Delta airlines to charge unvaxxed employees $200/month

It's almost like you have no concept of reality. If people are afraid of the risk of infection vaccinations don't matter. The vaxed spread infection as much as the unvaxxed. You get vaxed if you're so worried.
nope, see here:

68.6% of breakthrough cases had infectious virus particles. But the count dropped within three days of illness, a sign that vaccinated people might hold onto the virus for less time than unvaccinated people.

What regulation is forcing Delta to require their employees be vaccinated or see their insurance premiums increase by $200 a month?
Since you're playing devil's advocate and pretending that the government isn't pressuring private business, I will concede that I can find no regulation requiring such insurance increases. That being said, can you deny that Joe Biden, himself, encouraged ALL private employers to require vaccination? The more that the government tries to force an experimental shot on the population, the more I will oppose it. Those that choose to be vaccinated are well within their rights and I have no opinion on whether they do or don't. By the same token, I expect them to stay out of my life. The facts are very clear that the vaccination does not offer immunity, nor does it prevent the spread of the disease. The government and employers should stay out of private individual's health decisions. What's next--forced vaccination against toe nail fungus?
How is the government involved?

Do you pay attention to current events? Have you paid attention to the propaganda being spewed by Fauci, the CDC and the Biden Admin in general? Have you heard Biden "encourage" the private sector to mandate vaccines and masks?

Also, look up the definition of Fascism. You might learn something.
Do you pay attention to current events? Have you paid attention to the propaganda being spewed by Fauci, the CDC and the Biden Admin in general? Have you heard Biden "encourage" the private sector to mandate vaccines and masks?

Also, look up the definition of Fascism. You might learn something.
Take a dictionary and look up the words "encourage" and "mandate". Now, do you see that difference?
Take a dictionary and look up the words "encourage" and "mandate". Now, do you see that difference?


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