December 30, 2022 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States

As I pointed out in this thread, and posted links to Trump's real returns, Trump "owns" many "private businesses". It is just really odd that all those private businesses make no money. I mean they have no revenues. But others make, oddly enough, exactly what they spent. And in the end, while Trump comes up with millions of dollars in losses. And the real kicker, most of those "expenses" are legal fees. No shit, got its own damn line on the expense part of the Schedule C and everything. Lays it right out there for you.

And it ain't just me noticing, it is tax attorneys and law professors specializing in tax law. No shit he didn't get audited, they did not want to touch that steaming pile of shit with a ten-foot pole. His returns are screaming red flags. I mean I understand, "pushing the envelope" and all. But that is not the case with Trump. I mean his returns have gone well past that and at this point seems much more like jeering at the IRS than any serious numbers.

The reality is that you Nazi filth took an extreme toll on Trump's business holdings. Still, everything you Seditionist traitors claimed is a total fucking lie. Trump is NOT broke, no indication of anything illegal.

Just you traitors crushing the 4th Amendment as part of your attack on civil rights, Nazi scum that you are.
Where are Joey Bidens corporate tax returns? A questioning public want to know.
Didn't Joey tell us he would be transparent? E-bikes encounter rocky road to approval despite popularity would be transparent?

What do you want to see? Tax returns? Here you go.

Financial disclosure listing all income and financial activity?

That was easy. What other complaints do you have?
What do you want to see? Tax returns? Here you go.

Financial disclosure listing all income and financial activity?

That was easy. What other complaints do you have?
Biden formed at least one corporation with his son when e left office Jan 20, 2017. Hunter even had a set of keys made for his daddy
Bull Crap! Joey Xi has never shown those corporate tax return forms, or the money skimmed from the Chinese.
What an awesome guy. Once again,he sets the record straight from the lying fake news media.

Never heard someone so proud to have lost 55.5 million dollars. But thanks for telling us what a horrible businessman he is.
Never heard someone so proud to have lost 55.5 million dollars. But thanks for telling us what a horrible businessman he is.
He put 200 billion into the hotel and sold it for twice that. So not sure where you are getting your figures

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