Deepwater Horizon: Who's Lying to Congress?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Deepwater Horizon: Who's Lying to Congress?

By Bruce Thompson



While the technical issues raised by this accident are beyond the ken of the average citizen, I would like to remind everyone that on page 42 of the Chief Counsel's Report Chapter 4.1, the Chief Counsel himself states "Forensic Evidence Suggests That Hydrocarbons Did Not Flow up the Annulusand Through the Seal Assembly", which is exactly where the hydrocarbons would have flowed if the centralizers had been an issue. His findings are that the hydrocarbons flowed up through the shoe track and inside the production casing, not outside it in the ring-shaped space between the production casing and the well bore in the rock, the "annulus". This was confirmed when the relief well finally intersected the annulus in September 2010 and found no hydrocarbons present. That fact was known to the government through the National Incident Command which had legal authority over all drilling operations and which had FBI agents on hand to witness the proceedings as the relief well intersection was completed.

So why hasn't the FBI sought charges against the co-chairmen of the President's Oil Spill Commission for lying to Congress? Does Obama's Department of Justice believe in unequal justice favoring big government over the citizenry?

Read more: Articles: Deepwater Horizon: Who's Lying to Congress?
Uncle Ferd says dey prob'ly gonna raise gas prices to pay fer it...
Analysis: BP's U.S. Gulf oil spill settlement challenges may backfire
15 Jan.`14 ~ - A year after agreeing to a multi-billion dollar settlement with victims of the 2010 Gulf oil spill, BP is aggressively challenging terms of the deal in a legal strategy that could backfire with the judge who will rule on the company's potentially hefty federal fines.
The British oil giant has pushed for multiple reviews by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, complaining the claims system approved by the U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier is overpaying for damages from the country's worst offshore disaster. BP's challenges directly question decisions by Barbier, who presided over the settlement and then himself approved claim terms. Barbier is also handling a separate government case against BP and has wide latitude to assess fines for violations of the Clean Water Act. BP expects the settlement with Gulf residents to cost about $9.6 billion, well above the $7.8 billion it initially estimated.

Altogether the oil producer has provisioned some $42 billion to pay for cleanup and other costs since the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon rig, which killed 11 workers in 2010 and spewed millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Federal penalties could add to that bill. Maximum fines might top $17 billion, while BP has only set aside about $3.5 billion for them. "They are alienating in a very profound way the very judge that is going to determine their liability," said Blaine LeCesne, a law professor at Loyola University in New Orleans. "I'm not sure that's a wise decision."

Barbier has called BP's efforts to try and contradict many of his rulings with appeals to the 5th Circuit "deeply disappointing" and has said BP is trying to "rewrite or disregard the unambiguous terms of the Settlement Agreement." While the company has won some important victories at the appeals court, a ruling on Friday upheld the foundation of the settlement deal. BP is continuing its fight. "The litigation seeking to rectify the misinterpretations of the settlement that have led to inflated, exaggerated or wholly fictitious claims ... will continue unabated," BP spokesman Geoff Morrell said. BP had no comment when asked if clashes with Barbier could prove risky.

This isn't something Obama, and therefore his entire administration, wants to spend anytime dealing with.
It should be obvious to anyone that Obama, and therefore his entire administration, pays very little attention to, or spends anytime on - anything that is not politically expedient.
All of these things are white noise to the President. Including foreign policy. We have no foreign policy. He is not interested in it.
There is no real political gain from putting anyone in jail, no political gain (obviously) from prosecuting IRS managers for grossly violating public trust etc. therefore nothing will happen.
And not one Democrat in America cares about any of it, so why should they?

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