December 30, 2022 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States

Oh yeah... nice spin. The building has his name on it....but as always, if it's bad ignore that.
haha the building has his name on it? hahah so what. he wasn’t even working there, he let the company to be president. Nice try, but a swing amd a miss
Dumbuck could have released his returns in 2016 & probably avoided all this.
Or not.

The point of Trump refusing to release his tax information was to conceal the fact that Trump is corrupt, dishonest, a bad ‘businessman,’ and likely committed tax fraud.
Statement by Donald J. Trump, twice impeached, twice failed to win the popular vote, loser of midterm elections, failed to be reelected, worst president in US history.

Just the facts.
historically he will be remembered as great president…like Bush sr, lincoln, kennedy

nobody cares about the parody impeachments* other then showing us how the demafasict are willing to abuse their office

trumps midterm elections…remain the only time this century a president gained seats in the senate
historically he will be remembered as great president…like Bush sr, lincoln, kennedy

nobody cares about the parody impeachments* other then showing us how the demafasict are willing to abuse their office

trumps midterm elections…remain the only time this century a president gained seats in the senate
On the list of presidents who incited deadly riots, the great man stands alone.
Why do you need the new media to tell you something.

There it is, Trump's 2020 return. And I got to be honest, losing almost 60 million dollars a year is not conducive to "creating jobs" or building jackshit. And the return looks sketchy on its face. It is screaming for an audit, and yet even when regulations require the IRS to audit the returns of the president and vice-president, Trump wasn't audited.

I mean look at all those Schedule C's. One for each of Trump's multiple personal businesses. Time and time again, the expenses for the business just happen to be the exact same as the income. I mean maybe it could happen once, perhaps even twice. But over and over again? I call bullshit.

Take DJT Operations. Zero income, $1,239 in taxes and licenses, $2,000 in legal and professional services. The problem is DJT Operations is the "business" that operates his 757. Flying cost is probably close to ten grand an hour.

Melania Trump plays along too. She still has a "modeling" career. Total income in 2020, $3,848. Want to take a guess at what her expenses were? Yep, $3,848. Donald Trump has a business that offers management services. He took it a little over $87,000 in 2020, but who would pay him for management advice when his "expenses" for that business were, you guessed it, a little over $87,000.

Look, I have completed Schedule C's for three damn decades. If you expense more than 50% of your profit it kind of throws up a red flag, COGS is calculated separately. Trump fought so hard not to have his tax return released because he knew, he was making a mockery out of the entire system.

Finally, remember that bullshit about how Trump was donating his salary to charity. Well, his charitable contributions is 2020 were ZIPPO, NOTHING, NADA. He didn't even give two shits to the Salvation Army. Admiring this piece of shit self-absorbed asshole has got to be the epitome of ignorance.

You gotten, now! Hahahaahhaahahahaaaaa.
I thought this thread would be about why trump stole our nation`s top secrets. Oh well.
Oh, you thought you'd lie like the fucking Nazi you are?

I get it, you ended the Bill of Rights in order to frame the object of your obsessive insanity - and well...

Congratulations to the Democrats for being so despicable that they made their partners in the GOP not look so bad after all for many people
Okay, I`ll do your homework for you.
It takes a special type of thief to steal from yourself.
Oh, you thought you'd lie like the fucking Nazi you are?

I get it, you ended the Bill of Rights in order to frame the object of your obsessive insanity - and well...

So our Top Secrets weren`t found at mar-a-lardo? That`s not a lie, Beavis.
Okay, I`ll do your homework for you.
It takes a special type of thief to steal from yourself.
haha he paid a fine because his campaign and not the foundation made the donation..he didn’t steal anything…the money wer to where he said it would go

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