Defying the DeSantis Free State

Would this be that much different than remote classes when parents got a first hand look at some of the stuff going on in some classrooms.
Now who is the teacher, the parent? How could a kid be taught when a hovering parent interrupted their studies?
Would this be that much different than remote classes when parents got a first hand look at some of the stuff going on in some classrooms.

Great point and it isn't that different.

Remote classrooms and virtual learning were a leap that Covid brought to a lot of districts ... But still has difficulties
Like when your older brother comes out of the shower and walks through the living room without a clue he just mooned the 5th Grade.


How many times do I have to say it ... There is no reason for a teacher to be intimidated.
The teacher is not in control of the curriculum, and they aren't authorized to change it.

What is taught in the classroom should only involve the topics they are authorized to teach ...
According to lesson plan they filed with the Administration.
That's why they file it, so the Administration can handle parents that have a problem with it.

They don't have to avoid any topic they are authorized to teach.
In fact, it's required they teach the topics they listed on their lesson plan, and as they listed them.
It's when they start deciding they are going to introduce topics that they aren't authorized to, that they get in trouble.

If a parent has a problem with topics that are authorized ... Again, that's not the teacher's problem.

It's very much the teacher's problem when they have to worry about saying the wrong thing on some hot button current event or sensitive topics like slavery or sex education or anything else that might piss off the momzillas. The fact that you are comfortable with the idea of forbidden topics in schools speaks volumes about your attitude on this.
It's very much the teacher's problem when they have to worry about saying the wrong thing on some hot button current event or sensitive topics like slavery or sex education or anything else that might piss off the momzillas. The fact that you are comfortable with the idea of forbidden topics in schools speaks volumes about your attitude on this.

They don't have to worry about saying the wrong thing ... Just teach the lesson as required by law.
If their class requires, and lesson plan describes a discussion of hot topic current events.
It's listed that way on the lesson plan and filed with the Administration.

Teachers don't have the authority to just teach whatever they want to.
They don't have the authority to change the classroom curriculum from what has already been approved.
If a parent has a problem with it, there is nothing the teacher can do about it if the teacher is doing their job correctly.

What aren't you understanding?
It's not me, or my opinion, nor my attitude.

There are protections in place to help keep the teachers out of trouble.
If they aren't doing their job as required ... They should be disciplined, re-trained or fired ... :thup:

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Florida member of the GOP wants teachers to wear microphones while teaching.

Sounds like something straight out of China.

"Republican state legislators in Florida are mulling passing a bill that would force teachers to wear microphones in class so that parents could monitor the lessons they're teaching students."

"CBS News reports that the legislation is being pitched by Florida State Rep. Bob Rommel, who says that he believes that teachers can be monitored constantly without any infringements on privacy."

The difference? In China, they would be monitored by the, parents just want to know what bullshit the teachers are pushing on their kids...

They don't have to worry about saying the wrong thing ... Just teach the lesson as required by law.
If their class requires, and lesson plan describes a discussion of hot topic current events.
It's listed that way on the lesson plan and filed with the Administration.

Teachers don't have the authority to just teach whatever they want to.
They don't have the authority to change the classroom curriculum from what has already been approved.
If a parent has a problem with it, there is nothing the teacher can do about it if the teacher is doing their job correctly.

What aren't you understanding?
It's not me, or my opinion, nor my attitude.

There are protections in place to help keep the teachers out of trouble.
If they aren't doing their job as required ... They should be disciplined, re-trained or fired ... :thup:

If this is all true then being a teacher today is an even suckier job than I thought. When I was going to school, probably before you were born, It seemed like teachers would try to give a somewhat honest answer to any question that was asked. That's doing their job correctly. A teacher that does not feel free to frankly discuss certain topics has been hobbled. Just a robot slave to a lesson plan someone else put together.
If this is all true then being a teacher today is an even suckier job than I thought. When I was going to school, probably before you were born, It seemed like teachers would try to give a somewhat honest answer to any question that was asked. That's doing their job correctly. A teacher that does not feel free to frankly discuss certain topics has been hobbled. Just a robot slave to a lesson plan someone else put together.

Well ... It's probably the fact a bunch of teachers started saying a bunch shit they weren't supposed to, and pissing a bunch parents off ...
that drove the School Boards, State Boards of Education, and State Legislatures to start changing policy and passing laws ...
that restricted the Liberty of teachers to just say whatever the fuck they wanted to.

Back to the point Schools sometimes need to be reminded of who is paying the bills ...
And that they are there to serve the parents and children ... Not the other way around ... :thup:

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Well ... It's probably the fact a bunch of teachers started saying a bunch shit they weren't supposed to, and pissing a bunch parents off ...
that drove the School Boards, State Boards of Education, and State Legislatures to start changing policy and passing laws ...
that restricted the Liberty of teachers to just say whatever the fuck they wanted to.

