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Deluded Liberal Media Still Saying Trump Lost Popular Vote

Unless new evidence comes out otherwise, Trump lost the popular vote.
Unless new procedures are enacted it is irrelevant
Repeating irrelevancy is a function of emotion rather than of brain
Might as we hang your hat on "hardly anyone under 30 voted for him"another irrelevancy but since you have no facts to stoke your emotive fires please continue to fuel with emotional irrelevancies
Fact is, Trump won the popular vote in more states and that is why he won the electoral college and the presidency.

And that's all that matters, this isn't a democracy and thank God it isn't.
Unless new evidence comes out otherwise, Trump lost the popular vote.
Unless new procedures are enacted it is irrelevant
Repeating irrelevancy is a function of emotion rather than of brain
Might as we hang your hat on "hardly anyone under 30 voted for him"another irrelevancy but since you have no facts to stoke your emotive fires please continue to fuel with emotional irrelevancies

This is something Congress will not probe and they don't see a reason to probe.
The rules if baseball also need to be changed
Recently the Orioles got 2 runs on 4 hits and beat a team that got 7 hits but did not score enough runs to win .
That's just not FAIR and a huge emotional outpouring is warranted to correct this injustice
Start a pressure group.
Trump did lose the popular vote, but what is that? It doesn't exist.
With million of illegal aliens all voting Democrat, Trump did did NOT lose the legal AMERICAN popular vote (the only one that matters), and if anyone actually thinks he did, they're as dumb as a box of rocks.
That's speculation. There's not much value there. It's certainly NOT evidence.
Yes it certainly IS evidence. BOTH A & B. Best evidence there is. Better than the FAKE liberal reporters
Really? Let's look at that "proof" under "A", shall we?

Proof A

1 Trump said he would deport illegal aliens.
Well, yes he did claim that. Unfortunately, according to the data, while Trump is arresting more people than Obama did, actual deprtaions is down by 1.2%, so he's not actually living up to that promise, now is he? This is called separating fact from rhetoric. I understand if that is a concept that seems a bit complicated to you.

2. Illegal aliens do things illegally. (a way of life for them)
See? This is the popular myth. Unfortunately it simply isn't supported by actual data, and evidence. That makes this opinion, not fact. And opinion, as much as you might like it to be so, is not "proof" of anything beyond your own personal biases.

3. There are virtually no barriers to voting illegally.

Note: this is called INTELLIGENCE
Now this is, arguably, a true statement. However, again, the vast body of actual evidence indicates that this is because they aren't needed, as in person voter fraud is so rare as to be almost statistically non-existant. Note that statistically non-existant does not mean that it never happens; rather it means that it is so rare that, statistically, it has absolutely no effect on elections.

So, sorry. When examined your "proof" actually isn't.

Now, this forty-year-long survey that you claim to have conducted might actually constitute proof - if, that is, you have the actual results, methodology, and questionaire of this alleged study recorded. If not, then all you are really saying is "I have the stories I heard at the bar", which are not proof, as that would be entirely anecdotal, and, thus, unreliable.

See? That's called intelligence. thank you for playing...
1. There you go with that "data" again. And WHOSE data is that ? Clown Colbert ? :laugh: Actually, deportations are waaaay UP ( and arrests ar way down. Less people jumping the fences now. You need to stop listening to liberal media (fake news)

2. Of course illegals do things illegally. sane Americans all know that. You'r ejust befuddled by fake news media, that all. I hope you recover/

Maybe you'll learn what REAL proof is eventua;l;ly

Trump did lose the popular vote, but what is that? It doesn't exist.
With million of illegal aliens all voting Democrat, Trump did did NOT lose the legal AMERICAN popular vote (the only one that matters), and if anyone actually thinks he did, they're as dumb as a box of rocks.

As much of a Trump supporter as I am and as much as I despise the Clintons, where is the proof of these millions of illegal voters?
Have some cookies and milk and watch a little Big Red Dog, you'll be right as rain.
Come when you can contribute substance. We're not here to see you admit speechlessness.

Still having a tantrum eh. Well if the cookies don't do it try some gum. Or your rattle.

