December 30, 2022 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States

I don't trust Trump but on this particular income tax issue I mostly agree with him.
Statement by Donald J. Trump, twice impeached, twice failed to win the popular vote, loser of midterm elections, failed to be reelected, worst president in US history.

Just the facts.
Yet still a thousand times better than Joe Biden…
He put 200 billion into the hotel and sold it for twice that. So not sure where you are getting your figures

ok…tax losses aren’t the same thing as what it’s valued at when he sales it. He paid 200 billion when he sold it p

just the facts man just the facts

Hyperbole and bullshit is what you Trump supporters are good at, as you seem to imitate Trump. 200 BILLION? Are you sure about that figure? I think that you've inflated it quite a bit.

Trump only made 100 MILLION on that deal, not the 200 BILLION as you stated in two different posts, and even then, that figure is questionable.

Hyperbole and bullshit is what you Trump supporters are good at, as you seem to imitate Trump. 200 BILLION? Are you sure about that figure? I think that you've inflated it quite a bit.

Trump only made 100 MILLION on that deal, not the 200 BILLION as you stated in two different posts, and even then, that figure is questionable.

200 million is what i met not billion
200 million is what i met not billion

You meant a million, but yet you posted billion TWICE in 2 different posts? Sorry, it's hard to believe someone when they continually make mistakes like that. And for the record, it's about half of what you said, 100 million, not 200 million.

Or.............are you going to now tell us that 100 instead of 200 is what you meant? I posted a link in post 103 to show what the sale actually entailed, and it says:

The Trump Organization said Wednesday that it had completed the sale of a long-term lease of the Trump International Hotel to CGI Merchant Group of Miami for what it described as a record price per room for the city. Sources close to the deal demanding anonymity to discuss the private transaction have said that the price was $375 million, handing the Trump family business perhaps as much as $100 million in profit.

"Perhaps as much as", meaning that the figure could be quite a bit less. But, keep on with the bullshit and hyperbole, it's kinda entertaining to watch (at least, until I get bored with the bullshit). And, that 100 million figure (1/2 of what you've said) is what came from the Trump organization themselves.
You meant a million, but yet you posted billion TWICE in 2 different posts? Sorry, it's hard to believe someone when they continually make mistakes like that. And for the record, it's about half of what you said, 100 million, not 200 million.

Or.............are you going to now tell us that 100 instead of 200 is what you meant? I posted a link in post 103 to show what the sale actually entailed, and it says:

The Trump Organization said Wednesday that it had completed the sale of a long-term lease of the Trump International Hotel to CGI Merchant Group of Miami for what it described as a record price per room for the city. Sources close to the deal demanding anonymity to discuss the private transaction have said that the price was $375 million, handing the Trump family business perhaps as much as $100 million in profit.

"Perhaps as much as", meaning that the figure could be quite a bit less. But, keep on with the bullshit and hyperbole, it's kinda entertaining to watch (at least, until I get bored with the bullshit). And, that 100 million figure (1/2 of what you've said) is what came from the Trump organization themselves.
yes i met million. Trump made a ton of money off rhe investment
Your attack on our constitution and violation of the 4th Amendment didn't quite go as you hoped or planned, did it Nazi boi?

When will AOC release her taxes?

From bartender to multi-millionaire with just two years in congress. How exactly did that happen?
yes i met million. Trump made a ton of money off rhe investment

Okay, so you meant a million. Now, lets talk about the actual number..............are you going to stick with the 200 figure that you originally posted TWICE, or are you going to cut that in half and go with the up to 100 million figure that was released by the Trump organization concerning the sale of the hotel?

Are you going to stick with your inflated hyperbole, or are you going to start acknowledging that you inflated it and go with the figure that the Trump organization released?
Okay, so you meant a million. Now, lets talk about the actual number..............are you going to stick with the 200 figure that you originally posted TWICE, or are you going to cut that in half and go with the up to 100 million figure that was released by the Trump organization concerning the sale of the hotel?

Are you going to stick with your inflated hyperbole, or are you going to start acknowledging that you inflated it and go with the figure that the Trump organization released?
Coming from you that is expected. He lied. Too hard for you to comprehend.
Our NAZI promoter knows that the old fat Florida man him, that's one of his most attractive qualities.
So our Top Secrets weren`t found at mar-a-lardo?


That`s not a lie, Beavis.

James has no credibility - and that's unrelated to any of the slanderous lies you're spreading here,

I'll tell my grandchildren that America once had a 4th Amendment - but filth Nazi swine ended it - for nothing...

Yeah, but the democrats got rid of that pesky 4th Amendment - and THAT is what's important.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Do you even understand the concept of "probable cause"?

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Do you even understand the concept of "probable cause"?

