-lifes.

What do actual crime statistics say?

And, how does what you say relate to the differing legal definitions of rape in Sweden compared to other countries?

Maybe we should stick to fact rather than emotion here.

Statistics can be altered to match any agenda...ask your commy-socialist friend Stalin.

Fact is we know it's not only Sweden, and fact is most cases don't reach the media. Another fact is nurses in hospitals try to convince raped tourists not to report or just invite a police officer to make a farce show...I personally know such cases.

Crime data provides the best available evidence - far more than testimonials and unsubstantiated claims. In any other instance, we'd probably rely on crime data so why not here? hmmm?

Because here we can clearly see a bias in reporting those crimes.
Sweden has the most leftist govt with a clear agenda therefore the data is being tailored.

Do you think statistics coming from an immigrant dominated cities, where the police can't defend the citizens are representing the reality on the streets?
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  • #48
Here's another article

Migrants linked to 69,000 would-be or actual crimes in Germany in first three months of 2016: police

Migrants in Germany committed or tried to commit some 69,000 crimes in the first quarter of 2016, according to a police report that could raise unease, especially among anti-immigrant groups, about Chancellor Angela Merkel's liberal migrant policy.

There was a record influx of more than a million migrants into Germany last year and concerns are now widespread about how Europe's largest economy will manage to integrate them and ensure security.

The report from the BKA federal police showed that migrants from northern Africa, Georgia and Serbia were disproportionately represented among the suspects.

Absolute numbers of crimes committed by Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis - the three biggest groups of asylum seekers in Germany - were high but given the proportion of migrants that they account for, their involvement in crimes was "clearly disproportionately low", the report said.

It gave no breakdown of the number of actual crimes and of would-be crimes, nor did it state what percentage the 69,000 figure represented with respect to the total number of crimes and would-be crimes committed in the first three months of 2016.

The report stated that the vast majority of migrants did not commit any crimes.

It is the first time the BKA has published a report on crimes committed by migrants containing data from all of Germany's 16 states, so there is no comparable data.

The report showed that 29.2 percent of the crimes migrants committed or tried to commit in the first quarter were thefts, 28.3 percent were property or forgery offences and 23 percent offences such as bodily harm, robbery and unlawful detention.

Drug-related offences accounted for 6.6 percent and sex crimes accounted for 1.1 percent.
Sweden’s rape crisis isn’t what it seems

...Behind it you’ll find the resurrection of an old, deadly appeal to fear – that people of certain skin colours are natural-born predators who threaten white women. It’s a version of lynch-mob logic that happens to appeal to the liberal and tolerant as much as the hateful and intolerant.

And it falls apart as soon as you speak to anyone knowledgeable in Sweden.

“What we’re hearing is a very, very extreme exaggeration based on a few isolated events, and the claim that it’s related to immigration is more or less not true at all,” says Jerzy Sarnecki, a criminologist at Stockholm University who has devoted his career to the study of criminality, ethnicity and age.

Sweden does indeed have far more reported cases of sexual assault than any other country. But it’s not because Swedes – of any colour – are very criminal. It’s because they’re very feminist. In 2005, Sweden’s Social Democratic government introduced a new sex-crime law with the world’s most expansive definition of rape.

Imagine, for example, if your boss rubbed against you in an unwanted way at work once a week for a year. In Canada, this would potentially be a case of sexual assault. Under Germany’s more limited laws, it would be zero cases. In Sweden, it would be tallied as 52 separate cases of rape. If you engaged in a half-dozen sex acts with your spouse, then later you felt you had not given consent, in Sweden that would be classified as six cases of rape.

The marked increase in rape cases during the 2000s is almost entirely a reflection of Sweden’s deep public interest in sexual equality and the rights of women, not of attacks by newcomers.

But aren’t refugees and immigrants responsible for a greater share of Sweden’s sexual assaults?

In a sense. Statistics show that the foreign-born in Sweden, as in most European countries, do have a higher rate of criminal charges than the native-born, in everything from shoplifting to murder (though not enough to affect the crime rate by more than a tiny margin). The opposite is true in North America, where immigrants have lower-than-average crime rates.

Why the difference? Because people who go to Sweden are poorer, and crime rates are mostly a product not of ethnicity but of class. In a 2013 analysis of 63,000 Swedish residents, Prof. Sarnecki and his colleagues found that 75 per cent of the difference in foreign-born crime is accounted for by income and neighbourhood, both indicators of poverty. Among the Swedish-born children of immigrants, the crime rate falls in half (and is almost entirely concentrated in lesser property crimes) and is 100-per-cent attributable to class – they are no more likely to commit crimes, including rape, than ethnic Swedes of the same family income.

