December 30, 2022 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States

Your attack on our constitution and violation of the 4th Amendment didn't quite go as you hoped or planned, did it Nazi boi?

When will AOC release her taxes?

From bartender to multi-millionaire with just two years in congress. How exactly did that happen?

You gotta quit believing everything you read on Facebook that jibes with your bullshit.

Actually, your attack on the constitution blew up in your face.

You traitor motherfuckers crushed the 4th Amendment for what? Not exactly the result you seditionist bastards were looking for.

In Top Gun, Tom Cruise played a Navy Aviator - in real life, you claim to have been a Navy Falator - which means you took an oath to "protect and defend the constitution of the United States."

No wonder you hate the Oath Keepers - because you're an oath breaker.

Your post makes zero sense. Try again.
Wow...........Trump is using his campaign money to pay to discount what might be said about his tax returns?
You mean to answer witch hunts to damage the candidate Trump by the government, funded by our tax dollars?
You mean to answer witch hunts to damage the candidate Trump by the government, funded by our tax dollars?

Maybe you could consider it a witch hunt, as Trump and his opinions are vastly unpopular with many in this country, but if his tax returns are true and accurate (which I'm pretty sure they are, as embellishing anything on them when released would be a violation of law), why does he see the need to discount what is released? If it's true and doesn't reflect badly on him, he should be happy they are being released (as well as would have released them himself a long time ago), but if they show he's a con man living in a house of cards, yeah, I can see why he keeps trying to prevent their release.

They could release my tax returns tomorrow, and I wouldn't really see a need to keep them secret. All they would show is that I have a humble income, and probably don't take all the tax breaks I could, and some might call me foolish for that.
What an awesome guy. Once again,he sets the record straight from the lying fake news media.

Trump- "they got my tax returns"! :206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206:

Dumbuck could have released his returns in 2016 & probably avoided all this. But, noooooooo! So dumbfuck Trump fucks himself again, gets his ass handed back to him & it's everyone else's fault.

Sure, why not?
His presidential salary that he was donating to charity showed up on his taxes as $0 charitable donations.
He did not earn it as income so it could not be a tax deduction. If he did, then you would call him a tax cheat.

In actuality, he refused to be paid and requested the federal government pay that same amount of money to a charity. Seeing as it was not his income, he could not choose what charity got it....and we dont even know if it was actually given to a charity

If he personally accepted it as income, and then donated it, the government would have been forced to pay payroll tax on instead he simply refused it as income.

He actually maximized the amount going to charity and minimized the amount the money would cost the federal government.

You guys really have no idea about the shit you talk about.

I find your ignorance amusing.
Maybe you could consider it a witch hunt, as Trump and his opinions are vastly unpopular with many in this country, but if his tax returns are true and accurate (which I'm pretty sure they are, as embellishing anything on them when released would be a violation of law), why does he see the need to discount what is released? If it's true and doesn't reflect badly on him, he should be happy they are being released (as well as would have released them himself a long time ago), but if they show he's a con man living in a house of cards, yeah, I can see why he keeps trying to prevent their release.

They could release my tax returns tomorrow, and I wouldn't really see a need to keep them secret. All they would show is that I have a humble income, and probably don't take all the tax breaks I could, and some might call me foolish for that.
Your last line...

If someone wanted to find you foolish...even if you weren't.....they would find something in your tax return and call you foolish.

Well, In Trumps case, he has 70 million people looking for SOMETHING to say he is a tax cheat and even if he isnt, they will find something they can spin.

Like the claim his returns do not show he donated his salary so he is a liar.

Except.....he never took the salary so he couldn't claim it as a write off.

You see, that is how things work.

The guy that comes upon a burning home and saves a family is the first guy questioned about where he was before the fire started. Usually the first person of interest in the crime. No joke. Truth.

That is how things work.
Maybe you could consider it a witch hunt, as Trump and his opinions are vastly unpopular with many in this country, but if his tax returns are true and accurate (which I'm pretty sure they are, as embellishing anything on them when released would be a violation of law), why does he see the need to discount what is released? If it's true and doesn't reflect badly on him, he should be happy they are being released (as well as would have released them himself a long time ago), but if they show he's a con man living in a house of cards, yeah, I can see why he keeps trying to prevent their release.

