Debunking Rape Epidemic Claims

‘NO’ German girls given TEMPORARY TATTOOS to help prevent swimming pool sex attacks

Since the beginning of 2016 dozens of swimming pool sex attacks have been reported to German police.

Swimming centre Maximare in Hamm has had to hire security staff after at least six assault since the turn of the year.

Last month police in Lower Saxony warned there is a "new phenomenon" of "sporadic group sexual assaults" in pools across the state and have accused "non German" men of the attacks.

Germany recently introduced a new 'No Means No' law amid increasing levels of sexual assaults by migrants.

Be careful, there, Tilly.

A senior moderator here thinks Muslim men raping European women and children is funny.

She keeps indicting such.
I know. Just when you think she can sink no lower, she manages! Utterly disgusting, but not exactly surprising.
He stepped across the room. There was a memory hole in the opposite wall. O'Brien lifted the grating. Unseen, the frail slip of paper was whirling away on the current of warm air; it was vanishing in a flash of flame. O'Brien turned away from the wall. 'Ashes,' he said. 'Not even identifiable ashes. Dust. It does not exist. It never existed.' 'But it did exist! It does exist! It exists in memory. I remember it. You remember it.' 'I do not remember it,' said O'Brien. Winston's heart sank. That was doublethink. He had a feeling of deadly helplessness. If he could have been certain that O'Brien was lying, it would not have seemed to matter. But it was perfectly possible that O'Brien had really forgotten the photograph. And if so, then already he would have forgotten his denial of remembering it, and forgotten the act of forgetting. How could one be sure that it was simple trickery? Perhaps that lunatic dislocation in the mind could really happen: that was the thought that defeated him. O'Brien was looking down at him speculatively. More than ever he had the air of a teacher taking pains with a wayward but promising child. 'There is a Party slogan dealing with the control of the past,' he said. 'Repeat it, if you please.' '"Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past,"' repeated Winston obediently. '"Who controls the present controls the past,"' said O'Brien, nodding his head with slow approval. 'Is it your opinion, Winston, that the past has real existence?' Again the feeling of helplessness descended upon Winston. His eyes flitted towards the dial. He not only did not know whether 'yes' or 'no' was the answer that would save him from pain; he did not even know which answer he believed to be the true one. O'Brien smiled faintly. 'You are no metaphysician, Winston,' he said. 'Until this moment you had never considered what is meant by existence. I will put it more precisely. Does the past exist concretely, in space? Is there somewhere or other a place, a world of solid objects, where the past is still happening?' 'No.' 'Then where does the past exist, if at all?' 'In records. It is written down.' 'In records. And --?' 'In the mind. In human memories.' 'In memory. Very well, then. We, the Party, control all records, and we control all memories. Then we control the past, do we not?'
Seems women are 'sexually harassed on a regular basis'. Must be their imagination. Lol.

‘We can’t arrest them’: German police officer speaks out on refugees
Published time: 12 Jan, 2016 13:01
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© Kai Pfaffenbach / Reuters

A German police officer told media that law enforcement cannot efficiently tackle crime among refugees without being accused of excessive violence or racism, while many dangerous incidents are played down or kept secret to maintain desirable statistics.
TrendsEU refugee & migrant influx
The federal police officer, referred to as Bernd K., has shared his experiences with Bild newspaper, having worked for six months at Munich train station and also in the “refugee hotspots” of Passau and Freilassing in Bavaria.

“At first, mostly families with children – who looked educated and spoke English – were coming here,” the officer told. Meanwhile, 95 percent of refugees are now single men.” ..

Referring to abuse and harassment against women, similar to those that took place in Cologne on New Year’s Eve, the officer said such cases are widespread in Bavaria as well.

“At the train station, women are sexually harassed and offended on regular basis. When we speak of an entry ban [to the area], they would shout on us: ‘You are not my police. You are a racist’.”

