Deep State

NY Times, so kiss my ass Leftards, the Deep State is REAL.

A senior administration official sounded an alarm Wednesday about President Donald Trump's "amorality" and "impetuous" leadership style in an unsigned opinion piece published in The New York Times.

The writer, claiming to be part of the "resistance" to Trump but not from the left, says, "Many Trump appointees have vowed to do what we can to preserve our democratic institutions while thwarting Mr. Trump's more misguided impulses until he is out of office."

The newspaper described the author of the anonymous column as "a senior official in the Trump administration."

The writer of the Times op-ed said Trump aides are aware of the president’s faults and "are trying to do what's right even when Donald Trump won't."

The writer also alleged "there were early whispers within the cabinet of invoking the 25th Amendment" because of the "instability" witnessed in the president.

The writer adds: "This isn't the work of the so-called deep state. It's the work of the steady state."

Trump rips searing Times op-ed from unnamed senior official
I think this is called Deep Media Writing. Shadow gov is anyone from the cleaning lady who saves the trash and docs to the boy to changes light bulbs
No better way to preserve Democratic institutions than to sabotage a duly elected President. What's all that voting for anyway. I like to be ruled by secret groups, don't you?

Impossible to be a liberal without a large amount of cognitive dissonance.
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No better way to preserve Democratic institutions than to sabotage a duly elected President. What's all that voting for anyway. I like to be ruled by secret groups, don't you?

Excellent point! That voting nonsense is only to fool the rubes. Just try voting against gay marriage, or abortion, or passing immigration laws or electing a president. Well actually we already did all those things and were ignored.
They really believe they were born to rule and Trump stole their birthright.
So if they don’t respect votes that only leaves the rope.
NY Times, so kiss my ass Leftards, the Deep State is REAL.

A senior administration official sounded an alarm Wednesday about President Donald Trump's "amorality" and "impetuous" leadership style in an unsigned opinion piece published in The New York Times.

The writer, claiming to be part of the "resistance" to Trump but not from the left, says, "Many Trump appointees have vowed to do what we can to preserve our democratic institutions while thwarting Mr. Trump's more misguided impulses until he is out of office."

The newspaper described the author of the anonymous column as "a senior official in the Trump administration."

The writer of the Times op-ed said Trump aides are aware of the president’s faults and "are trying to do what's right even when Donald Trump won't."

The writer also alleged "there were early whispers within the cabinet of invoking the 25th Amendment" because of the "instability" witnessed in the president.

The writer adds: "This isn't the work of the so-called deep state. It's the work of the steady state."

Trump rips searing Times op-ed from unnamed senior official

The insider is a Trump pick, there is still no such thing as the deep state.

Grow up, quit believing in fairy tales.

Ya know, when Woodward was at odds with the Obama White House, I don’t recall the President labeling him some sort of deep state operative.

Ya know, Woodward wasn't at odds with Obama. His book about O was a love story with the dems. Woodward is another partisan liberal hack.
NY Times, so kiss my ass Leftards, the Deep State is REAL.

A senior administration official sounded an alarm Wednesday about President Donald Trump's "amorality" and "impetuous" leadership style in an unsigned opinion piece published in The New York Times.

The writer, claiming to be part of the "resistance" to Trump but not from the left, says, "Many Trump appointees have vowed to do what we can to preserve our democratic institutions while thwarting Mr. Trump's more misguided impulses until he is out of office."

The newspaper described the author of the anonymous column as "a senior official in the Trump administration."

The writer of the Times op-ed said Trump aides are aware of the president’s faults and "are trying to do what's right even when Donald Trump won't."

The writer also alleged "there were early whispers within the cabinet of invoking the 25th Amendment" because of the "instability" witnessed in the president.

The writer adds: "This isn't the work of the so-called deep state. It's the work of the steady state."

Trump rips searing Times op-ed from unnamed senior official

The insider is a Trump pick, there is still no such thing as the deep state.

Grow up, quit believing in fairy tales.

Ya know, when Woodward was at odds with the Obama White House, I don’t recall the President labeling him some sort of deep state operative.

Ya know, Woodward wasn't at odds with Obama. His book about O was a love story with the dems. Woodward is another partisan liberal hack.