What also stands out is that almost all the victims of these crimes – especially sex crimes – are also foreign-born. But for a handful of headline-grabbing atrocities, it isn’t a case of swarthy men preying on white women, but of Sweden’s system turning refugees into victims of crime.

That is the real Swedish crisis. Refugee shelters are terrible, dangerous places, whoever is in them. When such shelters, then known as displaced persons camps, held millions of Europeans in the 1940s and 1950s, histories show they were at risk of sexual predation and organized attacks against Jewish refugees.

Because otherwise generous Sweden doesn’t allow refugees to seek work until they know the language, tens of thousands of people are stuck in these awful places, in similar conditions, or in welfare-dependent netherworlds.

There they become victims of violent crime, victims of economic exclusion and victims of a grotesque, viral story that portrays them as predators, entirely because of their skin colour.

Class division is the cause of rape???? Few isolated events??

C'mon, how much of those 'personal' cases get to the mainstream media and how much are left to be quietly 'investigated'? Sure we hear mostly of the most vile cases, and even then it's mostly covered by political correctness out of fear.

Poor poor rapists, the money they get for free, the big welcome chants and the housing they get only makes them feel frustrated. Poor poor 20-something males who ran away from defending their home poor poor raping coward low-lifes.

What do actual crime statistics say?

And, how does what you say relate to the differing legal definitions of rape in Sweden compared to other countries?

Maybe we should stick to fact rather than emotion here.

Another fact is we know it's supported by those immigrant societies, who see rape of boys and girls as nothing special, and encouraged by their religious law.

How can a woman apologize for this ??

No one is apologizing for anything.

I simply want truth. Not fear mongering or hate mongering. These "immigrant societies" comprises a whole lot of different countries and cultures and you are claiming they all see the rape of boys and girls as nothing special and are "encouraged" by their religious law?

Again, let's see actual evidence that this is occurring in Sweden, for example.

"Many different cultures"- i think there's one thing that is common to most immigrants who came illegally from the ME to Europe today.

Why isolate? Why not look at the situation in whole, Germany, Czech Republic, France, Denmark, Netherlands?
  • Thread starter
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  • #50
Sweden’s rape crisis isn’t what it seems

...Behind it you’ll find the resurrection of an old, deadly appeal to fear – that people of certain skin colours are natural-born predators who threaten white women. It’s a version of lynch-mob logic that happens to appeal to the liberal and tolerant as much as the hateful and intolerant.

And it falls apart as soon as you speak to anyone knowledgeable in Sweden.

“What we’re hearing is a very, very extreme exaggeration based on a few isolated events, and the claim that it’s related to immigration is more or less not true at all,” says Jerzy Sarnecki, a criminologist at Stockholm University who has devoted his career to the study of criminality, ethnicity and age.

Sweden does indeed have far more reported cases of sexual assault than any other country. But it’s not because Swedes – of any colour – are very criminal. It’s because they’re very feminist. In 2005, Sweden’s Social Democratic government introduced a new sex-crime law with the world’s most expansive definition of rape.

Imagine, for example, if your boss rubbed against you in an unwanted way at work once a week for a year. In Canada, this would potentially be a case of sexual assault. Under Germany’s more limited laws, it would be zero cases. In Sweden, it would be tallied as 52 separate cases of rape. If you engaged in a half-dozen sex acts with your spouse, then later you felt you had not given consent, in Sweden that would be classified as six cases of rape.

The marked increase in rape cases during the 2000s is almost entirely a reflection of Sweden’s deep public interest in sexual equality and the rights of women, not of attacks by newcomers.

But aren’t refugees and immigrants responsible for a greater share of Sweden’s sexual assaults?

In a sense. Statistics show that the foreign-born in Sweden, as in most European countries, do have a higher rate of criminal charges than the native-born, in everything from shoplifting to murder (though not enough to affect the crime rate by more than a tiny margin). The opposite is true in North America, where immigrants have lower-than-average crime rates.

Why the difference? Because people who go to Sweden are poorer, and crime rates are mostly a product not of ethnicity but of class. In a 2013 analysis of 63,000 Swedish residents, Prof. Sarnecki and his colleagues found that 75 per cent of the difference in foreign-born crime is accounted for by income and neighbourhood, both indicators of poverty. Among the Swedish-born children of immigrants, the crime rate falls in half (and is almost entirely concentrated in lesser property crimes) and is 100-per-cent attributable to class – they are no more likely to commit crimes, including rape, than ethnic Swedes of the same family income.

What also stands out is that almost all the victims of these crimes – especially sex crimes – are also foreign-born. But for a handful of headline-grabbing atrocities, it isn’t a case of swarthy men preying on white women, but of Sweden’s system turning refugees into victims of crime.

That is the real Swedish crisis. Refugee shelters are terrible, dangerous places, whoever is in them. When such shelters, then known as displaced persons camps, held millions of Europeans in the 1940s and 1950s, histories show they were at risk of sexual predation and organized attacks against Jewish refugees.