However, when a refugee needs to be controlled, the police cannot arrest him even for a while, the officer said, citing “superior orders” prescribing not to use coercive actions. “Our domestic rule is – better to let him run away.” ...

Vienna’s police chief under fire after advising women not to walk alone at night

...Police authorities in Germany and neighboring Austria and Sweden came under fire following an increased number of sexual abuse cases against women by suspects of allegedly “North African” or “Middle Eastern” descent. The situation before and after New Year’s Eve mass assaults nearby Cologne train station and in the city center was at first reported by local police as a “peaceful atmosphere,” prompting the Cologne police chief to resign.

After continuous reports of sexual assaults against women in the Austrian city of Salzburg, Vienna Police Chief Gerhard Purstl told Krone newspaper “Women should in general not go out on the streets at night alone, they should avoid suspicious looking areas” in an interview that spurred a wave of criticism.

Sexual assaults on New Year’s Eve took place in a number of European countries. The largest number of assaults was recorded in Cologne, where 516 criminal cases have been filed with Cologne Police, who said that these included two cases of rape.

‘We can’t arrest them’: German police officer speaks out on refugees
‘NO’ German girls given TEMPORARY TATTOOS to help prevent swimming pool sex attacks

Since the beginning of 2016 dozens of swimming pool sex attacks have been reported to German police.

Swimming centre Maximare in Hamm has had to hire security staff after at least six assault since the turn of the year.

Last month police in Lower Saxony warned there is a "new phenomenon" of "sporadic group sexual assaults" in pools across the state and have accused "non German" men of the attacks.

Germany recently introduced a new 'No Means No' law amid increasing levels of sexual assaults by migrants.

Be careful, there, Tilly.

A senior moderator here thinks Muslim men raping European women and children is funny.

She keeps indicting such.
I know. Just when you think she can sink no lower, she manages! Utterly disgusting, but not exactly surprising.

Coming from a woman who thinks slaughtering Muslim children (because they might be indoctrinated) is a good idea...well, utterly disgusting but not exactly surprising pretty much fits :)
‘NO’ German girls given TEMPORARY TATTOOS to help prevent swimming pool sex attacks

Since the beginning of 2016 dozens of swimming pool sex attacks have been reported to German police.

Swimming centre Maximare in Hamm has had to hire security staff after at least six assault since the turn of the year.

Last month police in Lower Saxony warned there is a "new phenomenon" of "sporadic group sexual assaults" in pools across the state and have accused "non German" men of the attacks.

Germany recently introduced a new 'No Means No' law amid increasing levels of sexual assaults by migrants.

Be careful, there, Tilly.

A senior moderator here thinks Muslim men raping European women and children is funny.

She keeps indicting such.

So thin skinned... you just think everyone should take your every highly educated "opinion" as fact eh?
‘NO’ German girls given TEMPORARY TATTOOS to help prevent swimming pool sex attacks

Since the beginning of 2016 dozens of swimming pool sex attacks have been reported to German police.

Swimming centre Maximare in Hamm has had to hire security staff after at least six assault since the turn of the year.

Last month police in Lower Saxony warned there is a "new phenomenon" of "sporadic group sexual assaults" in pools across the state and have accused "non German" men of the attacks.

Germany recently introduced a new 'No Means No' law amid increasing levels of sexual assaults by migrants.

How many actual swimming pool attacks? Six? Must be those little Muslim kids you want to slaughter.
‘NO’ German girls given TEMPORARY TATTOOS to help prevent swimming pool sex attacks

Since the beginning of 2016 dozens of swimming pool sex attacks have been reported to German police.

Swimming centre Maximare in Hamm has had to hire security staff after at least six assault since the turn of the year.

Last month police in Lower Saxony warned there is a "new phenomenon" of "sporadic group sexual assaults" in pools across the state and have accused "non German" men of the attacks.

Germany recently introduced a new 'No Means No' law amid increasing levels of sexual assaults by migrants.