Back to the point Schools sometimes need to be reminded of who is paying the bills ...
And that they are there to serve the parents and children ... Not the other way around ... :thup:

When the people "paying the bills" are horrible assholes, racists or bible thumpers do you think it is the school's duty to never contradict the crap their kids were taught at home? The right apparently says yes.
When the people "paying the bills" are horrible assholes, racists or bible thumpers do you think it is the school's duty to never contradict the crap their kids were taught at home? The right apparently says yes.

Hey ... If you don't like it, you can protest.

You can go to the School Board, State Board of Education or State Legislature and let them know you are pissed off.
You can even run for election in any of the bodies listed above (at least in my state they are elected).

But what you can't do, is just decide to say or teach whatever you want if you're a teacher ...
Employed by the taxpayers ... And accountable to the people you are obligated to serve.

It's not that complicated, and your opinion doesn't mean shit ...
Unless of course you get elected or someone gives you the job and starts paying you for it.

I won't even call the FBI on you and try to get you arrested as a Domestic Terrorist.
Good Luck Shortstop ... :thup:

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When the people "paying the bills" are horrible assholes, racists or bible thumpers do you think it is the school's duty to never contradict the crap their kids were taught at home? The right apparently says yes.

What parents teach their children at home is their business--not governments. A teachers job it to teach children various subjects leaving personal and social matters aside. If you are teaching my kids guilt because they are white, how to put a condom on a banana, or there is no such thing as God, you bet I should know about it.
It's very much the teacher's problem when they have to worry about saying the wrong thing on some hot button current event or sensitive topics like slavery or sex education or anything else that might piss off the momzillas. The fact that you are comfortable with the idea of forbidden topics in schools speaks volumes about your attitude on this.

Yet it's okay to force police officers to wear a body cam so as to record every move they make for scrutiny.
What parents teach their children at home is their business--not governments. A teachers job it to teach children various subjects leaving personal and social matters aside. If you are teaching my kids guilt because they are white, how to put a condom on a banana, or there is no such thing as God, you bet I should know about it.
Well at least you admit why they want to put spy microphones on teachers.
Yet it's okay to force police officers to wear a body cam so as to record every move they make for scrutiny.
Cop camera footage never gets watched unless something happens. Realtime monitoring of teachers for the sake of giving right wing momzillas a steady stream of victims would gut the teaching profession.
I sent the link to a friend. His sister has been a teacher for 30 years. Authoritarian is exactly the word she used.

Some on this sight must be the worst of human existence. If a Liberal did something like what is proposed they would lose it.

A teacher is the employee. The people that pay the teacher are the employers. Any employer has the right to know what their employees are up to, in this case the taxpayers.
Cop camera footage never gets watched unless something happens. Realtime monitoring of teachers for the sake of giving right wing momzillas a steady stream of victims would gut the teaching profession.

Not if they're doing their job. In the past teachers have been caught teaching all kinds of nefarious things. Nobody is going to monitor a teacher to make sure they use the right words. But if a teacher is teaching your boy he can be a girl if that's what he feels he is, it's up to the parent to step up and stop it.
Coming on the heels of an unprecedented year of parents behaving very badly concerning schools I have to include this in the wider picture of the hard right turning schools into political battlegrounds.

Then the teacher should avoid discussing anything politics.
If you can't see how demeaning it is to force teachers to wear a spy device to allow reactionary parents to monitor the ideological content of their lessons I don't know what else to say. Maybe you would wear something like that but maybe you like getting yelled at for doing your job.

In my former career as a truck driver we had to take drug tests at random. I haven't done drugs in 30 years nor given anybody reason to believe I was doing drugs. But it was a government requirement. Demeaning? Yes it was, but it's something I signed onto when I chose that career.
It's very much the teacher's problem when they have to worry about saying the wrong thing on some hot button current event or sensitive topics like slavery or sex education or anything else that might piss off the momzillas. The fact that you are comfortable with the idea of forbidden topics in schools speaks volumes about your attitude on this.
It's very much the teacher's problem when they have to worry about saying something contrary to wrongheaded righting dogma, speaking the truth contrary to wrongheaded righting dogma, or stating facts contrary to wrongheaded righting dogma – and being punished the consequence of speaking the truth or disseminating facts.
No, not spy microphones. Let the teacher know they are being monitored is all.
Being monitored by the school administration is one thing. Letting parents do the monitoring in real time is another. The political motive behind this makes it a weapon rather than a safeguard. The intent is frighten teachers into not saying anything that might conflict with the far right.

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