Because otherwise generous Sweden doesn’t allow refugees to seek work until they know the language, tens of thousands of people are stuck in these awful places, in similar conditions, or in welfare-dependent netherworlds.

There they become victims of violent crime, victims of economic exclusion and victims of a grotesque, viral story that portrays them as predators, entirely because of their skin colour.

Class division is the cause of rape???? Few isolated events??

C'mon, how much of those 'personal' cases get to the mainstream media and how much are left to be quietly 'investigated'? Sure we hear mostly of the most vile cases, and even then it's mostly covered by political correctness out of fear.

Poor poor rapists, the money they get for free, the big welcome chants and the housing they get only makes them feel frustrated. Poor poor 20-something males who ran away from defending their home poor poor raping coward low-lifes.

What do actual crime statistics say?

And, how does what you say relate to the differing legal definitions of rape in Sweden compared to other countries?

Maybe we should stick to fact rather than emotion here.

Another fact is we know it's supported by those immigrant societies, who see rape of boys and girls as nothing special, and encouraged by their religious law.

How can a woman apologize for this ??

No one is apologizing for anything.

I simply want truth. Not fear mongering or hate mongering. These "immigrant societies" comprises a whole lot of different countries and cultures and you are claiming they all see the rape of boys and girls as nothing special and are "encouraged" by their religious law?

Again, let's see actual evidence that this is occurring in Sweden, for example.
Sweden’s rape crisis isn’t what it seems

...Behind it you’ll find the resurrection of an old, deadly appeal to fear – that people of certain skin colours are natural-born predators who threaten white women. It’s a version of lynch-mob logic that happens to appeal to the liberal and tolerant as much as the hateful and intolerant.

And it falls apart as soon as you speak to anyone knowledgeable in Sweden.

“What we’re hearing is a very, very extreme exaggeration based on a few isolated events, and the claim that it’s related to immigration is more or less not true at all,” says Jerzy Sarnecki, a criminologist at Stockholm University who has devoted his career to the study of criminality, ethnicity and age.

Sweden does indeed have far more reported cases of sexual assault than any other country. But it’s not because Swedes – of any colour – are very criminal. It’s because they’re very feminist. In 2005, Sweden’s Social Democratic government introduced a new sex-crime law with the world’s most expansive definition of rape.

Imagine, for example, if your boss rubbed against you in an unwanted way at work once a week for a year. In Canada, this would potentially be a case of sexual assault. Under Germany’s more limited laws, it would be zero cases. In Sweden, it would be tallied as 52 separate cases of rape. If you engaged in a half-dozen sex acts with your spouse, then later you felt you had not given consent, in Sweden that would be classified as six cases of rape.

The marked increase in rape cases during the 2000s is almost entirely a reflection of Sweden’s deep public interest in sexual equality and the rights of women, not of attacks by newcomers.

But aren’t refugees and immigrants responsible for a greater share of Sweden’s sexual assaults?

In a sense. Statistics show that the foreign-born in Sweden, as in most European countries, do have a higher rate of criminal charges than the native-born, in everything from shoplifting to murder (though not enough to affect the crime rate by more than a tiny margin). The opposite is true in North America, where immigrants have lower-than-average crime rates.

Why the difference? Because people who go to Sweden are poorer, and crime rates are mostly a product not of ethnicity but of class. In a 2013 analysis of 63,000 Swedish residents, Prof. Sarnecki and his colleagues found that 75 per cent of the difference in foreign-born crime is accounted for by income and neighbourhood, both indicators of poverty. Among the Swedish-born children of immigrants, the crime rate falls in half (and is almost entirely concentrated in lesser property crimes) and is 100-per-cent attributable to class – they are no more likely to commit crimes, including rape, than ethnic Swedes of the same family income.

What also stands out is that almost all the victims of these crimes – especially sex crimes – are also foreign-born. But for a handful of headline-grabbing atrocities, it isn’t a case of swarthy men preying on white women, but of Sweden’s system turning refugees into victims of crime.

That is the real Swedish crisis. Refugee shelters are terrible, dangerous places, whoever is in them. When such shelters, then known as displaced persons camps, held millions of Europeans in the 1940s and 1950s, histories show they were at risk of sexual predation and organized attacks against Jewish refugees.

Because otherwise generous Sweden doesn’t allow refugees to seek work until they know the language, tens of thousands of people are stuck in these awful places, in similar conditions, or in welfare-dependent netherworlds.

There they become victims of violent crime, victims of economic exclusion and victims of a grotesque, viral story that portrays them as predators, entirely because of their skin colour.

Class division is the cause of rape???? Few isolated events??

