Delta airlines to charge unvaxxed employees $200/month

It has been said that Mussolini made the trains run on time. The Italian government didn't own the trains but just controlled their operation. That's fascism.

When the president encourages businesses to discriminate against those who can't or won't take a vaccine. Some restaurant in Podunk decides they aren't going to do that. The governor of that state orders the health department to inspect. A mirror in the women's restroom is a quarter inch too high. There's no Tampax dispenser in the men's room. The hot water heater is a half degree too cold. The restaurant is shut down and fined. The fine is $100,000 a day retroactive to the day the president encouraged discrimination. Just cooperate. Don't allow in the unmasked and unvaxxed. No fine, no more inspections.

This is not communism because the government does not own the restaurant. It is fascism because the government controls the restaurant.
Nope, that is not fascism. The President is not ordering any business to do X or Y or Z.

Private businesses are going to financially penalize the non-vaccinated if they do not have a legitimate cause.

That is capitalism.
United is not "government."
All the airlines are essentially government owned enterprises, operating on the verge of bankruptcy as far as the nominal shareholders are concerned, but they are managed and operated by the government for 9/11 human trafficking goals, and for miscellaneous tax revenues and other diplomatic state craft and trade craft purposes.

The DemonRats said they’d make life as tough as possible for the unvaccinated.

Yeah, they’re not totalitarian Satanists at all.

DemonRats are foaming at the mouth they’re so happy about this

Edit: at least they’re more tolerant than United Airlines

I wonder how much they're charging blacks and Jews?
All the airlines are essentially government owned enterprises, operating on the verge of bankruptcy as far as the nominal shareholders are concerned, but they are managed and operated by the government for 9/11 human trafficking goals, and for miscellaneous tax revenues and other diplomatic state craft and trade craft purposes.
You cannot prove that they are "government" businesses.

Yes, they are regulated, just as you are if you are business
Seriously? Any industry under total regulatory control of the government is effectively now run by the government. The TSA, a federal agency, even screens you before letting you board.

If it were me, I would:
  • Move my insurance elsewhere than with the company or simply quit.
  • Boycott the Airlines.
Put the fuckers out of business and tell them to shove their mandates up their ass.

I understand why you feel this way, but you're wrong.

The gov't doesn't control any airline. They have rules and regs to follow, but so do I in the transportation industry. I am beholden to the DOT but that doesn't mean I'm basically owned by the gov't. None of the FAA's rules are targeted AT Delta, or AT United. They are only for the entire AT industry. The FAA does not control masks on planes. The planes are owned by United, so they make the rules on the planes. The FAA does not. Just because some aspect of their operation is regulated by federal law doesn't make them OWNED by the gov't.

Obviously you don't.
Yup just like how Russia wasn’t at all communist because the big corporations weren’t owned by the government once handed to the oligarchs.

Those oligarchs have no government influence at all!

Oh for crying out loud.

The United States isn't russia.

The United States isn't a communist nation.

The United States isn't even close to being a communist nation.


The government can't and has not forced any private for profit company in our nation to impose a 200 dollar increase to anyone's insurance premium because they have not been vaccinated.

Just stop with the lies.

All you're doing is showing intelligent and properly educated people what a fool and just how down right stupid you are.

I would laugh at you and your stupidity but you're just too pathetic.
I understand why you feel this way, but you're wrong.

The gov't doesn't control any airline. They have rules and regs to follow, but so do I in the transportation industry. I am beholden to the DOT but that doesn't mean I'm basically owned by the gov't. None of the FAA's rules are targeted AT Delta, or AT United. They are only for the entire AT industry. The FAA does not control masks on planes. The planes are owned by United, so they make the rules on the planes. The FAA does not. Just because some aspect of their operation is regulated by federal law doesn't make them OWNED by the gov't.

I didn't say they owned the airline industry, I said they essentially run it now, with oversight, much as they now run the banking, auto, police, finance, elections, education, and other industries that Obumma federalized about 10 years ago.

Welcome to Big Brother, brother.
You cannot prove that they are "government" businesses.

Yes, they are regulated, just as you are if you are business
TSA officials roughing us up for money and valuables, shaking us down for papers, and feeling us up for weapons, and burglarizing our homes while we are on vacation, and those are not government owned enterprises? What communist country do you come from?
Some restaurant in Podunk decides they aren't going to do that. The governor of that state orders the health department to inspect. A mirror in the women's restroom is a quarter inch too high. There's no Tampax dispenser in the men's room. The hot water heater is a half degree too cold. The restaurant is shut down and fined. The fine is $100,000 a day retroactive to the day the president encouraged discrimination. Just cooperate. Don't allow in the unmasked and unvaxxed. No fine, no more inspections.
If you have evidence that kind of shit is going on, we should clamp down in it immediately. Do you? The only thing like it I've heard about is DeSantis holding back funding for schools that are masking. Do you have other examples?
TSA officials roughing us up for money and valuables, shaking us down for papers, and feeling us up for weapons, and burglarizing our homes while we are on vacation, and those are not government owned enterprises? What communist country do you come from?
You sound confused again. Report break ins to the police, please.
If you have evidence that kind of shit is going on, we should clamp down in it immediately. Do you? The only thing like it I've heard about is DeSantis holding back funding for schools that are masking. Do you have other examples?
Try New York, San Francisco and New Jersey.
Try New York, San Francisco and New Jersey.
Well, they've passed laws forcing businesses to play along, and I'm adamantly opposed to that. But you were talking about using unrelated harassment to bully businesses into complying, without actually passing a law. Do you have any evidence that that is going on?
Well, they've passed laws forcing businesses to play along, and I'm adamantly opposed to that. But you were talking about using unrelated harassment to bully businesses into complying, without actually passing a law. Do you have any evidence that that is going on?
Those businesses have been bullied. A gym owner in New Jersey went to jail. Remember the salon owner that did Nancy Pelosi's hair and complained about the way lockdown was being used. She lost her entire business and her investment.

This is being used to impose a terrible tyranny on the public. All while convincing people that it's for their own good.
Those businesses have been bullied. A gym owner in New Jersey went to jail. Remember the salon owner that did Nancy Pelosi's hair and complained about the way lockdown was being used. She lost her entire business and her investment.
Yep. As I said, I'm opposed to that.
This is being used to impose a terrible tyranny on the public. All while convincing people that it's for their own good.
In some cases, sure. What I'm objecting to is the demand from so-called conservatives for government intervention in the opposite direction - ie policies that prohibit businesses from discriminating against the unvaccinated. That's just as wrong as laws forcing them to do the opposite.
Yep. As I said, I'm opposed to that.

In some cases, sure. What I'm objecting to is the demand from so-called conservatives for government intervention in the opposite direction - ie policies that prohibit businesses from discriminating against the unvaccinated. That's just as wrong as laws forcing them to do the opposite.
I have not seen that. What I have seen is what DeSantis is doing. Stopping government entities from making mandates.

Another republican who believes that we live in a communist nation.

The government doesn't own Delta.

The government has absolutely nothing to do with Delta charging their unvaccinated employees more each month for their insurance.

The United States is a capitalistic nation.

If you want to live in a nation where the government owns all business move to North Korea or Cuba. Those nations are honestly communist nations.
You are naïve or dishonest it's one of the two.

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