Deep Hypocrisy of Pelosi, Schumer and the Left – Death Throes of a Nation


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Pelosi and Schumer have made themselves a kind of terror against the American people, holding the presidency, the government and the American people as hostages
The Deep Hypocrisy of Pelosi, Schumer and the Left – Death Throes of a Nation
By Rev. Michael Bresciani -- The Media is using sound bites and other optics made to look like a new, although un-elected, president and vice president have somehow emerged on the political scene.... Speaker Pelosi and Schumer are wallowing in the deepest hypocrisy seen in decades.
Citizens are dying at the hands of illegal immigrants and 800,000 federal workers are without pay, all the while the pair continues a waltz around Washington with sullen faces and hard rhetoric trying to mask their deep hatred for President Trump.
Death by legislation or death by illegal aliens is all one glaring result of leftism gone wild. It is a symptom of the great sickness which results from moral apostasy.
It is stark hypocrisy to claim that a wall is “immoral” while we hear of Americans being slaughtered in their own cities and towns by illegals and unborn babies being wasted by the thousand due to indifference and selfishness.
The President has been fair in his offer and it is open to adjustments, but Pelosi and Schumer are delighted to continue with their power play at the expense of everyone.
Trump’s plan has offered a full spectrum of things to deal with the problem.
A three Year extension of TPS
Millions of dollars for humanitarian aid and drug detection
Three year relief for DACA recipients
2750 new border agents and law enforcement personnel
Seventy five new immigration judges
$5.7 billion dollars for building the wall​
Pelosi and Schumer have made themselves a kind of terror against the American people, holding the presidency, the government and the American people as hostages.
It is high level confusion and low level hypocrisy by any definition.

It’s sad that we have come to this point, a nation adrift in a sea of snakes, aka partisan politicians and media hacks, all pretending to be loyal and wanting only the best for all of us.
American citizens, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights cannot coexist with the Marxist Left. After all, like Islam, Progressive Marxist Socialists don’t seek coexistence, they seek either your total submission or eradication.
One would have to think that they sold their souls long ago and what were are now watching are zombies. How else can one account for such conduct?
The PMS Democrat Left only issues ultimatums and promises more riots, anarchy by Antifa their violence and chaos until they get what they want, their way.
IMHO, if Schumer and Pelosi continue in the game they created it will probably do so much damage to the Democratic Party that it would be next to impossible for any Democratic politician to win any election in the future just based on association. Not to mention that these two are consuming so much of their time pursuing what they perceive to be hatred and illegitimacy of President Trump that they are neglecting their true cause for their own election as representatives' of 'Their' constituents in the houses of Congress.
I love that a shutdown that began when democrats controlled literally nothing, after the Republican president said he would be glad to shut the government down and said "I own the shutdown" is actually being somehow blamed on the democrats.

You turnips will literally lap up whatever is fed to you, won't you?
Pelosi and Schumer have made themselves a kind of terror against the American people, holding the presidency, the government and the American people as hostages
The Deep Hypocrisy of Pelosi, Schumer and the Left – Death Throes of a Nation
By Rev. Michael Bresciani -- The Media is using sound bites and other optics made to look like a new, although un-elected, president and vice president have somehow emerged on the political scene.... Speaker Pelosi and Schumer are wallowing in the deepest hypocrisy seen in decades.
Citizens are dying at the hands of illegal immigrants and 800,000 federal workers are without pay, all the while the pair continues a waltz around Washington with sullen faces and hard rhetoric trying to mask their deep hatred for President Trump.
Death by legislation or death by illegal aliens is all one glaring result of leftism gone wild. It is a symptom of the great sickness which results from moral apostasy.
It is stark hypocrisy to claim that a wall is “immoral” while we hear of Americans being slaughtered in their own cities and towns by illegals and unborn babies being wasted by the thousand due to indifference and selfishness.
The President has been fair in his offer and it is open to adjustments, but Pelosi and Schumer are delighted to continue with their power play at the expense of everyone.
Trump’s plan has offered a full spectrum of things to deal with the problem.
A three Year extension of TPS
Millions of dollars for humanitarian aid and drug detection
Three year relief for DACA recipients
2750 new border agents and law enforcement personnel
Seventy five new immigration judges
$5.7 billion dollars for building the wall​
Pelosi and Schumer have made themselves a kind of terror against the American people, holding the presidency, the government and the American people as hostages.
It is high level confusion and low level hypocrisy by any definition.

