AG Garland Turned Into A Babbling Mess While Lying To Congress Today

Good, more fascist loser tears from the brownshirt douche righties here. That means good things are happening in the USA.

Keep on sucking it hard, righties. The whole nation knows your Putinsucker heroes are lying for the glory of fascism, and weeping here in your SafeSpace won't change that.
madmouth you are as bad as jimboliar and Mrs Jones. Only one cult and you belong to it, the fascist leftist Reich.
Kookbots like you will have to get a job once Trump is back in office....ouch!
I watched as much as I could stand of that little pencil neck, lying weasel Garland. This is why the GOP has to win in 2024. That is the only way we get rid of Garland, Wray, Myorkas, Buttigieg, Blinkin and THOUSANDS MORE Democrat operatives bringing down our country.
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madmouth you are as bad as jimboliar and Mrs Jones. Only one cult and you belong to it, the fascist leftist Reich.
Kookbots like you will have to get a job once Trump is back in office....ouch!
:iyfyus.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :muahaha:
Once again you make charges in the absence of proof

Garland has specifically recused himself from cases involving the Biden’s at the demand of Republicans

Why do Republicans grandstand and demand he provide specifics of the Hunter Biden case
Absence of proof? Rubbish!!!!

Garland also says the borders are secure as well, but look what's going thru them today as we speak:

Since you Trump cult beta-bois are no longer even pretending to be in touch with reality, there's no point talking to you.

You're just stupid crazy people. Before the internet era, you would have been standing on a corner with a sandwich board. Enjoy being crank losers for the rest of your lives.
Talking to you crazy mofos is an absolute waste of bandwidth.
Sweet Jeebus, did the Democrats ever humiliate the OPs' fascist heroes today.

That's why the OP is here crying so hard. It was a very bad day for the Republican Putinsuckers.
I know you don't believe that for one second, but your masters tell you to claim that the obvious truth is false.

We can all see what's going on.

You're not fooling anyone anymore.

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