C'mon, how much of those 'personal' cases get to the mainstream media and how much are left to be quietly 'investigated'? Sure we hear mostly of the most vile cases, and even then it's mostly covered by political correctness out of fear.

Poor poor rapists, the money they get for free, the big welcome chants and the housing they get only makes them feel frustrated. Poor poor 20-something males who ran away from defending their home poor poor raping coward low-lifes.

What do actual crime statistics say?

And, how does what you say relate to the differing legal definitions of rape in Sweden compared to other countries?

Maybe we should stick to fact rather than emotion here.

Statistics can be altered to match any agenda...ask your commy-socialist friend Stalin.

Fact is we know it's not only Sweden, and fact is most cases don't reach the media. Another fact is nurses in hospitals try to convince raped tourists not to report or just invite a police officer to make a farce show...I personally know such cases.

Crime data provides the best available evidence - far more than testimonials and unsubstantiated claims. In any other instance, we'd probably rely on crime data so why not here? hmmm?

Because here we can clearly see a bias in reporting those crimes.
Sweden has the most leftist govt with a clear agenda therefore the data is being tailored.

Do you think statistics coming from an immigrant dominated cities, where the police can't defend the citizens are representing the reality on the streets?

If you think there is a bias in reporting then consider this: Sweden is the most leftist and feminist country there is, with the broadest definition of rape and the strongest protection of women's rights. Given that, don't you suppose that any bias would be in favor of women?

If you're talking about "No Go Zones" in Sweden (your last sentence) - you do realize that is a myth?
  • Thread starter
  • Moderator
  • #51
Sweden’s rape crisis isn’t what it seems

...Behind it you’ll find the resurrection of an old, deadly appeal to fear – that people of certain skin colours are natural-born predators who threaten white women. It’s a version of lynch-mob logic that happens to appeal to the liberal and tolerant as much as the hateful and intolerant.

And it falls apart as soon as you speak to anyone knowledgeable in Sweden.

“What we’re hearing is a very, very extreme exaggeration based on a few isolated events, and the claim that it’s related to immigration is more or less not true at all,” says Jerzy Sarnecki, a criminologist at Stockholm University who has devoted his career to the study of criminality, ethnicity and age.

Sweden does indeed have far more reported cases of sexual assault than any other country. But it’s not because Swedes – of any colour – are very criminal. It’s because they’re very feminist. In 2005, Sweden’s Social Democratic government introduced a new sex-crime law with the world’s most expansive definition of rape.

Imagine, for example, if your boss rubbed against you in an unwanted way at work once a week for a year. In Canada, this would potentially be a case of sexual assault. Under Germany’s more limited laws, it would be zero cases. In Sweden, it would be tallied as 52 separate cases of rape. If you engaged in a half-dozen sex acts with your spouse, then later you felt you had not given consent, in Sweden that would be classified as six cases of rape.

The marked increase in rape cases during the 2000s is almost entirely a reflection of Sweden’s deep public interest in sexual equality and the rights of women, not of attacks by newcomers.

But aren’t refugees and immigrants responsible for a greater share of Sweden’s sexual assaults?

In a sense. Statistics show that the foreign-born in Sweden, as in most European countries, do have a higher rate of criminal charges than the native-born, in everything from shoplifting to murder (though not enough to affect the crime rate by more than a tiny margin). The opposite is true in North America, where immigrants have lower-than-average crime rates.

Why the difference? Because people who go to Sweden are poorer, and crime rates are mostly a product not of ethnicity but of class. In a 2013 analysis of 63,000 Swedish residents, Prof. Sarnecki and his colleagues found that 75 per cent of the difference in foreign-born crime is accounted for by income and neighbourhood, both indicators of poverty. Among the Swedish-born children of immigrants, the crime rate falls in half (and is almost entirely concentrated in lesser property crimes) and is 100-per-cent attributable to class – they are no more likely to commit crimes, including rape, than ethnic Swedes of the same family income.

What also stands out is that almost all the victims of these crimes – especially sex crimes – are also foreign-born. But for a handful of headline-grabbing atrocities, it isn’t a case of swarthy men preying on white women, but of Sweden’s system turning refugees into victims of crime.

That is the real Swedish crisis. Refugee shelters are terrible, dangerous places, whoever is in them. When such shelters, then known as displaced persons camps, held millions of Europeans in the 1940s and 1950s, histories show they were at risk of sexual predation and organized attacks against Jewish refugees.

Because otherwise generous Sweden doesn’t allow refugees to seek work until they know the language, tens of thousands of people are stuck in these awful places, in similar conditions, or in welfare-dependent netherworlds.

There they become victims of violent crime, victims of economic exclusion and victims of a grotesque, viral story that portrays them as predators, entirely because of their skin colour.

Class division is the cause of rape???? Few isolated events??