Drumpf lost the popular vote by 3 million votes and he didn't have enough people at his inauguration to populate a little league game.
As much of a Trump supporter as I am and as much as I despise the Clintons, where is the proof of these millions of illegal voters?
I've posted it hundreds of times. Here we go again. You will find these proofs as very satisfactory if you aren't buffaloed into restricting yourself to the liberals' scam MO of requiring you to accept THEIR definition of "proof' >> reports.studies from universities, professors, think tanks, media (ALL LIBERAL)

Proof A

1 Trump said he would deport illegal aliens.

2. Illegal aliens do things illegally. (a way of life for them)

3. There are virtually no barriers to voting illegally.

Note: this is called INTELLIGENCE & Common Sense (conservative evidence)

Proof B

I have done a 40 year survey on illegal aliens, in 4 states of the US, and 12 counties. They consistently tell me (in Spanish of course) that they vote (among other illegal things they do), and I have been WATCHING them vote, for decades
Still having a tantrum eh. Well if the cookies don't do it try some gum. Or your rattle.

Drumpf lost the popular vote by 3 million votes and he didn't have enough people at his inauguration to populate a little league game.
1. Trump WON the AMERICAN popular vote (only one that matters) by millions of (sane) votes.

2. Trump had less people at his inauguration because they were AT WORK :biggrin: (while Obama's crowd of black DC welfare leeches were free to go anywhere they wanted that day)
As much of a Trump supporter as I am and as much as I despise the Clintons, where is the proof of these millions of illegal voters?
I've posted it hundreds of times. Here we go again. You will find these proofs as very satisfactory if you aren't buffaloed into restricting yourself to the liberals' scam MO of requiring you to accept THEIR definition of "proof' >> reports.studies from universities, professors, think tanks, media (ALL LIBERAL)

Proof A

1 Trump said he would deport illegal aliens.

2. Illegal aliens do things illegally. (a way of life for them)

3. There are virtually no barriers to voting illegally.

Note: this is called INTELLIGENCE & Common Sense (conservative evidence)

Proof B

I have done a 40 year survey on illegal aliens, in 4 states of the US, and 12 counties. They consistently tell me (in Spanish of course) that they vote (among other illegal things they do), and I have been WATCHING them vote, for decades

#3 above is bullshit, and your survey is nothing more than a repetition of RWNJ talking points/lies.
Proof A

1 Trump said he would deport illegal aliens.

2. Illegal aliens do things illegally. (a way of life for them)

3. There are virtually no barriers to voting illegally.

Note: this is called INTELLIGENCE & Common Sense (conservative evidence)

Proof B

I have done a 40 year survey on illegal aliens, in 4 states of the US, and 12 counties. They consistently tell me (in Spanish of course) that they vote (among other illegal things they do), and I have been WATCHING them vote, for decades

Ok so in other words you have no proof that millions of illegals voted. Your proof is "just believe me on this."

Sorry buddy, if I require liberals to provide me real proof of Trump's involvement with Russia I must hold conservatives such as yourself to the same standard.
LOL. I have to start this OP with a laugh. Yesterday, deluded substitute Meet the Press host, Andrea Mitchell, referring to President Trump, said “he lost the popular vote”. Sheeesh!

I don’t think Andrea Mitchell was deliberately speaking words she considered to be false. I suspect that she is just so inundated with liberal propaganda, and liberasl constantly repeating this nonsense, that it is automatic to her.

So, for the ten thousandth time, clearly Trump won the true AMERICAN popular vote, and by a wide margin. Only a total cretin would think that millions of illegal aliens didn’t vote in the 2016 election. Although there are a number of vested interests who gain from the presence of illegal aliens, and they too are actors in the importation and protection of illegal aliens, it is the political interests and actions of Democrats that is primary.

The illegals are accepted for their votes, protected (sanctuary cities) for their votes, and legislated (amnesty) for their votes. In return, millions of illegal aliens go to the polls, and vote for Democrats.

If the Trump administration does what they should be doing (ie. mass deporting millions of illegal aliens, and stopping them from voting), we’ll most likely see an interesting change in popular voting results in upcoming elections, heavily favoring Republicans.

What narrative Democrats will whip up in response to that, is anybody’s guess.

Trump lost the popular vote not because of Illegals but because of the Californian vote which is legal until you can prove beyond any doubt millions voted illegally there which you can not and no using slanted websites tp support your Rush and Hannity point of view will not work with me.

Trump won the Electoral College vote which mean he won enough states popular votes to make him President.

