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Rick Scott Wants to Raise Taxes

Thats what the commies are clinging to

the chang kai shek nationalists clung to the claim that there was only one china

but those old warriors are dead and modern Taiwanse do not want to be part of china

xi’s greatest fear is that Taiwan will declare its independence
I don't really understand Xi's goals. He doesn't appear to want to become an isolated despot in a totalitarian state. China has a bloody history in avoiding that. But a dem republic right on his shore or 110 miles..... I'm hopeful

But the current population in Taiwan has little in common with Chiang Kia-shek
I don't really understand Xi's goals. He doesn't appear to want to become an isolated despot in a totalitarian state. China has a bloody history in avoiding that. But a dem republic right on his shore or 110 miles..... I'm hopeful

But the current population in Taiwan has little in common with Chiang Kia-shek
Thats true

Taiwan is everything that china is not

and nothing like it was when chang was alive

its spontaneous, vibrant, free and inventive

china is none of that
I don't really understand Xi's goals. He doesn't appear to want to become an isolated despot in a totalitarian state. China has a bloody history in avoiding that. But a dem republic right on his shore or 110 miles..... I'm hopeful

But the current population in Taiwan has little in common with Chiang Kia-shek
Xi wants Siberia. Bargaining with Putin IMO.
Thats true

Taiwan is everything that china is not

and nothing like it was when chang was alive

its spontaneous, vibrant, free and inventive

china is none of that
China's avg gdp per capita is around 20K less than Taiwan's. China invading Taiwan would make Putin's misadventure seem a picnic. 110 miles by sea is a lot. Give it 20 years, and there may some similarities in the two societies. (and I'll be dead, probably. lol)
Sigh none of you have yet to make a coherent reply all you people do is make assumptions to what I think.

Not once have I talked about budget deficits or try to balance one.

It all about spending cuts to remove the need to increase taxes that is what I have been talking about the entire time.
You appear to be libertarian, maybe even Libertarian. Why are you not talking about balancing the budget?
China's avg gdp per capita is around 20K less than Taiwan's. China invading Taiwan would make Putin's misadventure seem a picnic. 110 miles by sea is a lot. Give it 20 years, and there may some similarities in the two societies. (and I'll be dead, probably. lol)
Ben Shirapo was speculating today that russia has about 10 days to win the war before their military collapses

that speculation but it could have some merit

I think china is less likely to invade Taiwan now

their military is large but unproven and rumors abound over internal flaws also

what the commies would prefer is a staredown of biden and other nations that potentially could oppose a chinese invasion and take over without firing a shot

but china’s good guy halo has taken a beating recently the more free nations stand up to be counted the bigger the gamble for Xi
You appear to be libertarian, maybe even Libertarian. Why are you not talking about balancing the budget?

Because it is hopeless since 2/3 of the budget is mandated no politician is going to cut any of it.
You appear to be libertarian, maybe even Libertarian. Why are you not talking about balancing the budget?
Sunsettommy might be if his opening gambit hadnt failed so miserably.

$350 in defense reduction is a mere drop in the bucket compared to the deficit
Sunsettommy might be if his opening gambit hadnt failed so miserably.

$350 in defense reduction is a mere drop in the bucket compared to the deficit

Your stupidity never amazes me since I was responding to the TAX increase proposal which significant budget cut would likely stop it.

My very first post #2 made this clear:

"Better to cut defense spending by 50% then no tax cuts are needed."

Not a word about balancing budgets or reducing Deficits.

It was YOU who brought them up, so you can drop your bullshit.
washamericom gipper wamose Lastamender Oddball Wyatt earp

Marvin, I promised you after everyone who eats the corn out of Tulsi's shit had a chance to defend their love of her, I would show you she is a socialist.

Well, they have failed to do so. They can't show where the left hates her, or how she is better than Romney, or anything else, to explain their admiration of her.

So here goes:

Tulsi Gabbard backed Sanders in 2016.

She supports the Green New Deal.

She supports reparations for slavery.

She wants a $15 minimum wage.

She believes college should be free.

She supports banning offshore drilling.

She supports closing down all existing nuclear power plants.

She supports a ban on assault weapons.

She supports Medicare For All.

Healthcare For All

People Before Profits & Politics "People Before Profits". An age-old socialist slogan.

Racial Justice

Hold Wall Street Accountable
“We must break up the big banks, reinstate Glass-Steagall, and get our economy back to working for the benefit of all Americans.”