C'mon, how much of those 'personal' cases get to the mainstream media and how much are left to be quietly 'investigated'? Sure we hear mostly of the most vile cases, and even then it's mostly covered by political correctness out of fear.

Poor poor rapists, the money they get for free, the big welcome chants and the housing they get only makes them feel frustrated. Poor poor 20-something males who ran away from defending their home poor poor raping coward low-lifes.

What do actual crime statistics say?

And, how does what you say relate to the differing legal definitions of rape in Sweden compared to other countries?

Maybe we should stick to fact rather than emotion here.

Another fact is we know it's supported by those immigrant societies, who see rape of boys and girls as nothing special, and encouraged by their religious law.

How can a woman apologize for this ??

No one is apologizing for anything.

I simply want truth. Not fear mongering or hate mongering. These "immigrant societies" comprises a whole lot of different countries and cultures and you are claiming they all see the rape of boys and girls as nothing special and are "encouraged" by their religious law?

Again, let's see actual evidence that this is occurring in Sweden, for example.

"Many different cultures"- i think there's one thing that is common to most immigrants who came illegally from the ME to Europe today.

Why isolate? Why not look at the situation in whole, Germany, Czech Republic, France, Denmark, Netherlands?

According to an article I just posted, the majority of crimes committed by immigrants in Germany are by those of N. Africa, Georgia and Serbia. Syrians and Iraqi's are disproportionately low.

Explain how you can "look at it in whole" when rape is defined very differently across countries?
Class division is the cause of rape???? Few isolated events??

C'mon, how much of those 'personal' cases get to the mainstream media and how much are left to be quietly 'investigated'? Sure we hear mostly of the most vile cases, and even then it's mostly covered by political correctness out of fear.

Poor poor rapists, the money they get for free, the big welcome chants and the housing they get only makes them feel frustrated. Poor poor 20-something males who ran away from defending their home poor poor raping coward low-lifes.

What do actual crime statistics say?

And, how does what you say relate to the differing legal definitions of rape in Sweden compared to other countries?

Maybe we should stick to fact rather than emotion here.

Another fact is we know it's supported by those immigrant societies, who see rape of boys and girls as nothing special, and encouraged by their religious law.

How can a woman apologize for this ??

No one is apologizing for anything.

I simply want truth. Not fear mongering or hate mongering. These "immigrant societies" comprises a whole lot of different countries and cultures and you are claiming they all see the rape of boys and girls as nothing special and are "encouraged" by their religious law?

Again, let's see actual evidence that this is occurring in Sweden, for example.
Class division is the cause of rape???? Few isolated events??

C'mon, how much of those 'personal' cases get to the mainstream media and how much are left to be quietly 'investigated'? Sure we hear mostly of the most vile cases, and even then it's mostly covered by political correctness out of fear.

Poor poor rapists, the money they get for free, the big welcome chants and the housing they get only makes them feel frustrated. Poor poor 20-something males who ran away from defending their home poor poor raping coward low-lifes.

What do actual crime statistics say?

And, how does what you say relate to the differing legal definitions of rape in Sweden compared to other countries?

Maybe we should stick to fact rather than emotion here.

Statistics can be altered to match any agenda...ask your commy-socialist friend Stalin.

Fact is we know it's not only Sweden, and fact is most cases don't reach the media. Another fact is nurses in hospitals try to convince raped tourists not to report or just invite a police officer to make a farce show...I personally know such cases.

Crime data provides the best available evidence - far more than testimonials and unsubstantiated claims. In any other instance, we'd probably rely on crime data so why not here? hmmm?

Because here we can clearly see a bias in reporting those crimes.
Sweden has the most leftist govt with a clear agenda therefore the data is being tailored.

Do you think statistics coming from an immigrant dominated cities, where the police can't defend the citizens are representing the reality on the streets?

If you think there is a bias in reporting then consider this: Sweden is the most leftist and feminist country there is, with the broadest definition of rape and the strongest protection of women's rights. Given that, don't you suppose that any bias would be in favor of women?

If you're talking about "No Go Zones" in Sweden (your last sentence) - you do realize that is a myth?

In fact women in Sweden are talking about 'getting used' to the new rules, some even change their clothing and cover their blond hair to be less seen. What protection are you talking about?
  • Thread starter
  • Moderator
  • #53
What do actual crime statistics say?

And, how does what you say relate to the differing legal definitions of rape in Sweden compared to other countries?

Maybe we should stick to fact rather than emotion here.

Another fact is we know it's supported by those immigrant societies, who see rape of boys and girls as nothing special, and encouraged by their religious law.

How can a woman apologize for this ??

No one is apologizing for anything.

