Decrying Gay Marriage, Black Pastors Join Legal Fight


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!

Declaring "the fight is on," a formidable coalition of conservative Christian groups filed legal briefs in federal appellate court Wednesday supporting Michigan's ban on gay marriage.

Representing potentially millions of worshippers in the state, the Michigan Catholic Conference, the Thomas More Law Center in Ann Arbor, Mich., and a national coalition of Baptists, Lutherans, Mormons and evangelicals led by Catholic bishops filed three separate briefs Wednesday in the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati. The briefs back Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette in his efforts to defend the state's voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage, which was overturned earlier this year by a federal judge in Detroit.

Gay marriage would "destroy the backbone of our society," said the Rev. Stacey Swimp of Flint, Mich., at a Wednesday morning rally held by African-American ministers at First Baptist World Changers International Church in Detroit.

Decrying gay marriage, black pastors join legal fight

Which side will the subversives fall on....which one is the most immoral, unethical and unprincipled....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Fags cannot be married... Marriage is between two people of the opposite sex that have the potential to create children. Fags cannot create children...and we should never let these pervs adopt children... If we do, when those kids grow up and start pointing fingers at us as accessories to their rapes...what are you going to say? "I thought they were such nice people, I am so sorry?".. Smh.. It'll be too late by then. Keep cheering on the faggots, liberals. Watch another one of your do goodery spasms destroy even more lives.

After all, look at how great my brothers & sisters are doing thanks to tour "help".

Fuck liberals... Especially white ones. Call me racist if you want...

Declaring "the fight is on," a formidable coalition of conservative Christian groups filed legal briefs in federal appellate court Wednesday supporting Michigan's ban on gay marriage.

Representing potentially millions of worshippers in the state, the Michigan Catholic Conference, the Thomas More Law Center in Ann Arbor, Mich., and a national coalition of Baptists, Lutherans, Mormons and evangelicals led by Catholic bishops filed three separate briefs Wednesday in the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati. The briefs back Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette in his efforts to defend the state's voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage, which was overturned earlier this year by a federal judge in Detroit.

Gay marriage would "destroy the backbone of our society," said the Rev. Stacey Swimp of Flint, Mich., at a Wednesday morning rally held by African-American ministers at First Baptist World Changers International Church in Detroit.

Decrying gay marriage, black pastors join legal fight

Which side will the subversives fall on....which one is the most immoral, unethical and unprincipled....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:


Declaring "the fight is on," a formidable coalition of conservative Christian groups filed legal briefs in federal appellate court Wednesday supporting Michigan's ban on gay marriage.

Representing potentially millions of worshippers in the state, the Michigan Catholic Conference, the Thomas More Law Center in Ann Arbor, Mich., and a national coalition of Baptists, Lutherans, Mormons and evangelicals led by Catholic bishops filed three separate briefs Wednesday in the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati. The briefs back Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette in his efforts to defend the state's voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage, which was overturned earlier this year by a federal judge in Detroit.

Gay marriage would "destroy the backbone of our society," said the Rev. Stacey Swimp of Flint, Mich., at a Wednesday morning rally held by African-American ministers at First Baptist World Changers International Church in Detroit.

Decrying gay marriage, black pastors join legal fight

Which side will the subversives fall on....which one is the most immoral, unethical and unprincipled....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:


Bigot schmigot... Don't take my word for it... Take the word of a man who saw this fag worship start & even lended a hand to it... Who now wishes he hadn't. Also, you'll note if you watch the video that he is far from what you'd call a bigot, fag worshippers.

I have no problem admitting I am a bigot towards homos. Better than being a fag worshipper.

[ame=]Gay science is all fake, how gays control psychology - YouTube[/ame]
If not for white folks, blacks would be hanging these homo's in the streets
Gay marriage would "destroy the backbone of our society," said the Rev. Stacey Swimp of Flint, Mich., at a Wednesday morning rally held by African-American ministers at First Baptist World Changers International Church in Detroit.
Ignorant, hateful demagoguery.

In fact, seeking to deny gay Americans their civil liberties would prove harmful to our society, in addition to being un-Constitutional.
If not for white folks, blacks would be hanging these homo's in the streets

A lot of us would, yes. But even though I am totally against faggots, I don't want to hang any of them. I'd rather they back off with the aggressive push to make us all(that includes your white self, Tank)normal people embrace their sickness. ..and live and let live. They need to stay away from the children...that's it, that's all most black folks I know think about it.
Fags cannot be married...


There are gay Americans who are currently married.


They're the equivelant of little kids playing house... In the end, they're not really husband & wife.

By the way, since youre a fag worshipper you might know... What are they calling themselves? Man & A 1/2? Bitch & Groom? Fag & Hag?... Have they figured that out yet or are they playing it by ear?
Gay marriage would "destroy the backbone of our society," said the Rev. Stacey Swimp of Flint, Mich., at a Wednesday morning rally held by African-American ministers at First Baptist World Changers International Church in Detroit.
Ignorant, hateful demagoguery.

In fact, seeking to deny gay Americans their civil liberties would prove harmful to our society, in addition to being un-Constitutional.