Be careful, there, Tilly.

A senior moderator here thinks Muslim men raping European women and children is funny.

She keeps indicting such.
Well, there are Muslim women who have publically approved of Muslim men waging rape jihad on non Muslim women, using the Quran for justification, so not surprising really. Utterly Disgusting though.
Freja is a 50 year old bloke with a cellar full of nazi memorabilia

Like your collection of naked Neville Chamberlain pics?
I just love these threads started by rape apologists.
They could give a damn less about the victims.

There are any number of low functioning leftists out there who despise liberalism with such a vengeance that they run interference for Islamists, no matter WHAT they do.

You would almost think what has happened in Rotherham, Cologne, Brussels and all over Europe HASN'T happened, so thoroughly do they stand in complete solidarity with Islamic rape Jihad.

They are sick, sick individuals, indeed.

What's sick is people who can seem to provide facts or crime statistics to support you're claim. Got any Silly Tilly?
So thin skinned... you just think everyone should take your every highly educated "opinion" as fact eh?

I just point out what you are up to, filth.

It seems to be working, too, if your little spate of doubling down on your use of the funny button to show your solidarity with rape jihad is any indication.

I am not the only one here who sees right through you, and it shows. You are in a veritable froth of desperation and others find you just as pathetic and evil as do I
‘ NO’ German girls given TEMPORARY TATTOOS to help prevent swimming pool sex attacks

Since the beginning of 2016 dozens of swimming pool sex attacks have been reported to German police.

Swimming centre Maximare in Hamm has had to hire security staff after at least six assault since the turn of the year.

Last month police in Lower Saxony warned there is a "new phenomenon" of "sporadic group sexual assaults" in pools across the state and have accused "non German" men of the attacks.

Germany recently introduced a new 'No Means No' law amid increasing levels of sexual assaults by migrants.
‘NO’ German girls given TEMPORARY TATTOOS to help prevent swimming pool sex attacks

Since the beginning of 2016 dozens of swimming pool sex attacks have been reported to German police.

Swimming centre Maximare in Hamm has had to hire security staff after at least six assault since the turn of the year.

Last month police in Lower Saxony warned there is a "new phenomenon" of "sporadic group sexual assaults" in pools across the state and have accused "non German" men of the attacks.

Germany recently introduced a new 'No Means No' law amid increasing levels of sexual assaults by migrants.

Be careful, there, Tilly.

A senior moderator here thinks Muslim men raping European women and children is funny.

She keeps indicting such.

So thin skinned... you just think everyone should take your every highly educated "opinion" as fact eh?[/QUOTE I just point out what you are up to, filth.

It seems to be working, too, if your little spate of doubling down on your use of the funny button to show your solidarity with rape jihad is any indication.

I am not the only one here who sees right through you, and it shows. You are in a veritable froth of desperation and others find you just as pathetic and evil as do I.

So, tell us then, Mr. Embodiment of All that is Liberal, he who is the judge of all us poor inferior unwashed illiberal masses...

Why did you choose to use a discredited poll, from a disreputable site, about the views of American Muslims when you could have used the polling source you typically used, that is quite reputable - PEW ? Could it be that the Pew poll completely contradicted the claims you were making about American Muslims? You know...when you deliberately CHOOSE to pick a poll from a hate site rather than a reputable site, the taint sticks to you.
‘ NO’ German girls given TEMPORARY TATTOOS to help prevent swimming pool sex attacks

Since the beginning of 2016 dozens of swimming pool sex attacks have been reported to German police.

Swimming centre Maximare in Hamm has had to hire security staff after at least six assault since the turn of the year.

Last month police in Lower Saxony warned there is a "new phenomenon" of "sporadic group sexual assaults" in pools across the state and have accused "non German" men of the attacks.