I simply want truth. Not fear mongering or hate mongering. These "immigrant societies" comprises a whole lot of different countries and cultures and you are claiming they all see the rape of boys and girls as nothing special and are "encouraged" by their religious law?

Again, let's see actual evidence that this is occurring in Sweden, for example.
What do actual crime statistics say?

And, how does what you say relate to the differing legal definitions of rape in Sweden compared to other countries?

Maybe we should stick to fact rather than emotion here.

Statistics can be altered to match any agenda...ask your commy-socialist friend Stalin.

Fact is we know it's not only Sweden, and fact is most cases don't reach the media. Another fact is nurses in hospitals try to convince raped tourists not to report or just invite a police officer to make a farce show...I personally know such cases.

Crime data provides the best available evidence - far more than testimonials and unsubstantiated claims. In any other instance, we'd probably rely on crime data so why not here? hmmm?

Because here we can clearly see a bias in reporting those crimes.
Sweden has the most leftist govt with a clear agenda therefore the data is being tailored.

Do you think statistics coming from an immigrant dominated cities, where the police can't defend the citizens are representing the reality on the streets?

If you think there is a bias in reporting then consider this: Sweden is the most leftist and feminist country there is, with the broadest definition of rape and the strongest protection of women's rights. Given that, don't you suppose that any bias would be in favor of women?

If you're talking about "No Go Zones" in Sweden (your last sentence) - you do realize that is a myth?

In fact women in Sweden are talking about 'getting used' to the new rules, some even change their clothing and cover their blond hair to be less seen. What protection are you talking about?

How much is hearsay and how much is factual? There is a lot of hearsay - but it doesn't seem supported by actual data.

How much do you rely on hearsay normally?

Do you have any actual evidence that there is a bias in crime stat reporting going on in Sweden, the world's most feminist country?
Another fact is we know it's supported by those immigrant societies, who see rape of boys and girls as nothing special, and encouraged by their religious law.

How can a woman apologize for this ??

No one is apologizing for anything.

I simply want truth. Not fear mongering or hate mongering. These "immigrant societies" comprises a whole lot of different countries and cultures and you are claiming they all see the rape of boys and girls as nothing special and are "encouraged" by their religious law?

Again, let's see actual evidence that this is occurring in Sweden, for example.
Statistics can be altered to match any agenda...ask your commy-socialist friend Stalin.

Fact is we know it's not only Sweden, and fact is most cases don't reach the media. Another fact is nurses in hospitals try to convince raped tourists not to report or just invite a police officer to make a farce show...I personally know such cases.

Crime data provides the best available evidence - far more than testimonials and unsubstantiated claims. In any other instance, we'd probably rely on crime data so why not here? hmmm?

Because here we can clearly see a bias in reporting those crimes.
Sweden has the most leftist govt with a clear agenda therefore the data is being tailored.

Do you think statistics coming from an immigrant dominated cities, where the police can't defend the citizens are representing the reality on the streets?

If you think there is a bias in reporting then consider this: Sweden is the most leftist and feminist country there is, with the broadest definition of rape and the strongest protection of women's rights. Given that, don't you suppose that any bias would be in favor of women?

If you're talking about "No Go Zones" in Sweden (your last sentence) - you do realize that is a myth?

In fact women in Sweden are talking about 'getting used' to the new rules, some even change their clothing and cover their blond hair to be less seen. What protection are you talking about?

How much is hearsay and how much is factual? There is a lot of hearsay - but it doesn't seem supported by actual data.

How much do you rely on hearsay normally?

Do you have any actual evidence that there is a bias in crime stat reporting going on in Sweden, the world's most feminist country?

PM says police report’s failure to mention incidents at 2014 event amounts to ‘double betrayal’, while reports emerge on New Year’s Eve attacks in Malmö
Another fact is we know it's supported by those immigrant societies, who see rape of boys and girls as nothing special, and encouraged by their religious law.

How can a woman apologize for this ??

Coyote places party above all things.

The party is closely aligned with the goals of radical Islam, so Coyote support those goals. Rape by Muslims detracts from the goal of massive immigration of Muslims into America. Remember, the #1 priority of the democrats is to end what they call "white, Christian America." Radical Islam is a key ally in the war democrats are waging on the nation.

Rape is a minor issue, the goal of ending America is too important worry about such things for Coyote and the other democrats.

Now you're just sounding like a retard.

I know, I'm here covering for rape.

Oh wait, that's you.

Hey, party is WAY too important to let a little thing like rape get in the way. The close allies of the democrats are so important to the goal of crushing the life out of "white, Christian America" that you can't worry about little things like women being raped.

Besides, your allies use rape as an object of terror, to dishearten your enemy.

Yes, seriously. All you offer is emotional hype.

Well, that's false.

But hey, you're here supporting rape, so I guess on the scale, you lying is minor...

