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Deluded Liberal Media Still Saying Trump Lost Popular Vote

I was at the Smithsonian A&S museum's hangar in Dulles, VA last month. They had some Nazi planes there and one of their (it looked like a superiority fighter) had a propeller on both the front and the back of the fuselage. Have you ever seen something like that?

You provided zero evidence. I mine as well fall asleep, at least then your dream might come true.

You provided not a single link backing up your claim, not a single iota of proof.
HA HA. Liberals amuse me. They define "proof" as a link to some LIBERAL university study, some LIBERAL think tank study, some LIBERAL media report, etc. But common sense ? They never heard of it.

Your definition of proof doesn't rate.

Proof A is all that is necessary. Nothing more. :biggrin:

Proof A

1 Trump said he would deport illegal aliens.

2. Illegal aliens do things illegally. (a way of life for them)

3. There are virtually no barriers to voting illegally.

Note: this is called INTELLIGENCE & Common Sense (conservative evidence)

A second point to consider is the mere fact that you are asking for evidence of illegal aliens voting.
That's a laughingstock. Have you no shame ? LOL. The whole world isn't just watching you. They are :rolleyes: at you. :slap:
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As much of a Trump supporter as I am and as much as I despise the Clintons, where is the proof of these millions of illegal voters?
I've posted it hundreds of times. Here we go again. You will find these proofs as very satisfactory if you aren't buffaloed into restricting yourself to the liberals' scam MO of requiring you to accept THEIR definition of "proof' >> reports.studies from universities, professors, think tanks, media (ALL LIBERAL)

Proof A

1 Trump said he would deport illegal aliens.

2. Illegal aliens do things illegally. (a way of life for them)

3. There are virtually no barriers to voting illegally.

Note: this is called INTELLIGENCE & Common Sense (conservative evidence)

Proof B

I have done a 40 year survey on illegal aliens, in 4 states of the US, and 12 counties. They consistently tell me (in Spanish of course) that they vote (among other illegal things they do), and I have been WATCHING them vote, for decades
Just because you keep posting it, doesn't make it so. I already obliterated your "Point A" as incorrect, and exposed your "Point B": as the lie that it is.
I don't know whether it fits into my methodology. mI haven't seen your data.. A scientifiically conducted survey has writen questions, recorded answers, and statistically varifiable data. You claim to have conducted this "40-year survey", so surely you have the questions you asked, the number of respondents, and the data of how those respondents answered the questions, right? Share that data. Or are you just bullshitting us, and your "survey" consisted of bitching at the local bar for the last forty years?
Your definition of survey is not necessarily what is necessary to be accurate and valid. Not necessary to have written questions, recorded answers, and the data IS statistically verifiable. All on eneed do to verify it is the a=same thing I did. Go around and ask the illegal aliens if they voted or not. Can't be sure they're illegal ? No problem. Just give the a couple of beers. Then they'll tell you EVERYTHING. I know thi sbetter than your university boys and think tanks. i really do.

You might need to know how to speak Spanish though. That;s one advantage I have.

I'm off the computer now (am in Public library0
Like I said, you didn't conduct shit. You just sat around the bar bitching for the last 40 years. Your hearsay, anecdotal claims are not evidence, no matter how much you would like them to be. So, another Right Wing Nutcake with nothing but his own delusions. You are dismissed.
Glad you cleared that up for everybody. So, if Trump doesn't throw all those illegal voters in jail, does that mean he's a crook too? If it is so obvious who did it, why aren't they rounding up all those illegal voters now?

California openly encourages illegal aliens to vote. That alone covers the 3 million you fascists claim for Hillary.
Trump lost the popular vote. Gives me hope for the future that not everyone was duped like you guys.
Glad you cleared that up for everybody. So, if Trump doesn't throw all those illegal voters in jail, does that mean he's a crook too? If it is so obvious who did it, why aren't they rounding up all those illegal voters now?

California openly encourages illegal aliens to vote. That alone covers the 3 million you fascists claim for Hillary.

I've heard that goofy claim from lots of RWNJs. Where exactly did you get that from?

You have yet to show anything excwpt your opinion and some claim you did some forty year survey with no recorded evidence, so yeah you're full of shit!
FALSE! I have shown all I need to show., and without my 40 year survey. (Proof B)

Just Proof A is all that is necessary. Nothing more. :biggrin:

Proof A

1 Trump said he would deport illegal aliens.

2. Illegal aliens do things illegally. (a way of life for them)

3. There are virtually no barriers to voting illegally.

Note: this is called INTELLIGENCE & Common Sense (conservative evidence)
Except I destroyed that bit of drivel with actual facts, and statistics, too, which is why you decided to lay all of your argument on that "40-year study" that never actually happened:

That's speculation. There's not much value there. It's certainly NOT evidence.
Yes it certainly IS evidence. BOTH A & B. Best evidence there is. Better than the FAKE liberal reporters
Really? Let's look at that "proof" under "A", shall we?

Proof A

1 Trump said he would deport illegal aliens.
Well, yes he did claim that. Unfortunately, according to the data, while Trump is arresting more people than Obama did, actual deprtaions is down by 1.2%, so he's not actually living up to that promise, now is he? This is called separating fact from rhetoric. I understand if that is a concept that seems a bit complicated to you.

2. Illegal aliens do things illegally. (a way of life for them)
See? This is the popular myth. Unfortunately it simply isn't supported by actual data, and evidence. That makes this opinion, not fact. And opinion, as much as you might like it to be so, is not "proof" of anything beyond your own personal biases.

