Defendant In Ahmaud Arbery Murder Trial Seeks To Remove Confederate Flag? That's Our Heritage!

They were Confederates soldiers what were they supposed to do? Is there suppose to be a point?
Many people don’t believe that free black man took up arms against the union.. If you follow the conversation that’s what we’re talking about
Give us some examples of these free black men in the South that took up arms.
F202C562-DC4D-4B36-B29C-9E9D867B539D.jpegHell yeah this N wants to learn lol
View attachment 597990Hell yeah this N wants to learn lol
How many were there? 8. I believe brutha Malcolm called them "House Negroes". The slavemaster gets sick and the House Negro doesn't say, "Are you sick master?" He says, "Are WE sick master?" The master's house catches on fire and the House Negroe will risk his own life to put it out, whereas the Field Negros sits back and hope it burns to the grown.

If you want to learn brutha let me know, I can give you a bibliography of books that will teach you some real History and not His-Story.
How many were there? 8. I believe brutha Malcolm called them "House Negroes". The slavemaster gets sick and the House Negro doesn't say, "Are you sick master?" He says, "Are WE sick master?" The master's house catches on fire and the House Negroe will risk his own life to put it out, whereas the Field Negros sits back and hope it burns to the grown.

If you want to learn brutha let me know, I can give you a bibliography of books that will teach you some real History and not His-Story.
No that was the black slave owners.. free black men were bad asses
Free black men were not fighting to keep black men in slavery, where did that historical lie come from?
that Institutionalized lie that Civil War was fought to maintain slavery is getting old .. break free from your chain house nicca
Arberry's dead.
Perps got life.
Who gives 2 goddamn's what the Perps say about the Confederate flag!
Except for race-baiters.....
Where did you get that piece of info from?
The war started because the north wouldn’t allow slaveowners to migrate to Kansas into the west ,, Not all slave owners but most..they were going to get land.. abs eventually slavery would be ended
The war started because the north wouldn’t allow slaveowners to migrate to Kansas into the west ,, Not all slave owners but most..they were going to get land.. abs eventually slavery would be ended
You mentioned slave or slavery 3 times, but it wasn't about slavery.
Jim Crow still here.. The divide between the halves and a have nots in Democrat run cities is pretty damn big
Yea because everything is evenly divided in the Republican run cities, black folks are thriving in their cities. Wait Republicans move out when black folks move in.
Yea because everything is evenly divided in the Republican run cities, black folks are thriving in their cities. Wait Republicans move out when black folks move in.
The division isn’t that big in republican towns.. and blacks ain’t rioting In republican cities. Just democrat, racial opponents. Waking up yet?
The division isn’t that big in republican towns.. and blacks ain’t rioting In republican cities. Just democrat, racial opponents. Waking up yet?
Whatever you say Ben Carson, I guess the slaves were immigrants also who had to work a little harder to achieve the American Dream. Smfh.

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