That article talks about 2 incidents, one involving 2 people and the other 1 person.

That's not exactly empirical data.


You saw the embedded links.

Oh geez. More stupidy.

The Hillary DNC - openly promoting rape.

Vote Hillary, she'll import millions of Muslims so YOUR wife or daughter can experience the joy of being raped for Allah.
Dear lord you are actually defending the Islamic scum who are Raping European women?

What about the German politician who lied about getting raped by a rapefugee to protect them from scrutiny?

You can gerry mander the crime stats by changing definitions and playing that game. The same way the left tries to do gun violence in comparison to Europe.

Just try and explain why all these sexual assaults and rapes are happening in migrant areas? This is an Islamic rapevasion.

Dear Lord, no one is "defending" anything, just presenting facts over emotional fearmongering.

Can you provide any emperical data to support your claims that higher incidences of rape are reflected in crime stats and that immigrants are the cause of it?

You're rather silly if you think "definitions" have nothing to do with it or constitute "gerrymandering". When the definition of what constitutes an act of rape, and how that is counted absolutely affects statistics from country to countyry. The Op outlined that pretty succinctly.

Yeah you must be correct because I must have imagined that several nations have had to come up with classes for migrants to explain to them that raping women and children isn't allowed. They also have had to show them that Inappropriate groping isn't allowed either.

Yup the rape epidemic in Europe has zero to do with rapefugees.... So much so the governments and local police have spent money creating these classes and as campaigns.

If the migrant rapes weren't a problem the pro migrant governments wouldn't be covering their own tails by providing these classes and ad campaigns. They also wouldn't be telling white European women to wear more clothing.
  • Thread starter
  • Moderator
  • #58
No one is apologizing for anything.

I simply want truth. Not fear mongering or hate mongering. These "immigrant societies" comprises a whole lot of different countries and cultures and you are claiming they all see the rape of boys and girls as nothing special and are "encouraged" by their religious law?

Again, let's see actual evidence that this is occurring in Sweden, for example.
Crime data provides the best available evidence - far more than testimonials and unsubstantiated claims. In any other instance, we'd probably rely on crime data so why not here? hmmm?

Because here we can clearly see a bias in reporting those crimes.
Sweden has the most leftist govt with a clear agenda therefore the data is being tailored.

Do you think statistics coming from an immigrant dominated cities, where the police can't defend the citizens are representing the reality on the streets?

If you think there is a bias in reporting then consider this: Sweden is the most leftist and feminist country there is, with the broadest definition of rape and the strongest protection of women's rights. Given that, don't you suppose that any bias would be in favor of women?

If you're talking about "No Go Zones" in Sweden (your last sentence) - you do realize that is a myth?

In fact women in Sweden are talking about 'getting used' to the new rules, some even change their clothing and cover their blond hair to be less seen. What protection are you talking about?

How much is hearsay and how much is factual? There is a lot of hearsay - but it doesn't seem supported by actual data.

How much do you rely on hearsay normally?

Do you have any actual evidence that there is a bias in crime stat reporting going on in Sweden, the world's most feminist country?

PM says police report’s failure to mention incidents at 2014 event amounts to ‘double betrayal’, while reports emerge on New Year’s Eve attacks in Malmö

Interesting article...sounds, on one hand - very political, with each side making different claims and claims, still be substantiated, that it was covered up.. In the end - 2015 music festival, there were 15-20 claims of harrassment (note - no rape claims) in an event of over 170,000 teens. It is also interesting to note this:

During the 2014 festival, organisers picked up on rumours of a new phenomenon, said Roger Ticoalu, head of events at the Stockholm city administration.

“It was a modus operandi that we had never seen before: large groups of young men who surround girls and molest them,” Ticoalu said. “In the cases where we were able to apprehend suspects, they were with a foreign background, newly arrived refugees aged 17-20, who had come to Sweden without their families.”

He said festival organisers did not have enough facts at the time to say anything definitive, and it would have been “totally irresponsible on our side to make anything public”. After the festival the organisers launched a programme with police and NGOs to encourage girls and young women to report harassment and to identify culprits, he said.

Susanna Udvardi, director of the South-east Skåne Women’s Shelter, who has also led volunteer efforts to help refugees integrate in southern Sweden, said: “Vulgar and demeaning treatment of women, including serious harassment, is far from the preserve of immigrant men from the Middle East.

A spokesperson for the festival organisers, who wished to remain anonymous, said: “We have seen different waves of this sort of violence over time. Sexual harassment is something that happens in society, so everything that is happening in society will definitely happen there.”

The number of reports of harassment in 2015, around 15, had to be viewed in the context of 170,000 people each day in an open access area with no control over people coming and going. “Of course it was serious: 15 cases is still too many, but it is also not very much,” Gyllander said.

Question is - does this support the claim of "rape epidemics"?