What civil liberties are they be denied? What civil liberty are normal Americans allowed that they aren't?

No, hypocrites. Nothing bigoted about opposing the fascist agenda of legal homo marriage. No potential for procreation with homos so no coercion to consider and therefore no need for legal involvement.
Hypocrites because so many blacks who are parishioners of these 'black' churches continue to create out-of-wedlock babies who go on to become feral children who bring down society. Yet these 'black' churches argue in support of hetero marriage.
Gay marriage would "destroy the backbone of our society," said the Rev. Stacey Swimp of Flint, Mich., at a Wednesday morning rally held by African-American ministers at First Baptist World Changers International Church in Detroit.
Ignorant, hateful demagoguery.

In fact, seeking to deny gay Americans their civil liberties would prove harmful to our society, in addition to being un-Constitutional.

Another racist speaks out.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Fags cannot be married... Marriage is between two people of the opposite sex that have the potential to create children. Fags cannot create children...and we should never let these pervs adopt children... If we do, when those kids grow up and start pointing fingers at us as accessories to their rapes...what are you going to say? "I thought they were such nice people, I am so sorry?".. Smh.. It'll be too late by then. Keep cheering on the faggots, liberals. Watch another one of your do goodery spasms destroy even more lives.

After all, look at how great my brothers & sisters are doing thanks to tour "help".

Fuck liberals.....
only after a nice church wedding you smooth talking twerp.
Ps sweet cheeks you will be the bride.
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Black people bitch about tolerance all the time, yet when its their turn, they aren't tolerant. How can a community be such open hypocrites but hold no shame for it? Come on black people, please start being embarrassed for this stuff. Its the first step towards developing a healthy culture.

No, hypocrites. Nothing bigoted about opposing the fascist agenda of legal homo marriage. No potential for procreation with homos so no coercion to consider and therefore no need for legal involvement.
Hypocrites because so many blacks who are parishioners of these 'black' churches continue to create out-of-wedlock babies who go on to become feral children who bring down society. Yet these 'black' churches argue in support of hetero marriage.
You act as if black people don't decry what goes on within the marriages in which they have between men and women that are black, and that are failing also, where as they are decrying all the problems that go on in the black communities, as well as what comes at them from outside the black communities. Nice try you made there, but people aren't so simple minded as you might think they are. Blacks can handle more than one issue at the time, so go back and try your little small thinking some where else, because it failed here.
Black people bitch about tolerance all the time, yet when its their turn, they aren't tolerant. How can a community be such open hypocrites but hold no shame for it? Come on black people, please start being embarrassed for this stuff. Its the first step towards developing a healthy culture.
Well they are (standing here), so are they doing what you think they should be doing (taking a stand), but you are mad about it ?
Gay marriage would "destroy the backbone of our society," said the Rev. Stacey Swimp of Flint, Mich., at a Wednesday morning rally held by African-American ministers at First Baptist World Changers International Church in Detroit.
Ignorant, hateful demagoguery.

In fact, seeking to deny gay Americans their civil liberties would prove harmful to our society, in addition to being un-Constitutional.
Can you back that up instead of simply parroting the line? I think the hate is all yours since there is no Constitutional protection of any marriage definitions.
Fags cannot be married... Marriage is between two people of the opposite sex that have the potential to create children. Fags cannot create children...and we should never let these pervs adopt children... If we do, when those kids grow up and start pointing fingers at us as accessories to their rapes...what are you going to say? "I thought they were such nice people, I am so sorry?".. Smh.. It'll be too late by then. Keep cheering on the faggots, liberals. Watch another one of your do goodery spasms destroy even more lives.

After all, look at how great my brothers & sisters are doing thanks to tour "help".

Fuck liberals.....
only after a nice church wedding you smooth talking twerp.
Ps sweet cheeks you will be the bride.
I'm not a fag, so you'd be wrong. Tell me why it is that you won't address anything I actually said because you're so angry that I used the word faggot, faggot. Would leave your son with a catholic priest after all they've been accused of, you know raping little boys, cocksmoker? And would it be somewhat your fault if that boy got raped? Two fags in Australia who adopted a boy sold him into sex slavery, you stupid queer. I guarantee it happens more often than we will ever or would want to be aware of.

I don't believe every faggot would do something like that, but the potential is too high to just rubber stamp them adopting children, just as I would err on the side of caution and not leave my child in the care of a catholic priest...even though it is true that most of them would never do such a thing.

Let's see if you can do anything other than cry about me being mean to the butt pirates?
Black people bitch about tolerance all the time, yet when its their turn, they aren't tolerant. How can a community be such open hypocrites but hold no shame for it? Come on black people, please start being embarrassed for this stuff. Its the first step towards developing a healthy culture.

Nothing hypocritical about it. Fags are not a race...they come in every color and disgust anyone with a brain that functions with their attempts to ruin the lives of people who, if it weren't for the government-media complex trying to browbeat everyone into ACCEPTING their filthy lifestyle..we would otherwise never pay them no mind. stop trying to tell us how to think, and you can continue being a twink and everyone is better off.

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