Second Amendment Rights & Gun Safety
“We don’t have to wait for answers to these questions for Congress to pass legislation already supported by a majority of Americans, like universal background checks, closing the gun show loophole and reinstating a federal ban on military-style assault weapons.”

Gabbard is no longer running for president. “No, I do not support new nuclear power plants and am in favor of phasing out nuclear power,” Gabbard told The Post. She said she supports ending “subsidies or waivers to the nuclear power industry, which should itself be completely responsible for paying for its own insurance and paying the long term cost for safe storage of nuclear waste over centuries.”
Candidate positions highlighted

Here's a bill cosponsored by Tulsi:

H.R.40 Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act To establish a commission to study and consider a national apology and proposal for reparations for the institution of slavery.

"I'll usher in a Green Economy":

Like I said. She's as socialist as AOC and Bernie Sanders.

Last edited:
Your stupidity never amazes me since I was responding to the TAX increase proposal which significant budget cut would likely stop it.

My very first post #2 made this clear:

"Better to cut defense spending by 50% then no tax cuts are needed."

Not a word about balancing budgets or reducing Deficits.

It was YOU who brought them up, so you can drop your bullshit.
Why cut defense spending at all?

Or raise taxes?

if not the exploding federal budget deficit what problem are you trying to solve?
So...all I can figure is that the tard herd saw this and lost their minds. I have to admit she looks better in a bikini than Mitt Romney...

I believe we should repeal all income taxes and replace them with consumption taxes.

But if we have to have income taxes, as a conservative who admires Thomas Jefferson, I have to go with what he said.

Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions or property in geometrical progression as they rise.

To James Madison Fontainebleau Oct. 28 1785; The Letters of Thomas Jefferson
Ben Shirapo was speculating today that russia has about 10 days to win the war before their military collapses

that speculation but it could have some merit

I think china is less likely to invade Taiwan now

their military is large but unproven and rumors abound over internal flaws also

what the commies would prefer is a staredown of biden and other nations that potentially could oppose a chinese invasion and take over without firing a shot

but china’s good guy halo has taken a beating recently the more free nations stand up to be counted the bigger the gamble for Xi
Yah, to the extent I pray, I'll pray Russia's military lays down. The officer corp won't, imo, but .... maybe the ranks.

With China, we learned that econ freedom didn't mean people would demand personal liberty. I dunno. IN Elizabethan England, eventually catholics were allowed to worship in private (perhaps without priests) but they had to swear loyalty, and give it, to the Crown. On penalty of death and confiscation of all property. But more importantly, Xi has shown us and the West that China views trade as an econ weapon.

China has no problem with price and currency fixing to achieve domination or markets. That would not be ok with Reagan and Thatcher. Putin's distracted the EU and us from that.
Because it is hopeless since 2/3 of the budget is mandated no politician is going to cut any of it.
I believe we should ban most tax expenditures. Those are not mandated and would all by themselves balance the budget. No conservative/libertarian in their right mind would support this massive government social engineering and government interference in the markets.

I also believe we should raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, and index the retirement age to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are living longer, we should be working longer.

The one thing Obama, Trump, and I agree on is that the other NATO countries need to carry their share of the defense burden and stop relying on the US to take up the slack. It pisses me off the don't carry their weight and then mock us for not having the same social safety nets they do.
Ben Shirapo was speculating today that russia has about 10 days to win the war before their military collapses

that speculation but it could have some merit

I think china is less likely to invade Taiwan now

their military is large but unproven and rumors abound over internal flaws also

what the commies would prefer is a staredown of biden and other nations that potentially could oppose a chinese invasion and take over without firing a shot

but china’s good guy halo has taken a beating recently the more free nations stand up to be counted the bigger the gamble for Xi
An amphibious invasion of Taiwan would be magnitudes more difficult than Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
But not when the Dims added more debt?

You're a piece of shit.

Read this: Federal Spending Is Beyond Insane

And this:
While Trump was doing all that massive overspending, I pointed out many times that he was doing it to fraudulently boost the GDP.

He still couldn't get GDP to the 4 to 6 percent GDP growth that he promised.

Each president outspends the one before. Biden will take our debt to outer space.

And this:

Right now, Joe Biden and the Democrats are engaged in an orgiastic explosion of profligacy that just might finally bring our country to its knees.

I am seriously concerned. I am more pissed off than ever.

This is what happens when you assholes lie, bripat. Your bullshit blows right back into your face.

Now wipe it off. You look retarded.


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