Germany recently introduced a new 'No Means No' law amid increasing levels of sexual assaults by migrants.
‘NO’ German girls given TEMPORARY TATTOOS to help prevent swimming pool sex attacks

Since the beginning of 2016 dozens of swimming pool sex attacks have been reported to German police.

Swimming centre Maximare in Hamm has had to hire security staff after at least six assault since the turn of the year.

Last month police in Lower Saxony warned there is a "new phenomenon" of "sporadic group sexual assaults" in pools across the state and have accused "non German" men of the attacks.

Germany recently introduced a new 'No Means No' law amid increasing levels of sexual assaults by migrants.

Be careful, there, Tilly.

A senior moderator here thinks Muslim men raping European women and children is funny.

She keeps indicting such.

So thin skinned... you just think everyone should take your every highly educated "opinion" as fact eh?[/QUOTE I just point out what you are up to, filth.

It seems to be working, too, if your little spate of doubling down on your use of the funny button to show your solidarity with rape jihad is any indication.

I am not the only one here who sees right through you, and it shows. You are in a veritable froth of desperation and others find you just as pathetic and evil as do I.

So, tell us then, Mr. Embodiment of All that is Liberal, he who is the judge of all us poor inferior unwashed illiberal masses...

Why did you choose to use a discredited poll, from a disreputable site, about the views of American Muslims when you could have used the polling source you typically used, that is quite reputable - PEW ? Could it be that the Pew poll completely contradicted the claims you were making about American Muslims? You know...when you deliberately CHOOSE to pick a poll from a hate site rather than a reputable site, the taint sticks to you.

You may be poor, inferior and unwashed, but I would NEVER call you liberal.

Liberals do not think raping children is as funny as you do, especially when it is motivated by ethnic and cultural hatred.
In fact women in Sweden are talking about 'getting used' to the new rules, some even change their clothing and cover their blond hair to be less seen. What protection are you talking about?

How much is hearsay and how much is factual? There is a lot of hearsay - but it doesn't seem supported by actual data.

How much do you rely on hearsay normally?

Do you have any actual evidence that there is a bias in crime stat reporting going on in Sweden, the world's most feminist country?

PM says police report’s failure to mention incidents at 2014 event amounts to ‘double betrayal’, while reports emerge on New Year’s Eve attacks in Malmö

Interesting article...sounds, on one hand - very political, with each side making different claims and claims, still be substantiated, that it was covered up.. In the end - 2015 music festival, there were 15-20 claims of harrassment (note - no rape claims) in an event of over 170,000 teens. It is also interesting to note this:

During the 2014 festival, organisers picked up on rumours of a new phenomenon, said Roger Ticoalu, head of events at the Stockholm city administration.

“It was a modus operandi that we had never seen before: large groups of young men who surround girls and molest them,” Ticoalu said. “In the cases where we were able to apprehend suspects, they were with a foreign background, newly arrived refugees aged 17-20, who had come to Sweden without their families.”

He said festival organisers did not have enough facts at the time to say anything definitive, and it would have been “totally irresponsible on our side to make anything public”. After the festival the organisers launched a programme with police and NGOs to encourage girls and young women to report harassment and to identify culprits, he said.

Susanna Udvardi, director of the South-east Skåne Women’s Shelter, who has also led volunteer efforts to help refugees integrate in southern Sweden, said: “Vulgar and demeaning treatment of women, including serious harassment, is far from the preserve of immigrant men from the Middle East.

A spokesperson for the festival organisers, who wished to remain anonymous, said: “We have seen different waves of this sort of violence over time. Sexual harassment is something that happens in society, so everything that is happening in society will definitely happen there.”

The number of reports of harassment in 2015, around 15, had to be viewed in the context of 170,000 people each day in an open access area with no control over people coming and going. “Of course it was serious: 15 cases is still too many, but it is also not very much,” Gyllander said.

Question is - does this support the claim of "rape epidemics"?

