Delta airlines to charge unvaxxed employees $200/month

Actually, this thread is not about Govt. stuff at all---these are private companies making their legal decisions re their employees.
It's about private companies doing for the government that which the government is prohibited from doing directly. After all, Biden personally asked companies to institute this mandate. What does the state do to a business that doesn't accept these mandates? Revoke their business license? Cut off power and water? Encourage vandalism? Impose confiscatory fires? Jail the owner? The state has done all these things just so you can delude yourself into thinking this is a business decision by private companies.

This is very much like private companies prohibiting speech and expression that the government doesn't like. It isn't the democratic party at all. This is a business decision by Facebook, Twitter, any of them.

For all the bleating done about fascism you don't see it when it's being rubbed in your nose. The marriage of business and government with business owners coerced into business decisions by government is the very soul of fascism.
OBEY government or be PUNISHED!!


Another republican who believes that we live in a communist nation.

The government doesn't own Delta.

The government has absolutely nothing to do with Delta charging their unvaccinated employees more each month for their insurance.

The United States is a capitalistic nation.

If you want to live in a nation where the government owns all business move to North Korea or Cuba. Those nations are honestly communist nations.
what an obvious end-around going on right now.

Biden knows he can't order people to do things, so instead he's going to pressure and bully the private sector to do what he wishes he could force people to do.

I sure hope the SCOTUS is watching this obvious loop hole in real time.
Delta is run by a private corporation.

Not the government.

Is this your attempt to distract from the message? Weak dear..You are going to have to try harder. The Airlines take GOVERNMENT BAILOUTS with DELTA being either one of the BIGGEST or the BIGGEST bailout taker.

The airlines are also heavily influenced by the government regulation and can not fly at all if their FAA regulator grounds one or all of their planes.
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It's about private companies doing for the government that which the government is prohibited from doing directly. After all, Biden personally asked companies to institute this mandate. What does the state do to a business that doesn't accept these mandates? Revoke their business license? Cut off power and water? Encourage vandalism? Impose confiscatory fires? Jail the owner? The state has done all these things just so you can delude yourself into thinking this is a business decision by private companies.

This is very much like private companies prohibiting speech and expression that the government doesn't like. It isn't the democratic party at all. This is a business decision by Facebook, Twitter, any of them.

For all the bleating done about fascism you don't see it when it's being rubbed in your nose. The marriage of business and government with business owners coerced into business decisions by government is the very soul of fascism.
Business are gonna do whatever makes them the most profit, full stop.
An airline would be sued out of existence without masks, and-or people wouldnt fly on them for risk of infection.

I don’t think it’s communist. Where did I say that.

I think it’s Marxist and so are you.

You’re right about bad choices and consequences though.

Yours will be an eternity in Hell

Ok so I was right. You don't know what communism is.

As I said it's an ECONOMIC system where the government owns everything. There is no private ownership of business, land and property.

You are saying that the government is making Delta employees get vaccinated or face 200 dollars more a month in insurance premiums.

For that to be true, the government would have to own Delta Airlines and we would be living in a communist nation.

Delta Airlines is a private for profit capitalistic company. The government has no power to force or tell Delta to impose higher insurance premiums on Delta's unvaccinated employees.

The government as absolutely nothing to do with this.

So stop the lies. Or if you're actually that stupid to believe we're a communist nation, pick up an economics book and read it. Make sure you have a dictionary or your mom to give you the definitions of the long words you don't understand.

Cut the hell garbage. It's childish and foolish. It might work on a stupid person but you're not dealing with someone like yourself. I've graduated from high school and college. Obviously you didn't.
What's the definition of those two terms?
Marxism is more of an idea that eventually evolves into communism.

We’re a Marxist country right now because there is still private ownership, not all private businesses are controlled by the state, and there are still a distinction between classes.

But there are a lot of Big corporations and banks working on behalf of the government and are buying up land and crushing smal business completion. The middle class is shrinking and soon it will lead to 1 lower class and a very small elite class.

That is when it becomes communist
Business are gonna do whatever makes them the most profit, full stop.
An airline would be sued out of existence without masks, and-or people wouldnt fly on them for risk of infection.

It's almost like you have no concept of reality. If people are afraid of the risk of infection vaccinations don't matter. The vaxed spread infection as much as the unvaxxed. You get vaxed if you're so worried.
United is not "government."

Seriously? Any industry under total regulatory control of the government is effectively now run by the government. The TSA, a federal agency, even screens you before letting you board.

If it were me, I would:
  • Move my insurance elsewhere than with the company or simply quit.
  • Boycott the Airlines.
Put the fuckers out of business and tell them to shove their mandates up their ass.
Ok so I was right. You don't know what communism is.

As I said it's an ECONOMIC system where the government owns everything. There is no private ownership of business, land and property.

You are saying that the government is making Delta employees get vaccinated or face 200 dollars more a month in insurance premiums.

For that to be true, the government would have to own Delta Airlines and we would be living in a communist nation.

Delta Airlines is a private for profit capitalistic company. The government has no power to force or tell Delta to impose higher insurance premiums on Delta's unvaccinated employees.

The government as absolutely nothing to do with this.

So stop the lies. Or if you're actually that stupid to believe we're a communist nation, pick up an economics book and read it. Make sure you have a dictionary or your mom to give you the definitions of the long words you don't understand.

Cut the hell garbage. It's childish and foolish. It might work on a stupid person but you're not dealing with someone like yourself. I've graduated from high school and college. Obviously you didn't.
Yup just like how Russia wasn’t at all communist because the big corporations weren’t owned by the government once handed to the oligarchs.

Those oligarchs have no government influence at all!
Private companies cannot do "whatever" they want.

Private citizens who don't want to take the vaccine are not a protected class.

Airlines can mandate vaccination to fly on their planes.
It has been said that Mussolini made the trains run on time. The Italian government didn't own the trains but just controlled their operation. That's fascism.

When the president encourages businesses to discriminate against those who can't or won't take a vaccine. Some restaurant in Podunk decides they aren't going to do that. The governor of that state orders the health department to inspect. A mirror in the women's restroom is a quarter inch too high. There's no Tampax dispenser in the men's room. The hot water heater is a half degree too cold. The restaurant is shut down and fined. The fine is $100,000 a day retroactive to the day the president encouraged discrimination. Just cooperate. Don't allow in the unmasked and unvaxxed. No fine, no more inspections.

This is not communism because the government does not own the restaurant. It is fascism because the government controls the restaurant.
Marxism is more of an idea that eventually evolves into communism.

We’re a Marxist country right now because there is still private ownership, not all private businesses are controlled by the state, and there are still a distinction between classes.

But there are a lot of Big corporations and banks working on behalf of the government and are buying up land and crushing smal business completion. The middle class is shrinking and soon it will lead to 1 lower class and a very small elite class.

That is when it becomes communist
What's the "idea" behind Marxism?

Also, you didn't define Communism either, you just prophesized that we're heading that way.

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