They could release my tax returns tomorrow, and I wouldn't really see a need to keep them secret. All they would show is that I have a humble income, and probably don't take all the tax breaks I could, and some might call me foolish for that.
Your logic is flawed and simple. Normal people would not want anything released to some congressional committee, particularly a hyper-aggressive enemy committee that has proven to go on relentless fishing expeditions.
He did not earn it as income so it could not be a tax deduction. If he did, then you would call him a tax cheat.

In actuality, he refused to be paid and requested the federal government pay that same amount of money to a charity. Seeing as it was not his income, he could not choose what charity got it....and we dont even know if it was actually given to a charity

If he personally accepted it as income, and then donated it, the government would have been forced to pay payroll tax on instead he simply refused it as income.

He actually maximized the amount going to charity and minimized the amount the money would cost the federal government.

You guys really have no idea about the shit you talk about.

I find your ignorance amusing.
That isn't even plausible, much less true. The salary would have to go to him first.
You gotta quit believing everything you read on Facebook that jibes with your bullshit.

Politifraud is not in the same universe as credible.

{Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an American activist, educator, and politician with a net worth of $1.5 million. In 2018, AOC was elected as a member of the U.S Congress. However, she started serving in January 2019. She serves as the United States Representative for New York’s 14th Congressional district. The district comprises some parts of North-Central Queens and the Eastern part of the Bronx in New York.}


I cant believe the IRS missed this stuff.

I mean, if true is is either tax evasion or tax fraud.

I guess the IRS does not audit one of the most active businesses in the country.

You are an idiot. I can rip apart everything you just said. Truth is. I don't have to. But on a side is quite obvious you have never owned a business. LMAO......his 757.......

Curious you know a balance sheet works? Do you even know what a balance sheet is? How about a P&L?

Are you aware of what accrual accounting is? you know what payroll taxes are? Are you one of those Bernie Sanders people that believe those are taxes taken out of the checks of employees? Bernie knows better but he believes you are stupid enough to believe otherwise.

LMAO....his 757.
As I pointed out in this thread, and posted links to Trump's real returns, Trump "owns" many "private businesses". It is just really odd that all those private businesses make no money. I mean they have no revenues. But others make, oddly enough, exactly what they spent. And in the end, while Trump comes up with millions of dollars in losses. And the real kicker, most of those "expenses" are legal fees. No shit, got its own damn line on the expense part of the Schedule C and everything. Lays it right out there for you.

And it ain't just me noticing, it is tax attorneys and law professors specializing in tax law. No shit he didn't get audited, they did not want to touch that steaming pile of shit with a ten-foot pole. His returns are screaming red flags. I mean I understand, "pushing the envelope" and all. But that is not the case with Trump. I mean his returns have gone well past that and at this point seems much more like jeering at the IRS than any serious numbers.
As I pointed out in this thread, and posted links to Trump's real returns, Trump "owns" many "private businesses". It is just really odd that all those private businesses make no money. I mean they have no revenues. But others make, oddly enough, exactly what they spent. And in the end, while Trump comes up with millions of dollars in losses. And the real kicker, most of those "expenses" are legal fees. No shit, got its own damn line on the expense part of the Schedule C and everything. Lays it right out there for you.

And it ain't just me noticing, it is tax attorneys and law professors specializing in tax law. No shit he didn't get audited, they did not want to touch that steaming pile of shit with a ten-foot pole. His returns are screaming red flags. I mean I understand, "pushing the envelope" and all. But that is not the case with Trump. I mean his returns have gone well past that and at this point seems much more like jeering at the IRS than any serious numbers.
Business owning 101....

You have revenue generating companies and you have holding companies. The holding companies generate no revenue. They are there to "hold" the money of the c-corps below them. The C-Corps pay taxes. The holding companies dont. WHy? Becuase they do not generate revenue. The simply take the revenue from the c-corps (who pay taxes on that revenue) and then determine the best way to have that cash spent on the c-corps.