Other points of interest - the culprits, those arrested or identified, seem to mostly belong to refugees classified as unaccompanied minors - youths who arrived without their parents. That's a volatile group regardless.

Swedish police accused of covering up sex attacks by refugees at music festival
Responding to the January incident in an editorial published by the Swedish magazine Mänsklig Säkerhet, Martina Lindberg, a former lecturer on women, peace, and security matters at Stockholm's Swedish Defense University, notes a skewed gender imbalance among asylum seekers in Sweden, with an estimated two-thirds of refugees being male. However, she argues that while the Swedish government should acknowledge this imbalance and adapt appropriate integration measures, it should not allow individual sex crimes to form what she calls "the basis for a simplified approach to the asylum-seeking man."

"Violence against women in the public sphere has been more or less constant in recent years," she wrote. "It seems as if the debate today depends more on who is assumed to be the perpetrator."

Indeed, according to official statistics on file with The Swedish Crime Survey, the sexual violence rate in Sweden has remained about the same between 2005 and 2014. In fact, it actually decreased by .3 percent between 2013 and 2014. That said, the country has the highest rate of rape in Europe, a statistic that has been partially attributed to both Swedish law, wherein rape is given a wider definition than in other countries, as well as a higher tendency among women to report the crimes to the police.

"It is much more complicated than the way the media are normally presenting it," Jerzy Sarnecki, a professor of criminology at Stockholm University, told The Daily Beast. "According to studies which I have done on general crime, most of the differences in recorded crimes between immigrants and Swedes are explained by socioeconomic factors. It doesn't mean of course, that one, a few, or several other incidents of that kind [sexual assaults perpetuated by immigrants] didn't happen. "

The xenophobic fear of the "other" is not limited to Sweden, certainly. In the United States, presumed Republican nominee Donald Trump made headlines around the world after describing Mexican immigrants as "rapists."

"One of the ghosts of all kinds of racial prejudices is allegations of sexual crimes against women," Sarnecki said, noting that in the 19th and 20th centuries many African-American men were executed based on (often unproven) allegations of raping white women. "It's an old, very well-used argument against immigrants."

You asked me about evidence for a bias in reporting those crimes.

I gave you a good, balanced report showing totally different opinions, however you cherry-picked the comments that were more apologetic, from the organizers who "did not have enough facts", but did have all the interest in promoting their production further.

Should we look at the facts in in the article as YOU asked?

1."Sweden’s prime minister has condemned a “double betrayal” of women after allegations that police covered up sexual harassment by recent immigrants at a music festival in Stockholm
“These are so-called refugee youths, specifically from Afghanistan. Several of the gang were arrested for sexual molestation,” one police memo said.
Yet the official police report on the five-day festival attended by 170,000 young people aged mainly 13-19 made no mention of sexual harassment or assaults.
The prime minister, Stefan Löfven, said this amounted to a double betrayal since no one was prosecuted for the crimes and the police did not make them public."

2."Officials say nearly all of the suspects in the attacks were “people with an immigrant background”. Police and the media have been accused of deliberately under-reporting the events in order not to encourage anti-immigrant sentiment."

3. "The pattern of harassment was repeated at the festival in 2015...
It is police policy not to comment on the ethnic background of perpetrators, he said."

So what's your argument, that we better forget about sexual crimes and look at crimes overall to suit your agenda? Or that 15-20 rapes each festival isn't epidemic?

Are you not cherry picking here?

Really? You think your infantile games of a sore child should work?

You asked for facts about the reporting bias, you got 'em, I'm just balancing your vile tactics of cherry picking opinions by people who are closer to the rapists and those who "did not have enough facts" or had all the monetary interest.

So is it ok for rape apologists to cherry-pick non-factual comments but not ok for the sane to pick factual comments by PM and Police spokesmen?
Interesting thing, but I haven't found any report of rape in Wacken Metal festival, considering that female partial nudity and mosh-pits are regular things there...

