Delving Deeply Into Democrat Desires


Let's review, and learn which party is joined at the hip with the Russians/Soviets.

I always enjoy the chance to teach readers that a vote for Democrats is a vote for the Kremlin.

Rule #2​

To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

Russia's local chapter is called the 'Democrat Party.'

The folks you vote for.

1.Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

2. Obama made a quid pro quo with

3. Hillary Clinton Caught In Massive $145 Million Scandal ...

Hillary Clinton Caught In Massive $145 Million Scandal With Russia

And in addition to the $145 million Bill Clinton got half a billion dollars, $500,000 for a 20-minute speech from a Russian investment bank tied to the Kremlin, two months before the State Department signed off on this deal. It just stinks to high heaven and I think it requires a major investigation by the federal government.".

4.“Nord Stream 2: Biden waives US sanctions on Russian pipeline”

5. "Biden damages NATO with his extraordinary Nord Stream 2 gift to Vladimir Putin

... Biden has decided to waive sanctions on a German company involved in completing the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline. Absurdly, the Biden administration will sanction Russian ships involved in the pipeline's concluding construction but not the actual company involved in it. This is apparently because Biden believes that sanctioning the pipeline out of existence will cause more harm with German Chancellor Angela Merkel's government than it will accrue benefits to NATO and European security.

...proof that Biden's tough-on-Putin rhetoric is basically just that: rhetoric. Most of the media will ignore this truth, of course. But Biden's decision here is a great gift to Putin.

Nord Stream 2 will give Putin the means of Europe's long-term energy dependence on Russia. That will allow Putin to leverage European political appeasement in return for Russia's provision of cold winter energy supplies. It will thus weaken the American-led international order. It is an order centered on democratic sovereignty, free trade, and the advancement of basic human rights. It will be of particular concern to NATO allies on Russia's border — notably Poland and the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. These are governments, it should be noted, that actually spend 2% of their GDP on defense."

Let me know if you haven't learned your lesson yet: I'd be happy to repeat it.

Ruskie dude

Your guy bromanced Putin. Wanted big military parades like Putin. Probably sucked his cock along with half the NRA hackasses.
Ruskie dude

Your guy bromanced Putin. Wanted big military parades like Putin. Probably sucked his cock along with half the NRA hackasses.

Ready to admit you are a total idiot with no understanding of history, politics or, in fact, your own manipulation by the party?

They love fools like you who spout the propaganda, even anyone with an education knows it to be totally false.

Democrats are the party of socialism and oppression and death.
The learned from their forebears, the Soviet Communists.

And I just proved it with Franklin Roosevelt, Obama, Clinton, and Biden. Your masters.
Ready to admit you are a total idiot with no understanding of history, politics or, in fact, your own manipulation by the party?

They love fools like you who spout the propaganda, even anyone with an education knows it to be totally false.

Democrats are the party of socialism and oppression and death.
The learned from their forebears, the Soviet Communists.

And I just proved it with Franklin Roosevelt, Obama, Clinton, and Biden. Your masters.
When you present any one of those, I will respond in kind
…and that desire is pecuniary.
Let's call this an audit.....a look at where the fondest wishes of Democrats begin and end.

You've got some issues there love.
Don't blow a gasket.

1.No one ever claimed that the Marxists were dumb. No greater proof of the opposite, than their use of capitalism itself to destroy capitalism.
“The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.”― Vladimir Ilich Lenin

And it has come to pass.

2. They’ve been patient, and always keep their eye on the prize: total control as the path to riches.
First, to end the grip the Judeo-Christian faith had on Western societies….and replaced it with another faith, Militant Secularism. Then, took over the legal system, and pretended that religion had to be removed from the public arena. It was FDR’s first Supreme Court nominee, KKKer Hugo Black who inserted the view ‘separation of church and state.’ Then they took charge of the government school system, to drum that mistaken view into empty heads.

The media was next.

And the reason for all this? How many mansions does Biden own?

3. And the most important change in society, especially in the political class: twisting society into viewing wealth, riches, profit as the finest and most important of aspirations. Not protection and supporting America or Americans.

As a result, we have an elite that sees their personal aggrandizement as superseding honesty, integrity, or the oath to protect the Constitution and the nation.

4. Nixon misjudged the value of opening Communist China to the global economy, believing that it would make them more interested in material wealth, capitalism, and human rights. He has certainly been proven wrong.
Instead, the vast wealth that China attained allowed them to buy our elite….including this President.

5. Personal wealth, and the corporation’s bottom line have become all that matter. And Communist China has been able to provide same.

“…Chinese Communist Party became their source of power, wealth, and prestige. Why did they trade with an authoritarian regime and send millions of American manufacturing jobs off to China thereby impoverish working Americans? Because it made them rich…. And besides, the American workers hurt by the deal deserved to be punished—who could defend a class of reactionary and racist ideological naysayers standing in the way of what was best for progress?”
The Thirty Tyrants

They sold us the, the software......

See where this is going?
Yeah, I’d like to see you do that. But I was really get us another cut and paste

I understand your fear, and envy, which appears as the attempt to marginalize the significance of documentation. There is a synonym for “Copy & Paste.” It’s PROOF. And that’s the reason you try to pretend it’s a pejorative.

Sad that no one ever loved you enough to teach you how important education is.
I understand your fear, and envy, which appears as the attempt to marginalize the significance of documentation. There is a synonym for “Copy & Paste.” It’s PROOF. And that’s the reason you try to pretend it’s a pejorative.

Sad that no one ever loved you enough to teach you how important education is.
Ruskie, I didn’t get an oligarchy education from the Putin.

So, just keep cutting and pasting for the proletariat.
I nailed ya' again, huh?