So do you only have 2 faces or a complete set? Omarosa was hired 4 times by the blob. What’s your opinion of her now?
Donald Trump presents the greatest threat to the Deep State / Washington Establishment Politicians / the political partisan elitists who at some point decided they had enough of being the SERVANTS of the people and would from that point on be the Masters who would dictate almost every part of the American people's lives while elevating themselves above the very laws they impose on Americans.

'Drain the Swamp'. The Washington Insiders / Career Politicians underestimated not only Trump but America's frustration with them. They laughed at and mocked Trump. They predicted Hillary would win by double digits. America shocked them all.

He has challenged the career politicians who have settled into a self-serving pattern of holding on to their power while doing little for the American people.

He rocked the Washington Establishment GOP by defeating all of their candidates to win the GOP nomination.

He went on the offensive against the Fake News media, who was not used to anyone questioning them...and he has beaten them again and again and again, infuriating them, driving them over the edge to the point where they are openly demonstrating they are 'all-in' to undermine and take down the President of the United States, no matter what they have to do.

He made history by defeating Scandal Queen, Influence-Peddling, Sexual Predator-Defending, National Security-Compromising, Felon Hillary Clinton who was projected to win against Trump in a landslide.

Trump has exposed the 'nay-sayer's and 'fear-monger'ers for what they are, proving all of the predictions of what would happen if Trump became President was pure lies and fear-mongering. Instead he has led the United States in one of the greatest resurgences in DECADES:
- Strongest Economy in DECADES
- More Americans working at any point
- Lowest Unemployment in DECADES
- Lowest Minority Unemployment in recorded history
- Brought back manufacturing plants Obama declared were gone for good
- More Jobs, more full-time jobs, higher pay, bonuses...
- Fewer Americans dependent on social programs...and on Democrats

Democrats get their power from the poor whose survival depends on the social programs they have been forced to live / depend on. 'Poor' = Democrat Votes / Power. Americans' misery is the DNC's gain!

Trump has broken that dependency. Successful Americans do not want to go back to Obama / DNC-era failure, unemployment, and dependency. Minorities - Latinos and Blacks - have begun to walk away from the DNC due to the fact that Democrats had the opportunity to solve important issues to them but CHOSE not to do anything, preferring those issues to remain campaign issues to get the minorities to continue to vote for them based on the 'Promise to do something' in the future...when Democrats have proven they have no intention of doing anything.

Trump has turned out to be a threat because he had worked his ass off to do exactly what he promised he would do as President, something unheard of in DC for a very, VERY long time.

Both DNC and GOP career politicians can NOT afford to allow Trump to be a successful President. These 2 parties have always told their bases who their candidates would be. This time the people truly picked this President. If they let him succeed the American people might start to think THEY can actually pick their own candidates instead of being told, as usual, who their candidates will the Democrats were told in 2016 who their DNC hand-picked Presidential nominee would be. 'We can't have Americans think they can THINK for themselves and pick who THEY want.'

Trump has 'tipped the apple cart', 'altered the status quo', 'changed the paradigm', 'touched' the 'untouchables', 'shaken the very foundation' of the 'political nirvana' the Democrats and GOP had created where they dictated TO the American people, not remained 'Servants of the People'.

Obama ran the most secretive administration (and most criminal) in US history despite promising to run the most 'Transparent Evuh'. Cockroaches and Swamp-dwellers love the dark - that's where they live and work. Trump has turned on the proverbial kitchen light, exposed the cockroaches in the Kitchen, and sent them scurrying.

The Obama administration conspiracy to protect Hillary from prison and to prevent Trump from winning was NEVER supposed to come to light because Hillary was going to sin in a 'landslide'. The American people would never know how they had colluded with foreign spies and Russians, had engaged in a Conspiracy together, committed Obstruction, Perjury, mishandling Classified, Illegal Spying, deceiving both the FISA courts and Congress, Sedition, Espionage, and even arguably TREASON! In their attempt to 'Get Trump' and with Hillary losing, all this came to light...the DEEP STATE suddenly found itself in DEEP SHIT!

And the media was used to pushing Fake News stories and beating down politicians, especially the GOP politicians. They were NOT ready for Donald Trump, a man who would not take any of their crap and who would fight back....and kick their ass again and again and again.