You truly need to pay attention to how corporations work.

And I need to say this....the irs didnt want to touch his shit? Really? You truly believe that?

And just a final lesson.....

An S-corp is pass through. I have no idea what that means. It means any revenue that is not slated for expenses is taxed on the shareholders as personal income for that tax year. Even if not taken by the shareholders, it is divvied up per percentage to each shareholder as income.

AN LLP? The same. An LLC? The same.

A C-corp? Any money generated that is not divvied out to shareholders is considered non taxable income for that tax year and by tax law is allowed to stay "in the bank". If that money is used as a reinvestment into the company and no one takes out as cash, it is an expense. However, the minute shareholders get that money, it is personal income and taxable as personal income.

I dont know what tax attorneys and tax lawyers you listen to, but if you ever stop working at Taco Bell and start your own company, be it an S-Corp, an LLP, an LLC or a C-corp....I suggest you dont hire them.
He did not earn it as income so it could not be a tax deduction. If he did, then you would call him a tax cheat.

In actuality, he refused to be paid and requested the federal government pay that same amount of money to a charity. Seeing as it was not his income, he could not choose what charity got it....and we dont even know if it was actually given to a charity

If he personally accepted it as income, and then donated it, the government would have been forced to pay payroll tax on instead he simply refused it as income.

He actually maximized the amount going to charity and minimized the amount the money would cost the federal government.

You guys really have no idea about the shit you talk about.

I find your ignorance amusing.
That is sheer fantasy, for real. It is against the law, to refuse the executive salary. And as if Trump even gave two thoughts to maximizing contributions and minimizing taxes. And telling the government to issue a check to a charity? I mean you ever read the Constitution?

Trump didn't give the money to charity. Nope, for at least three out of the four years, and maybe two quarters of his final year, he cut a check to a government entity. I think the VA was one, the Interior department, or at least national parks was another. On the surface, well that means nothing, to you or Trump supporters.

So, here is where my brain goes kind of numb, I mean we have the proclaimed leader, hell savior, of the conservative movement You know, a government small enough to drowned in the bathtub. Well, he is like, nope--no charity, I am going to give it to the government. Guess the "smart" businessman knew where to get the better investment. I mean is that not the only thing that makes sense? He could have gave that money to Wounded Warriors instead of the VA, and got the write-off.
That is sheer fantasy, for real. It is against the law, to refuse the executive salary. And as if Trump even gave two thoughts to maximizing contributions and minimizing taxes. And telling the government to issue a check to a charity? I mean you ever read the Constitution?

Trump didn't give the money to charity. Nope, for at least three out of the four years, and maybe two quarters of his final year, he cut a check to a government entity. I think the VA was one, the Interior department, or at least national parks was another. On the surface, well that means nothing, to you or Trump supporters.

So, here is where my brain goes kind of numb, I mean we have the proclaimed leader, hell savior, of the conservative movement You know, a government small enough to drowned in the bathtub. Well, he is like, nope--no charity, I am going to give it to the government. Guess the "smart" businessman knew where to get the better investment. I mean is that not the only thing that makes sense? He could have gave that money to Wounded Warriors instead of the VA, and got the write-off.
Einstein. He accepted a 1 dollar salary to meet the law requirements.

You truly have no idea what you are talking about.
That isn't even plausible, much less true. The salary would have to go to him first.
Wrong. He had the right to accept a 1 dollar salary (which he did) and request the rest to go to charity of choice of the treasury.

Know your stuff before making statements
Wrong. He had the right to accept a 1 dollar salary (which he did) and request the rest to go to charity of choice of the treasury.

Know your stuff before making statements
Where in the hell do you get that fantasy?
Wrong. He had the right to accept a 1 dollar salary (which he did) and request the rest to go to charity of choice of the treasury.


Wrong. He had the right to accept a 1 dollar salary (which he did) and request the rest to go to charity of choice of the treasury.

Know your stuff before making statements
Where the hell do you get this shit from? I mean link, please! That is no where close to what happened.

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