You must feel pretty stoooooopid.
I read the whole post...
waste of time
I certainly have more intelligent things to feel stupid about.

YOU on the other hand
YOU believe you created some brilliant proof
When all you've done is fooled only yourself and
Your Tiny Minded compatriots.
And the democrats now are in charge, so when do we get a living wage healthcare daycare pay parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations ID card to end illegal immigration and raising taxes on the rich? If the Republicans can do things every 4 years, so can the democrats, but they don't. Then you vote for them again, thinking that this time will be different, this time they're really going to do it, but in the meantime you'll complain about Republicans, which is EXACTLY what your overlords in the DNC want you to do. Useful idiot indeed who does his bidding while getting nothing in return.
There are moves toward many of those things in the two infrastructure bills he is trying to pass. At the moment the senator from West Virginia is blocking it. And of course the Republicans are all against it. They are a block like a bunch of Nazis. The Democrats always have a few that go along with the Republicans and they were the last to have a honeymoon with Reagan. They should just do away with the filibuster and vote for who they want. And what they want. And the Republicans can try and cancel the living wage healthcare for all daycare cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and see how people like that. Stupid. There's always something. For Carter there was Kennedy screwing things up. Clinton was always out voted by Republicans after the first two years. Obama was black so he was scared To piss off the white guys. Joe Biden is the return of JFK policy without the women's and greed. Or being out of touch. Besides Obamacare, the Democrats have been blocked since LBJ for Christ sake. Nixon Reagan terrible Southern California b******* and give away to the rich. He may be old and have a bit of a stutter but he is all right pal.
Ruskie, I didn’t get an oligarchy education from the Putin.

So, just keep cutting and pasting for the proletariat.

I said you didn't get any education.

Let's prove it together:

Name several of the books that have informed your geopolitical views.

See what I mean?



"Joe Biden owns not a single mansion, brainwashed functional moron."

I've almost become tired of proving you nothing more than lying scum.



Criminality pays off: The 'big guy' got 10% of all of Hunter's selling access.

Quid Pro Joe.....the guy you voted for because he also believes in equity, socialism, sharing the wealth of the nation.......




In His Own Words, Joe Biden Was ‘Seduced by Real Estate’
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, who was ranked the least wealthy senator in 2007, had a long history of buying homes he could barely afford. “Even as a kid in high school, I’d been seduced by real estate,” he once wrote.

Be sure to let me know when you tire of me smashing custard pies in your ugly kisser.

And......thanks for proving again that I am never wrong.
There are moves toward many of those things in the two infrastructure bills he is trying to pass. At the moment the senator from West Virginia is blocking it. And of course the Republicans are all against it. They are a block like a bunch of Nazis. The Democrats always have a few that go along with the Republicans and they were the last to have a honeymoon with Reagan. They should just do away with the filibuster and vote for who they want. And what they want. And the Republicans can try and cancel the living wage healthcare for all daycare cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and see how people like that. Stupid. There's always something. For Carter there was Kennedy screwing things up. Clinton was always out voted by Republicans after the first two years. Obama was black so he was scared To piss off the white guys. Joe Biden is the return of JFK policy without the women's and greed. Or being out of touch. Besides Obamacare, the Democrats have been blocked since LBJ for Christ sake. Nixon Reagan terrible Southern California b******* and give away to the rich. He may be old and have a bit of a stutter but he is all right pal.
Excuse followed by excuse followed by excuse. Money quote, "There's always something". IOW, no matter how feckless they are, no matter how scared of Republicans they are, no matter how little they really want to give you what you want, they can count on you to manufacture excuses and keep voting for them.

You have drunk the Kool-Aid.
Excuse followed by excuse followed by excuse. Money quote, "There's always something". IOW, no matter how feckless they are, no matter how scared of Republicans they are, no matter how little they really want to give you what you want, they can count on you to manufacture excuses and keep voting for them.

You have drunk the Kool-Aid.
Keep voting for the greedy idiot mega rich swine GOP then, brainwashed functional moron. At least you are in the dumbass redneck white GOP, right? Poor America...

"Joe Biden owns not a single mansion, brainwashed functional moron."

I've almost become tired of proving you nothing more than lying scum.



Criminality pays off: The 'big guy' got 10% of all of Hunter's selling access.

Quid Pro Joe.....the guy you voted for because he also believes in equity, socialism, sharing the wealth of the nation.......




In His Own Words, Joe Biden Was ‘Seduced by Real Estate’
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, who was ranked the least wealthy senator in 2007, had a long history of buying homes he could barely afford. “Even as a kid in high school, I’d been seduced by real estate,” he once wrote.

Be sure to let me know when you tire of me smashing custard pies in your ugly kisser.

And......thanks for proving again that I am never wrong.
The Wall Street journal it is also owned by Rupert Murdoch, brainwashed functional moron. Your lies mean absolutely nothing. Change the channel stupid.
The Wall Street journal it is also owned by Rupert Murdoch, brainwashed functional moron. Your lies mean absolutely nothing. Change the channel stupid.

So you don't believe your own eyes????

I'll put your denial in with the usual "is not, issssssssss nooooooottttttttttttt!!" column with the other lying Leftists.

Keep voting for the greedy idiot mega rich swine GOP then, brainwashed functional moron. At least you are in the dumbass redneck white GOP, right? Poor America...
This is not about your perception of my imagined shortcomings, despite your desire to deflect from your slavish devotion to the democrat party. This is about your slavish devotion, your continued inventing for them excuse after excuse after excuse, and your continued enabling of their goals by voting for them even though they never give you what you want. What is that saying about doing the same thing over and over again, hoping for a different result?

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