Debunking Zionism


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Does it really need it. :lol:

Old Testament + Talmud = Fucktarded racists. And the thing is, according to the New Testament, Yahweh hates those of the tribe of Judah and Benjamin. Not that it matters since Yahweh DOES NOT and NEVER has existed. Sorry to break it to ya!

Any questions on zionism and the entity they call "Israel?" Folks even the mythology says that Judah and Israel were AT WAR!!! So who the fuck is Judah and who is Israel? It is irrelevant since it is like arguing over who is from Atlantis. IT IS ALL BULLSHIT.
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Cite the New Testament passage where it says God hates the Jews.

Zionism is a political movement which has nothing to do with Judaism.

Cite the racist passages in the Torah and Talmud.

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