Defense contractors to make billions from iran deal

Actually is was and still is a Repub mess.

Or have you forgotten who started this mess?

Hint: two presidents, both with the last name and both lining their pockets and the pockets of their cronies with oil money.
RW Israeli, Saudi, and American fear mongering actually...and of course the god awful mess Booosh left behind. Mission accomplished!
Strange they didn't want the stuff when Bush was in office... It took Obozo to scare the hell out of them!!!!!!
Actually is was and still is a Repub mess.

Or have you forgotten who started this mess?

Hint: two presidents, both with the last name and both lining their pockets and the pockets of their cronies with oil money.
Obama stated that Iraq was stable and secure when he pulled the troops out, so the mess is on him....

Interesting that you mentioned BOTH Bushes, though, and you forgot about an eight year span between them.... Was Clinton spending all his time getting BJs or something??????
Actually is was and still is a Repub mess.

Or have you forgotten who started this mess?

Hint: two presidents, both with the last name and both lining their pockets and the pockets of their cronies with oil money.
Thinking error:Redefining
Might have been Booosh's idiot Maliki...duh. Chip off the old block disaster. Booosh's world depression always a help. lol.

Iraq was safe and secure when Booosh sent in the troops too...What a total incompetent catastrophe. Pubs and of course Dupes: Let's do it again. Arrgh.

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