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated

But you filthy Nazi fucks violated that, because Orange Man Bad.

You ended the 4th Amendment - just like you ended the 1st by throwing people in the Gulag for protesting your filthy Reich at the Reichstag Fire.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated

But you filthy Nazi fucks violated that, because Orange Man Bad.

You ended the 4th Amendment - just like you ended the 1st by throwing people in the Gulag for protesting your filthy Reich at the Reichstag Fire.
Wow, I guess I should of posted the rest of the amendment since you have never even read it.

and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.


That look like protected speech to you?

I mean you right wing assholes are all the same. Those protestors had every right to march on the capital carrying signs and chanting whatever. They didn't have the right to attempt to stop Senate proceedings, which was their goal. They sure didn't have the right to breech the capital and start looting for souvenirs.

And no, Trump can't take whatever documents he wanted, nor could he magically mentally "declassify" them. I mean you guys consistently take on conflicting positions. In the January 6 riot you often hear it was justified because it was the "people's house", the building is owned by the people so how could they be trespassing. But those papers Trump took, they also belong to the people. The cognitive dissonance among Trumpbots is completely debilitating.
Wow, I guess I should of posted the rest of the amendment since you have never even read it.

and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Same old lies from you Nazis.

Political witch hunts are specifically what the 4th is intended to protect us from.

Your fishing trip came up empty - further proving you were just gutting our Bill of Rights in your obsessive desire to crush the man who stood up to your criminal bullies.


That look like protected speech to you?

Nope, it looks like theft.

Put him in jail for theft.

I mean you right wing assholes are all the same. Those protestors had every right to march on the capital carrying signs and chanting whatever. They didn't have the right to attempt to stop Senate proceedings, which was their goal. They sure didn't have the right to breech the capital and start looting for souvenirs.

And no, Trump can't take whatever documents he wanted, nor could he magically mentally "declassify" them. I mean you guys consistently take on conflicting positions. In the January 6 riot you often hear it was justified because it was the "people's house", the building is owned by the people so how could they be trespassing. But those papers Trump took, they also belong to the people. The cognitive dissonance among Trumpbots is completely debilitating.

I mean you Nazi fucks are all the same - you, Hitler, Himmler - no difference in any of you. Anyone opposing you is an enemy of the Reich, not to be defeated politically, but to be killed or thrown in prison.

And yes, the Commander in Chief can classify or declassify any damned thing they like - the SCOTUS already ruled on this. You lying - and you ARE lying because I've personally provided case law to you- doesn't alter anything.

Hopefully McCarthy has to balls to force Oberfuhrer Garland to resign.
Same old lies from you Nazis.

Political witch hunts are specifically what the 4th is intended to protect us from.

Your fishing trip came up empty - further proving you were just gutting our Bill of Rights in your obsessive desire to crush the man who stood up to your criminal bullies.

Nope, it looks like theft.

Put him in jail for theft.

I mean you Nazi fucks are all the same - you, Hitler, Himmler - no difference in any of you. Anyone opposing you is an enemy of the Reich, not to be defeated politically, but to be killed or thrown in prison.

And yes, the Commander in Chief can classify or declassify any damned thing they like - the SCOTUS already ruled on this. You lying - and you ARE lying because I've personally provided case law to you- doesn't alter anything.

Hopefully McCarthy has to balls to force Oberfuhrer Garland to resign.
I believe you are jumping the gun on proclaiming an empty fishing trip. An indictment may very well be in the future, you can be assured the DOJ is going to proceed methodically and carefully.

And you are wrong about everyone that opposes is an enemy. Hell, healthy debate is what helped make America Great. But I do expect a minimal amount of intelligence and a healthy amount of integrity from those that oppose my position. I expect consistency in arguments, and I would like to see at least some factchecking done before people make the broad claims that they do, from reputable sources.
I believe you are jumping the gun on proclaiming an empty fishing trip. An indictment may very well be in the future, you can be assured the DOJ is going to proceed methodically and carefully.

Leticia James is a seditionist and will do anything she can to slander and slime the political opposition.

But your assault on our democracy and civil rights in destroying the 4th Amendment did indeed come up empty.

The key here is that there was no "probable cause" and this was purely fishing in a desperate attempt by you Nazis to stop your political opponent.

A further assault on democracy by your fascists.

And you are wrong about everyone that opposes is an enemy. Hell, healthy debate is what helped make America Great. But I do expect a minimal amount of intelligence and a healthy amount of integrity from those that oppose my position. I expect consistency in arguments, and I would like to see at least some factchecking done before people make the broad claims that they do, from reputable sources.

Healy debate doesn't including throwing the opposition in the gulag, the way you Nazis do.

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