Defensive gun use that anti-gunners say doesn't happen, doesn't exist....they truly are fools....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
A guy tries to get into the car of a woman....she shows him her gun, tells him through the window, "It's locked and loaded," and he runs away....

The anti-gun extremists will tell us that this doesn't count.......since she didn't shoot and kill the attacker....yes, that is what they claim since they have to lie about truth, facts and reality because their beliefs are so dumb....

ā€œYou shouldnā€™t have to navigate your own city like a war zone. Itā€™s un-American,ā€ Taylor said. ā€œThe crime is out of control and itā€™s terrifying. At this point, having to use the same tactics in an American city that you use in Iraq and Afghanistan simply to navigate through the city itā€™s scary and Iā€™m not the only mom feeling this way.ā€
Taylor said she was headed to pick up her husband on Friday.
She was stuck in gridlock traffic, she said a group in a truck motioned to her to get over.
So, she let them. Next thing she knows a man comes up to her passenger door.
ā€œSo, as he comes up heā€™s close and heā€™s pretty aggressive trying to get the car door open makes eye contact with me heā€™s still trying to get it open a couple times,ā€ Taylor said.
Taylor said she picked up her gun.
ā€œItā€™s locked and loaded,ā€ she recalled saying.
Taylor didnā€™t have to pull the trigger, because the presence of her firearm was enough to convince the man to move on down the road, though the veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan says she was willing to do so if she believed it was necessary to protect her life and the life of her child.

Carjackings are out of control in New Orleans right now, and according to police, the spike is driven by juvenile offenders who often receive little punishment for their crimes. In fact, just yesterday New Orleans news outlet WWL-TV highlighted the case(s) of 18-year old Quentin Skipper, who they say ā€œcould be Exhibit A of the systemā€™s failure to deal with young carjacking suspects.ā€


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