3. There are virtually no barriers to voting illegally.

Note: this is called INTELLIGENCE
Now this is, arguably, a true statement. However, again, the vast body of actual evidence indicates that this is because they aren't needed, as in person voter fraud is so rare as to be almost statistically non-existant. Note that statistically non-existant does not mean that it never happens; rather it means that it is so rare that, statistically, it has absolutely no effect on elections.

So, sorry. When examined your "proof" actually isn't.

Now, this forty-year-long survey that you claim to have conducted might actually constitute proof - if, that is, you have the actual results, methodology, and questionaire of this alleged study recorded. If not, then all you are really saying is "I have the stories I heard at the bar", which are not proof, as that would be entirely anecdotal, and, thus, unreliable.

See? That's called intelligence. thank you for playing...

Just because you keep posting your non-evidence, doesn't magically turn it into evidence. sorry. Reality doesn't work that way.
Glad you cleared that up for everybody. So, if Trump doesn't throw all those illegal voters in jail, does that mean he's a crook too? If it is so obvious who did it, why aren't they rounding up all those illegal voters now?

California openly encourages illegal aliens to vote. That alone covers the 3 million you fascists claim for Hillary.

I've heard that goofy claim from lots of RWNJs. Where exactly did you get that from?

I live in California and see it everyday.

I have also quoted the law to you a DOZEN times. yet you continue to lie about it.

If a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote pursuant to this chapter and votes or attempts to vote in an election held after the effective date of the person’s registration, that person shall be presumed to have acted with official authorization and shall not be guilty of fraudulently voting or attempting to vote pursuant to Section 18560}

Bill Text - AB-1461 Voter registration: California New Motor Voter Program.

California not only automatically registers illegal aliens to vote, it protects them from prosecution for illegally voting.

Fraud is promoted and protected by the democrat scum ruling California - fact.
^ "Democrat scum" wait, don't you mean communist scum, they've apparently taken over there.

(First ANTIFA cuddling and now Cali is putting forward bills to allow communists to hold gov positions)
Trump lost the popular vote. Gives me hope for the future that not everyone was duped like you guys.
He won it, AND YOU KNOW IT, and we know that YOU KNOW IT. Or would you rather have us think you're a complete :lame2:brain IDIOT ? :laugh:
Except I destroyed that bit of drivel with actual facts, and statistics, too, which is why you decided to lay all of your argument on that "40-year study" that never actually happened:

Just because you keep posting your non-evidence, doesn't magically turn it into evidence. sorry. Reality doesn't work that way.
I did NOT lay all of my argument on my 40 year study, and as I said before, the 40 year study is unecessary, as Proof A is all that is necessary.

Just because it doesn't fit your liberal "Study" definition of proof, means nothing, except that you are embedded in that programming. As for that....Not My Problem :biggrin:

And you really think we all are willing to acquiesce to your definition of "proof" ? A study from some liberal source ? Back to the drawing board for you. :rolleyes:
LOL. I have to start this OP with a laugh. Yesterday, deluded substitute Meet the Press host, Andrea Mitchell, referring to President Trump, said “he lost the popular vote”. Sheeesh!

I don’t think Andrea Mitchell was deliberately speaking words she considered to be false. I suspect that she is just so inundated with liberal propaganda, and liberasl constantly repeating this nonsense, that it is automatic to her.

So, for the ten thousandth time, clearly Trump won the true AMERICAN popular vote, and by a wide margin. Only a total cretin would think that millions of illegal aliens didn’t vote in the 2016 election. Although there are a number of vested interests who gain from the presence of illegal aliens, and they too are actors in the importation and protection of illegal aliens, it is the political interests and actions of Democrats that is primary.

The illegals are accepted for their votes, protected (sanctuary cities) for their votes, and legislated (amnesty) for their votes. In return, millions of illegal aliens go to the polls, and vote for Democrats.

If the Trump administration does what they should be doing (ie. mass deporting millions of illegal aliens, and stopping them from voting), we’ll most likely see an interesting change in popular voting results in upcoming elections, heavily favoring Republicans.

What narrative Democrats will whip up in response to that, is anybody’s guess.
My God, you're stupid.
Except I destroyed that bit of drivel with actual facts, and statistics, too, which is why you decided to lay all of your argument on that "40-year study" that never actually happened:

Just because you keep posting your non-evidence, doesn't magically turn it into evidence. sorry. Reality doesn't work that way.
I did NOT lay all of my argument on my 40 year study, and as I said before, the 40 year study is unecessary, as Proof A is all that is necessary.

Just because it doesn't fit your liberal "Study" definition of proof, means nothing, except that you are embedded in that programming. As for that....Not My Problem :biggrin:

And you really think we all are willing to acquiesce to your definition of "proof" ? A study from some liberal source ? Back to the drawing board for you. :rolleyes:
All of your "proofs" have been exposed for nonsense. You are dismissed. Thank you for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.
All of your "proofs" have been exposed for nonsense. You are dismissed. Thank you for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.
1. Sez you. :laugh: "Dismissed" only within YOUR laughingstock definition of what constitutes proof. I think I'm still waiting for an answer to the question about how you came to think we all would accept that. :biggrin:

2. The mere fact that you are asking for evidence of the illegal alien vote is a laughingstock. Have you no shame ? :slap: The whole world isn't watching you...They are laughing at you. :rolleyes:

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