Other points of interest - the culprits, those arrested or identified, seem to mostly belong to refugees classified as unaccompanied minors - youths who arrived without their parents. That's a volatile group regardless.

Swedish police accused of covering up sex attacks by refugees at music festival
Responding to the January incident in an editorial published by the Swedish magazine Mänsklig Säkerhet, Martina Lindberg, a former lecturer on women, peace, and security matters at Stockholm's Swedish Defense University, notes a skewed gender imbalance among asylum seekers in Sweden, with an estimated two-thirds of refugees being male. However, she argues that while the Swedish government should acknowledge this imbalance and adapt appropriate integration measures, it should not allow individual sex crimes to form what she calls "the basis for a simplified approach to the asylum-seeking man."

"Violence against women in the public sphere has been more or less constant in recent years," she wrote. "It seems as if the debate today depends more on who is assumed to be the perpetrator."

Indeed, according to official statistics on file with The Swedish Crime Survey, the sexual violence rate in Sweden has remained about the same between 2005 and 2014. In fact, it actually decreased by .3 percent between 2013 and 2014. That said, the country has the highest rate of rape in Europe, a statistic that has been partially attributed to both Swedish law, wherein rape is given a wider definition than in other countries, as well as a higher tendency among women to report the crimes to the police.

"It is much more complicated than the way the media are normally presenting it," Jerzy Sarnecki, a professor of criminology at Stockholm University, told The Daily Beast. "According to studies which I have done on general crime, most of the differences in recorded crimes between immigrants and Swedes are explained by socioeconomic factors. It doesn't mean of course, that one, a few, or several other incidents of that kind [sexual assaults perpetuated by immigrants] didn't happen. "

The xenophobic fear of the "other" is not limited to Sweden, certainly. In the United States, presumed Republican nominee Donald Trump made headlines around the world after describing Mexican immigrants as "rapists."

"One of the ghosts of all kinds of racial prejudices is allegations of sexual crimes against women," Sarnecki said, noting that in the 19th and 20th centuries many African-American men were executed based on (often unproven) allegations of raping white women. "It's an old, very well-used argument against immigrants."
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  • #59
Dear lord you are actually defending the Islamic scum who are Raping European women?

What about the German politician who lied about getting raped by a rapefugee to protect them from scrutiny?

You can gerry mander the crime stats by changing definitions and playing that game. The same way the left tries to do gun violence in comparison to Europe.

Just try and explain why all these sexual assaults and rapes are happening in migrant areas? This is an Islamic rapevasion.

Dear Lord, no one is "defending" anything, just presenting facts over emotional fearmongering.

Can you provide any emperical data to support your claims that higher incidences of rape are reflected in crime stats and that immigrants are the cause of it?

You're rather silly if you think "definitions" have nothing to do with it or constitute "gerrymandering". When the definition of what constitutes an act of rape, and how that is counted absolutely affects statistics from country to countyry. The Op outlined that pretty succinctly.

Yeah you must be correct because I must have imagined that several nations have had to come up with classes for migrants to explain to them that raping women and children isn't allowed. They also have had to show them that Inappropriate groping isn't allowed either.

Yup the rape epidemic in Europe has zero to do with rapefugees.... So much so the governments and local police have spent money creating these classes and as campaigns.

If the migrant rapes weren't a problem the pro migrant governments wouldn't be covering their own tails by providing these classes and ad campaigns. They also wouldn't be telling white European women to wear more clothing.

Hey, just provide data to support your points.

Many western country provide classes on the new culture to immigrants, including how women are treated. This has gone on for years. The only reason they are offering more is Europe, for the first time, has a much larger number of immigrants to deal with and to assimilate.

According to Swedish crime reports over the last decade, rape has remained at a fairly consistent level and even gone down. Where is this "rape epidemic" you refer to?
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  • #60

Now you're just sounding like a retard.

I know, I'm here covering for rape.

Oh wait, that's you.

Hey, party is WAY too important to let a little thing like rape get in the way. The close allies of the democrats are so important to the goal of crushing the life out of "white, Christian America" that you can't worry about little things like women being raped.

Besides, your allies use rape as an object of terror, to dishearten your enemy.

Yes, seriously. All you offer is emotional hype.

Well, that's false.

But hey, you're here supporting rape, so I guess on the scale, you lying is minor...

That article talks about 2 incidents, one involving 2 people and the other 1 person.

That's not exactly empirical data.


You saw the embedded links.

Oh geez. More stupidy.

The Hillary DNC - openly promoting rape.

Vote Hillary, she'll import millions of Muslims so YOUR wife or daughter can experience the joy of being raped for Allah.

All that and you still can't offer up any actual data...just nya nya nya you support rape nya nya nya.

Ever consider growing up? :)

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