All the 'Ole Guard' who have been challenged, threatened, and exposed are panicking - freaking the hell out. They are used to running the show & here Trump is exposing them for who they are and 'burning down their little kingdoms'. They have decided this can NOT be allowed to become the new 'norm' - Trump has to go.

As far as Trump being labeled 'Un-Presidential' because he is brash, direct, says what he thinks, and doesn't take shit off of anyone..... Let's be honest, the Career Politicians / Swamp Dwellers / Media has destroyed any civility that once existed and have turned 'running for office' into 'The Politics of Personal Destruction'. It is not enough now to run on your ideas and convince people why they should vote for you - you have to completely and utterly personally destroy your opponent. Look at the lack of civility the Democrats are showing in the Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings - they so brutally attacked his personally that his daughter attending the hearing was made to cry and had to be escorted out. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR THAT!

It has gotten so bad that the best candidates (honest, integrity, morals, ethics, abilities) do not even want to run and put their families through the 'meat grinder'. Again, instead of the Politics of Personal Destruction' it should be about telling the American people what you are for and why they should vote for you instead of the other candidate. Since Democrats could not honestly run on their character, record, agenda, or ideology, they have turned to rigging primaries, cheating in debates, colluding with foreign spies and Russians, and engaging in massive conspiracies to try to win.

...BUT THEY STILL LOST! This makes Trump an even BIGGER threat to the 'Swamp-Dweller's power.


Remember, all of these crimes - Obstruction, Espionage, Sedition, Illegal Spying, Perjury, Treason - was NEVER supposed to come to light. IF TRUMP COMES OUT THE OTHER SIDE OF THIS ATTEMPTED COUP AS PRESIDENT...IF DEMOCRATS DO NOT TAKE THE HOUSE AND IMPEACH TRUMP - REMOCE HIM COMPLETELY FROM OFFICE - TRUMP IS GOING TO COME OUT THE OTHER SIDE AND WILL APPOINT A NEW US AG, ONE WHO WILL INVESTIGATE EVERY BIT OF THE EXPOSED CRIMINAL ACTIVITY OF EVERYONE INVOLVED (Obama, Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Rosenstein, Mueller, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Strzok) and will prosecute any and all of them they can collect evidence of criminal activity on...and there has been a LOT of evidence of their crimes exposed.

The best thing for Mueller to do is keep the witch hunt going for 6 more years, until Trump is out of office, IF the Democrats don't retake the House and remove Trump completely from office as Commander and Chief.

I personally hope the Democrats do not retake the House, Trump replaces Sessions with someone who has balls and is willing to truly dispense justice evenly across the board, who will start up investigations on ALL of them, and who will indict every last criminal one of them! I personally want to see the exposed treasonous conspiracy run by Obama's old Cabinet / administration officials go up in flames and this historic criminal conspiracy - which DWARFS Watergate - is hung like an Albatross around Barry's neck in the history books! There's your Obama Legacy!
The op ed just proved there is a deep state. I love it.
Not that some of us needed proof, as we have known of it's existence for a long long time, but apparently some Americans are clueless. Even though Eisenhower warned Americans about it long long ago. I guess their lack of knowing might prove the power of misinformation by the DNCMSM.
NY Times, so kiss my ass Leftards, the Deep State is REAL.

A senior administration official sounded an alarm Wednesday about President Donald Trump's "amorality" and "impetuous" leadership style in an unsigned opinion piece published in The New York Times.

The writer, claiming to be part of the "resistance" to Trump but not from the left, says, "Many Trump appointees have vowed to do what we can to preserve our democratic institutions while thwarting Mr. Trump's more misguided impulses until he is out of office."

The newspaper described the author of the anonymous column as "a senior official in the Trump administration."

The writer of the Times op-ed said Trump aides are aware of the president’s faults and "are trying to do what's right even when Donald Trump won't."

The writer also alleged "there were early whispers within the cabinet of invoking the 25th Amendment" because of the "instability" witnessed in the president.

The writer adds: "This isn't the work of the so-called deep state. It's the work of the steady state."

Trump rips searing Times op-ed from unnamed senior official

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