Dem Bill Removing ‘Husband,’ ‘Wife’ from Federal Law Draws Ire of Faith Leaders

This is what happens when we allow the nutz to run our country...We get people that hate the male/female family and do shit like this in power.

You heard it here first, folks - changing pronouns is a "Jihad"

Don't you see the problem with a group removing "God" and beliefs THEY disagree with,
but imposing THEIR beliefs through Govt and claiming people need to respect diversity.

Do you see the discrimination going on?
Only the Liberal beliefs are allowed to be established by govt.
But any beliefs they disagree with are removed by "separation of church and state."

So "right to health care" "right to marriage" are BELIEFS that are allowed to be imposed
and mandated by govt, under penalty of law. While Liberals claim "separation of church and state" to void any other beliefs they disagree with.

You don't find that disturbing?
To discriminate by political belief and party, while CLAIMING to defend equal inclusion and protection of the laws.
Some people are angry "husband" and "wife" are being updated to "spouse" in the federal laws which bestow government gifts on the masses? And they think this has something to do with religion?

Pray tell!
And God said, "Let there be Social Security survivor benefits for husbands and wives spouses."



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