Deeply satisfying as Spain deports Brexit trash as illegal immigrants

What is the problem? 90 days out of every 180 days per year they are allowed to stay there freely without any visas. Isn't that enough?
Not if you want to live there for more than 90 days at a time.
So, apply for permanent residency there and the problem is solved.
Correct. See my post #6. Problem with that of course is that in order to get permanent residency status, you have to declare your world wide earnings and investments, including those in tax havens, Swiss bank accounts, etc. to comply with EU tax laws. Some of these "ex-Pats" are disinclined to do that. Others are just too lazy or stupid, either way, Spain is well rid of them.

This is my favourite bit.

Shaun Cromber, who voted for Britain to leave the EU in 2016, told Global247News: “Yes I voted out, but I didn’t realise it would come to this, my application has been rejected and we are on our way home – the wife is in tears, she’s distraught if I’m honest and I’m not too happy at the prospect of returning back to the UK.

As brexit was all about kicking out foreigners how can these gammon faced scumbags complain about this ?
I am having to hold my sides to prevent them from splitting from laughter. How can this happen to WHITE FOLK ???BBBWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Im not sure why they would want to kick out those brits. You get rid of the trash immigrants, but you keep respectable people who contribute to society.
By that measure, YOU would have nowhere to live.

This is my favourite bit.

Shaun Cromber, who voted for Britain to leave the EU in 2016, told Global247News: “Yes I voted out, but I didn’t realise it would come to this, my application has been rejected and we are on our way home – the wife is in tears, she’s distraught if I’m honest and I’m not too happy at the prospect of returning back to the UK.

As brexit was all about kicking out foreigners how can these gammon faced scumbags complain about this ?
I am having to hold my sides to prevent them from splitting from laughter. How can this happen to WHITE FOLK ???BBBWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Im not sure why they would want to kick out those brits. You get rid of the trash immigrants, but you keep respectable people who contribute to society.
By that measure, YOU would have nowhere to live.
Im quite certain that if we were to take a poll, the people on this website would get rid of YOU long before me. You are the epitome of trash because, you suck as a person and all you do is troll. You are the most useless poster on these forums.

This is my favourite bit.

Shaun Cromber, who voted for Britain to leave the EU in 2016, told Global247News: “Yes I voted out, but I didn’t realise it would come to this, my application has been rejected and we are on our way home – the wife is in tears, she’s distraught if I’m honest and I’m not too happy at the prospect of returning back to the UK.

As brexit was all about kicking out foreigners how can these gammon faced scumbags complain about this ?
I am having to hold my sides to prevent them from splitting from laughter. How can this happen to WHITE FOLK ???BBBWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Im not sure why they would want to kick out those brits. You get rid of the trash immigrants, but you keep respectable people who contribute to society.
By that measure, YOU would have nowhere to live.
Im quite certain that if we were to take a poll, the people on this website would get rid of YOU long before me. You are the epitome of trash because, you suck as a person and all you do is troll. You are the most useless poster on these forums.
No, hes right in this instance. You are a piece of shit.

This is my favourite bit.

Shaun Cromber, who voted for Britain to leave the EU in 2016, told Global247News: “Yes I voted out, but I didn’t realise it would come to this, my application has been rejected and we are on our way home – the wife is in tears, she’s distraught if I’m honest and I’m not too happy at the prospect of returning back to the UK.

As brexit was all about kicking out foreigners how can these gammon faced scumbags complain about this ?
I am having to hold my sides to prevent them from splitting from laughter. How can this happen to WHITE FOLK ???BBBWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Im not sure why they would want to kick out those brits. You get rid of the trash immigrants, but you keep respectable people who contribute to society.
By that measure, YOU would have nowhere to live.
Im quite certain that if we were to take a poll, the people on this website would get rid of YOU long before me. You are the epitome of trash because, you suck as a person and all you do is troll. You are the most useless poster on these forums.
No, hes right in this instance. You are a piece of shit.
How embarrassing for you Unkotare... Tommy sees you as an ally and me as an enemy. :laugh:

This is my favourite bit.

Shaun Cromber, who voted for Britain to leave the EU in 2016, told Global247News: “Yes I voted out, but I didn’t realise it would come to this, my application has been rejected and we are on our way home – the wife is in tears, she’s distraught if I’m honest and I’m not too happy at the prospect of returning back to the UK.

As brexit was all about kicking out foreigners how can these gammon faced scumbags complain about this ?
I am having to hold my sides to prevent them from splitting from laughter. How can this happen to WHITE FOLK ???BBBWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Im not sure why they would want to kick out those brits. You get rid of the trash immigrants, but you keep respectable people who contribute to society.
By that measure, YOU would have nowhere to live.
Im quite certain that if we were to take a poll, the people on this website would get rid of YOU long before me. You are the epitome of trash because, you suck as a person and all you do is troll. You are the most useless poster on these forums.
Have you always been so insecure?

This is my favourite bit.

Shaun Cromber, who voted for Britain to leave the EU in 2016, told Global247News: “Yes I voted out, but I didn’t realise it would come to this, my application has been rejected and we are on our way home – the wife is in tears, she’s distraught if I’m honest and I’m not too happy at the prospect of returning back to the UK.

As brexit was all about kicking out foreigners how can these gammon faced scumbags complain about this ?
I am having to hold my sides to prevent them from splitting from laughter. How can this happen to WHITE FOLK ???BBBWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Im not sure why they would want to kick out those brits. You get rid of the trash immigrants, but you keep respectable people who contribute to society.
By that measure, YOU would have nowhere to live.
Im quite certain that if we were to take a poll, the people on this website would get rid of YOU long before me. You are the epitome of trash because, you suck as a person and all you do is troll. You are the most useless poster on these forums.
No, hes right in this instance. You are a piece of shit.
How nice that you two have something in common.
The problem with "compulsory" flag waving, a warning from history:

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