Maybe it's not even the organization or the effectiveness of police-
JUST DIFFERENT MEN,,but that's a totally different topic :)

According to the article you posted, there were no reports of rape at the Stockholm music festival.

First of all I showed you how reports and statistics being tailored, second all rapes start by harassment and molestations- I'm not going to get to your level of digging into small technicalities. Any coerced sexual violence is rape, or the beginning of it- and that's the only way sane MEN have to see it.
Dear lord you are actually defending the Islamic scum who are Raping European women?

What about the German politician who lied about getting raped by a rapefugee to protect them from scrutiny?

You can gerry mander the crime stats by changing definitions and playing that game. The same way the left tries to do gun violence in comparison to Europe.

Just try and explain why all these sexual assaults and rapes are happening in migrant areas? This is an Islamic rapevasion.

Dear Lord, no one is "defending" anything, just presenting facts over emotional fearmongering.

Can you provide any emperical data to support your claims that higher incidences of rape are reflected in crime stats and that immigrants are the cause of it?

You're rather silly if you think "definitions" have nothing to do with it or constitute "gerrymandering". When the definition of what constitutes an act of rape, and how that is counted absolutely affects statistics from country to countyry. The Op outlined that pretty succinctly.

Yeah you must be correct because I must have imagined that several nations have had to come up with classes for migrants to explain to them that raping women and children isn't allowed. They also have had to show them that Inappropriate groping isn't allowed either.

Yup the rape epidemic in Europe has zero to do with rapefugees.... So much so the governments and local police have spent money creating these classes and as campaigns.

If the migrant rapes weren't a problem the pro migrant governments wouldn't be covering their own tails by providing these classes and ad campaigns. They also wouldn't be telling white European women to wear more clothing.

Hey, just provide data to support your points.

Many western country provide classes on the new culture to immigrants, including how women are treated. This has gone on for years. The only reason they are offering more is Europe, for the first time, has a much larger number of immigrants to deal with and to assimilate.

According to Swedish crime reports over the last decade, rape has remained at a fairly consistent level and even gone down. Where is this "rape epidemic" you refer to?

You do realize that Sweden has suffered from an Islamic infestation for quite some time now.

What I realize is that you hate Muslims.

No but I do hate anyone who oppresses women and children. I think anyone who does that are worthless animals.
Tattoos to counter the 'growing issue of sex attacks' that isn't really happening. Lol.

'NO’ German girls given TEMPORARY TATTOOS to help prevent swimming pool sex attacks
YOUNG girls are being given temporary tattoos in swimming pools spelling out word “NO” after a spate of sex attacks at public baths.
PUBLISHED: 11:31, Mon, Aug 22, 2016 | UPDATED: 11:46, Mon, Aug 22, 2016


Temporary tattoos are being handed to young German girls over sex assaults
The small press-on designs also sport angel-like wings and are part of a new prevention campaign launched in the Bodensee district in the state of Baden-Wurttemberg.

Veronika Wascher-Goggerle, the Women's and Family representative of the district, is behind the launch and said the press-on tattoos would also help raise awareness over the growing issue of sex attacks in swimming pools.

The Bodenseekreis is famous for its bathing and boasts numerous indoor and outdoor swimming pools.

Alleged sex attacks by migrants have caused heated debate in the area over the last few months and some pools are hiring extra security - or even banning asylum seekers altogether. ....

‘NO’ German girls given TEMPORARY TATTOOS to help prevent swimming pool sex attacks


Glad to see you think so little of women and children that you constantly make any excuses for these sexual predators.

I bet you were here posting the salon articles by the Pedo's trying to normalize that behavior.
‘NO’ German girls given TEMPORARY TATTOOS to help prevent swimming pool sex attacks

Since the beginning of 2016 dozens of swimming pool sex attacks have been reported to German police.

Swimming centre Maximare in Hamm has had to hire security staff after at least six assault since the turn of the year.