Now I know you will scream illegals have voted and that is why Hillary won the popular vote but reality is California is a welfare hell hole of a state and many of them voted for her because theu feared losing their government tit money!
Per The Cook Report:

ClintonTrumpOthersClinton %Trump %Others %Dem '12 MarginDem '16 MarginMargin ShiftTotal '12 VotesTotal '16 VotesRaw Votes vs. '12
Total65,844,61062,979,63648.20%46.10%5.70% 3.90%2.10%-1.80%129,075,630136,628,459 2,573,165 11.9%
Damn those libruls for pushing a narrative based on actual, verifiable, demonstrable facts. Illegals voted? How many? And what demonstrable, verifiable evidence is there to support the number you offer?
Oh brother! Like your Cook report number for Hillary doesn't include millions of illegal alien votes, right ? You expect us to buy that ? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

"Demonstrable ?" "Verifiable ?" HA HA HA. You mean according to liberal definitions of "evidence" don't you ? Well of course. Liberals always laughably expect everyone to conform to THEIR definitions of proof (LIBERAL reports from LIBERAL universities, LIBERAL think tanks, LIBERAL media, etc)

Now that we've got that out of the way, let's look at the REAL evidence (which I've already posted many times before) >>

Proof A

1 Trump said he would deport illegal aliens.

2. Illegal aliens do things illegally. (a way of life for them)

3. There are virtually no barriers to voting illegally.

Note: this is called INTELLIGENCE

Proof B

I have done a 40 year survey on illegal aliens, in 4 states of the US, and 12 counties. They consistently tell me (in Spanish of course) that they vote (among other illegal things they do), and I have been WATCHING them vote, for decades

Can your liberal sources provide "proof" that fish can swim ? :biggrin:

If you have evidence of voter fraud for the last forty years, well why are you keeping this a secret and not reporting this to the AG of those four states?

I believe you are lying while also not understanding if you have information to prove voter fraud and hold it back, well you are as guilty as the illegal that is voting illegally!
Great. Post that survey, your methodology, and the results, for us to look at, and verify.
It isn't evidence according to LIBERALS definition of evidence. BUt we need not adhere to that absurd definiton (university studies, think tanks, media reports, etc ) - ALL BY LIBERALS. :laugh:

As for yiour >> "Post that survey, your methodology, and the results, for us to look at, and verify", I just DID,
Here it is again >> I have done a 40 year survey on illegal aliens, in 4 states of the US, and 12 counties. They consistently tell me (in Spanish of course) that they vote (among other illegal things they do), and I have been WATCHING them vote, for decades

What's the matter ? Doesn't fit into YOUR methodolgy, that you've been programmed to require ? This is your deprogramming. You're welcome.

No, you are lying.

If you had any real evidence of voter fraud you would have notified the AG of those four states and massive investigations would have been done.

So stop lying.
I don't know whether it fits into my methodology. mI haven't seen your data.. A scientifiically conducted survey has writen questions, recorded answers, and statistically varifiable data. You claim to have conducted this "40-year survey", so surely you have the questions you asked, the number of respondents, and the data of how those respondents answered the questions, right? Share that data. Or are you just bullshitting us, and your "survey" consisted of bitching at the local bar for the last forty years?
Your definition of survey is not necessarily what is necessary to be accurate and valid. Not necessary to have written questions, recorded answers, and the data IS statistically verifiable. All on eneed do to verify it is the a=same thing I did. Go around and ask the illegal aliens if they voted or not. Can't be sure they're illegal ? No problem. Just give the a couple of beers. Then they'll tell you EVERYTHING. I know thi sbetter than your university boys and think tanks. i really do.

You might need to know how to speak Spanish though. That;s one advantage I have.

I'm off the computer now (am in Public library0

So your evidence is just your word?

No physical recordings?

I call bullshit!
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Still having a tantrum eh. Well if the cookies don't do it try some gum. Or your rattle.

Drumpf lost the popular vote by 3 million votes and he didn't have enough people at his inauguration to populate a little league game.
1. Trump WON the AMERICAN popular vote (only one that matters) by millions of (sane) votes.

2. Trump had less people at his inauguration because they were AT WORK :biggrin: (while Obama's crowd of black DC welfare leeches were free to go anywhere they wanted that day)

Trump lost the popular vote.

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