It’s sad that we have come to this point, a nation adrift in a sea of snakes, aka partisan politicians and media hacks, all pretending to be loyal and wanting only the best for all of us.
American citizens, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights cannot coexist with the Marxist Left. After all, like Islam, Progressive Marxist Socialists don’t seek coexistence, they seek either your total submission or eradication.
One would have to think that they sold their souls long ago and what were are now watching are zombies. How else can one account for such conduct?
The PMS Democrat Left only issues ultimatums and promises more riots, anarchy by Antifa their violence and chaos until they get what they want, their way.
IMHO, if Schumer and Pelosi continue in the game they created it will probably do so much damage to the Democratic Party that it would be next to impossible for any Democratic politician to win any election in the future just based on association. Not to mention that these two are consuming so much of their time pursuing what they perceive to be hatred and illegitimacy of President Trump that they are neglecting their true cause for their own election as representatives' of 'Their' constituents in the houses of Congress.
It's funny how Trump and his chumps always project their own failings onto others.
I mean, at this point all that Fox News has to do is one run story about how this shutdown is Hillary's fault and you inbreds will be vomiting back the talking points here in no time.
Pelosi and Schumer have made themselves a kind of terror against the American people, holding the presidency, the government and the American people as hostages
The Deep Hypocrisy of Pelosi, Schumer and the Left – Death Throes of a Nation
By Rev. Michael Bresciani -- The Media is using sound bites and other optics made to look like a new, although un-elected, president and vice president have somehow emerged on the political scene.... Speaker Pelosi and Schumer are wallowing in the deepest hypocrisy seen in decades.
Citizens are dying at the hands of illegal immigrants and 800,000 federal workers are without pay, all the while the pair continues a waltz around Washington with sullen faces and hard rhetoric trying to mask their deep hatred for President Trump.
Death by legislation or death by illegal aliens is all one glaring result of leftism gone wild. It is a symptom of the great sickness which results from moral apostasy.
It is stark hypocrisy to claim that a wall is “immoral” while we hear of Americans being slaughtered in their own cities and towns by illegals and unborn babies being wasted by the thousand due to indifference and selfishness.
The President has been fair in his offer and it is open to adjustments, but Pelosi and Schumer are delighted to continue with their power play at the expense of everyone.
Trump’s plan has offered a full spectrum of things to deal with the problem.
A three Year extension of TPS
Millions of dollars for humanitarian aid and drug detection
Three year relief for DACA recipients
2750 new border agents and law enforcement personnel
Seventy five new immigration judges
$5.7 billion dollars for building the wall​
Pelosi and Schumer have made themselves a kind of terror against the American people, holding the presidency, the government and the American people as hostages.
It is high level confusion and low level hypocrisy by any definition.

It’s sad that we have come to this point, a nation adrift in a sea of snakes, aka partisan politicians and media hacks, all pretending to be loyal and wanting only the best for all of us.
American citizens, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights cannot coexist with the Marxist Left. After all, like Islam, Progressive Marxist Socialists don’t seek coexistence, they seek either your total submission or eradication.
One would have to think that they sold their souls long ago and what were are now watching are zombies. How else can one account for such conduct?
The PMS Democrat Left only issues ultimatums and promises more riots, anarchy by Antifa their violence and chaos until they get what they want, their way.
IMHO, if Schumer and Pelosi continue in the game they created it will probably do so much damage to the Democratic Party that it would be next to impossible for any Democratic politician to win any election in the future just based on association. Not to mention that these two are consuming so much of their time pursuing what they perceive to be hatred and illegitimacy of President Trump that they are neglecting their true cause for their own election as representatives' of 'Their' constituents in the houses of Congress.
Don't worry.
We aren't going to let Republicans destroy this country.
They will be defeated.


You're too late. Both parties have already destroyed it. Its time to secede.
Pelosi and Schumer have made themselves a kind of terror against the American people, holding the presidency, the government and the American people as hostages
The Deep Hypocrisy of Pelosi, Schumer and the Left – Death Throes of a Nation
By Rev. Michael Bresciani -- The Media is using sound bites and other optics made to look like a new, although un-elected, president and vice president have somehow emerged on the political scene.... Speaker Pelosi and Schumer are wallowing in the deepest hypocrisy seen in decades.
Citizens are dying at the hands of illegal immigrants and 800,000 federal workers are without pay, all the while the pair continues a waltz around Washington with sullen faces and hard rhetoric trying to mask their deep hatred for President Trump.
Death by legislation or death by illegal aliens is all one glaring result of leftism gone wild. It is a symptom of the great sickness which results from moral apostasy.
It is stark hypocrisy to claim that a wall is “immoral” while we hear of Americans being slaughtered in their own cities and towns by illegals and unborn babies being wasted by the thousand due to indifference and selfishness.
The President has been fair in his offer and it is open to adjustments, but Pelosi and Schumer are delighted to continue with their power play at the expense of everyone.
Trump’s plan has offered a full spectrum of things to deal with the problem.
A three Year extension of TPS
Millions of dollars for humanitarian aid and drug detection
Three year relief for DACA recipients
2750 new border agents and law enforcement personnel
Seventy five new immigration judges
$5.7 billion dollars for building the wall​
Pelosi and Schumer have made themselves a kind of terror against the American people, holding the presidency, the government and the American people as hostages.
It is high level confusion and low level hypocrisy by any definition.

It’s sad that we have come to this point, a nation adrift in a sea of snakes, aka partisan politicians and media hacks, all pretending to be loyal and wanting only the best for all of us.
American citizens, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights cannot coexist with the Marxist Left. After all, like Islam, Progressive Marxist Socialists don’t seek coexistence, they seek either your total submission or eradication.
One would have to think that they sold their souls long ago and what were are now watching are zombies. How else can one account for such conduct?
The PMS Democrat Left only issues ultimatums and promises more riots, anarchy by Antifa their violence and chaos until they get what they want, their way.
IMHO, if Schumer and Pelosi continue in the game they created it will probably do so much damage to the Democratic Party that it would be next to impossible for any Democratic politician to win any election in the future just based on association. Not to mention that these two are consuming so much of their time pursuing what they perceive to be hatred and illegitimacy of President Trump that they are neglecting their true cause for their own election as representatives' of 'Their' constituents in the houses of Congress.
Don't worry.
We aren't going to let Republicans destroy this country.
They will be defeated.

kkk are demolosers fool. so you are spewing exactly radical demolosers, thanks for admitting it.

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