Deficit spikes 12 percent in first two months of fiscal year: CBO

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Remember when the Republican Party opposed massive debt spending and then Trump got elected and they forgot all about it?

The U.S. government deficit rose by 12 percent in the first two months of the 2020 fiscal year, hitting $342 billion, according to new estimates from the Congressional Budget Office.

The deficit is on track to surpass $1 trillion in the 2020 fiscal year, which began on October 1. CBO has called the deficit path "unsustainable" and warns that the increasing debt burden will push down economic growth and could worsen future financial crises.

Deficit spikes 12 percent in first two months of fiscal year: CBO
Reading through the comments section of the article, all one can do is shake their head. Aye yei yei.
Trump is one of the worse things to ever happen to the republican party. The guy is going to lose them power for decades to come.
Absolutely ridiculous. The party in power claim deficits don't matter.

I wonder if any party will ever say, yes, deficits do matter and we need to cut spending across the board?

Just a dream.
Trump signed the Ryan tax fraud, cut taxes and signed the deficit budget - then blames the Democrats. It is the Republican's game, and their fellow travelers whose dishonesty has become legendary.
Good to hear somebody in law enforcement who gets it. This is the only country where law enforcement is regularly gunned down. This is a real patriot:

"I don't want to hear about how much they support law enforcement," Acevedo said. "I don't want to hear about how much they care about lives and the sanctity of lives yet, we all know in law enforcement that one of the biggest reasons that the Senate and Mitch McConnell and (Texas Sens.) John Cornyn and Ted Cruz and others are not getting into a room and having a conference committee with the House and getting the Violence Against Women's Act (passed) is because the NRA doesn't like the fact that we want to take firearms out of the hands of boyfriends that abuse their girlfriends. And who killed our sergeant? A boyfriend abusing his girlfriend. So you're either here for women and children and our daughters and our sisters and our aunts, or you're here for the (National Rifle Association)."

Houston police chief criticizes McConnell and Senate Republicans over guns: 'Whose side are you on?'

Trump signed the Ryan tax fraud, cut taxes and signed the deficit budget - then blames the Democrats. It is the Republican's game, and their fellow travelers whose dishonesty has become legendary.

And who MAKES the budget?
King Trump is propping up stock market with his $5 Trillion Spending Bill approved by Repubtards.

Trump & Republicans gave Boeing $72 Billion Tax Payer Dollars, boosting their stock 400% while they delivered less than half as many aircraft. Plus their aircraft quality & safety went to crap.

Trump & Republicans run RECORD DEFICIT!!! There has never been a Republican balance budget or surplus!!!

You Idiots impeached the BEST President in History & voted against his wfe because he slashed the crime rate in half, created RECORD Jobs, Employment Rate, Innovation, Stock Market, & Created a Surplus!!!

Dick Cheney said "Ronald Reagan proved that deficits don't matter"
King Trump is propping up stock market with his $5 Trillion Spending Bill approved by Repubtards.

Trump & Republicans gave Boeing $72 Billion Tax Payer Dollars, boosting their stock 400% while they delivered less than half as many aircraft. Plus their aircraft quality & safety went to crap.

Trump & Republicans run RECORD DEFICIT!!! There has never been a Republican balance budget or surplus!!!

You Idiots impeached the BEST President in History & voted against his wfe because he created a surplus!!!

Dick Cheney said "Ronald Reagan proved that deficits don't matter"

Power of the Purse | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives
Absolutely ridiculous. The party in power claim deficits don't matter.

I wonder if any party will ever say, yes, deficits do matter and we need to cut spending across the board?

Just a dream.

Clinton balanced the budget. Zero deficit with hundreds of billions in surplus. He raised taxes and cut spending. When Clinton left office he left a plan to have the reagan/bush national debt paid off. Too bad the bush boy trashed it all.

The bush boy blew it with his first budget, by the time he finished in office he had taken the deficit to new historic heights just as reagan and his dad before him.

The bush boy handed Obama 1.4 trillion in deficit. By the time Obama was finished he had slashed that deficit by nearly 1 trillion down to 400 and something billion.

No he didn't go around saying the deficit was too high and spending needed to be cut.

He just raised taxes and cut spending. Which is what every responsible president does.

trump took over and in less than 3 years he has that deficit back up to a trillion dollars.

I don't want someone to talk about deficits and debt. Those who talk are all hot air. reagan went around this nation in 1980 doing just that, saying that the deficit is too high and so was the debt. Then he went on to set record highs in deficit and debt. So did the first bush and the bush boy.

I want someone who actually does something about it. In our history isn't not the republicans who decrease deficit and slows growth of debt, that would be democrats.
Challenge to crazy lefties: find me an administration since Grover Cleveland where the deficit didn't spike in the first two months of any year? What did we get when the deficit spiked during the Hussein administration? Granted the deficit spiked during Trump but congress spends the money and the President only signs the checks. If the clinically insane democrat majority would concentrate on making America greater like the President does, we wouldn't have to worry about the deficit.
Absolutely ridiculous. The party in power claim deficits don't matter.

I wonder if any party will ever say, yes, deficits do matter and we need to cut spending across the board?

Just a dream.

Clinton balanced the budget. Zero deficit with hundreds of billions in surplus. He raised taxes and cut spending. When Clinton left office he left a plan to have the reagan/bush national debt paid off. Too bad the bush boy trashed it all.

The bush boy blew it with his first budget, by the time he finished in office he had taken the deficit to new historic heights just as reagan and his dad before him.

The bush boy handed Obama 1.4 trillion in deficit. By the time Obama was finished he had slashed that deficit by nearly 1 trillion down to 400 and something billion.

No he didn't go around saying the deficit was too high and spending needed to be cut.

He just raised taxes and cut spending. Which is what every responsible president does.

trump took over and in less than 3 years he has that deficit back up to a trillion dollars.

I don't want someone to talk about deficits and debt. Those who talk are all hot air. reagan went around this nation in 1980 doing just that, saying that the deficit is too high and so was the debt. Then he went on to set record highs in deficit and debt. So did the first bush and the bush boy.

I want someone who actually does something about it. In our history isn't not the republicans who decrease deficit and slows growth of debt, that would be democrats.
Please link us up to which year the debt went down during all those Clinton "surpluses".

Clinton & Democrat Congress Slashed Spending! Bush & Republican Congress EXPLODED Spending!
I thought the house controlled the purse strings. Who is in control of the house?

Power of the Purse | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives

Who controls the senate which has to concur with the spending bills and who sits in the White House who has to sign off on the spending bills? Poor attempt at deflection, lame ass, but I guess that’s all you’ve got since you know you can’t defend it without being a total hypocrite
So you agree it is Nazi Pelousy who initiates all spending.

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