Last month police in Lower Saxony warned there is a "new phenomenon" of "sporadic group sexual assaults" in pools across the state and have accused "non German" men of the attacks.

Germany recently introduced a new 'No Means No' law amid increasing levels of sexual assaults by migrants.

Be careful, there, Tilly.

A senior moderator here thinks Muslim men raping European women and children is funny.

She keeps indicting such.
I know. Just when you think she can sink no lower, she manages! Utterly disgusting, but not exactly surprising.

Coming from a woman who thinks slaughtering Muslim children (because they might be indoctrinated) is a good idea...well, utterly disgusting but not exactly surprising pretty much fits :)

You seem to be in denial that the Muslims rape women and children. According to you it's nothing to see here....

Bet you wouldn't leave your kids to be watched by these animals.
the actual rate of sex crimes has been more or less unchanged in Sweden between 2005 and 2014, despite the fact that immigration has increased during the same time period.

True, but while the rate of sex crimes hasn't changed despite the rise in immigration, the rise in Muslim immigrants may effect who carries out those sex crimes. The rate doesn't have to change, but the demographics of the people who commit those sex crimes can.

So, are you saying that imported rapists are pushing out native rapists?

No they are just more active
It took days for police to acknowledge the extent of the mass attacks on women celebrating New Year’s Eve in Cologne. The Germans were lucky; in Sweden, similar attacks have been taking place for more than a year and the authorities are still playing catch up. Only now is the truth emerging, both about the attacks and the cover-ups. Stefan Löfven, our Prime Minister, has denounced a ‘double betrayal’ of women and has promised an investigation. But he ought to be asking this: what made the police and even journalists cover up the truth?

The answer can be discovered in the reaction to the Cologne attacks. Sweden prides itself on its sexual equality and has even pioneered a feminist foreign policy. When hundreds of women were reported to have been molested and abused in Cologne — at the hands of an organised mob — the reaction from Swedish politicians and pundits ought to have been one of outrage.

Instead, we were told that the events in Cologne were not unusual. An article in Aftonbladet, Sweden’s largest tabloid, argued that it was racist to point out that the perpetrators in Cologne had been described as North African or Arab, since German men had carried out sexual assaults during Bavaria’s Oktober-fest. Another Aftonbladet article said that reporting on the Cologne attacks was bowing to right-wing extremism. Over the last week, we have been told over and over that the real issue is men, not any particular culture — that Swedish men are no better.

In the Arab world, it’s something of a phenomenon. It has a name: ‘Taharrush gamea’. Sometimes the girls are teased and have their veils torn off by gangs of young men; sometimes it escalates into rape. Five years ago, this form of attack was the subject of an award-winning Egyptian film, 678. Instances of young men surrounding and attacking girls were reported throughout the Arab Spring protests in Cairo in 2011 and 2012. Lara Logan, a CNN journalist covering the fall of Hosni Mubarak, was raped in Tahrir Square. Taharrush gamea is a modern evil, and it’s being imported into Europe. Our authorities ought to be aware of it.

It’s not only Germany that covers up mass sex attacks by migrant men... Sweden’s record is shameful
As we can see from this thread it is quite easy for the right to inflame hatred. Their targets are not too bright and they tend to only believe sources that confirm their low information prejudices.

Look at the cheerleaders on here for Islamophobia. One is a big supporter of Israel and would like to see all muslim children slaughtered. One is a rabid nazi who would like to see ALL people of colour chemically castrated.

You arent going to see a reasoned debate from this type of individual.

Anybody who has a different view is denounced as a rape apologist or a muslim savage or a woman hater.

Its a classic Hilterian tactic for stifling debate. If you can scream loud enough you can win the debate.

Are there issues with migrants in Europe ? Of course there are.

Is the next apocalypse about to happen ? Is it fuck.

Maybe a bit more time spent understanding why these people are in Europe might enlighten the ignorant a little bit.

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