Dem Campaign Manager Caught on Video in NC Telling Non-Citizen How to Vote Illegally

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
This is a problem.

O’Keefe had a Brazilian-born immigrant investigator pose as someone who wanted to vote but was not a citizen. Greg Amick, the campaign manager for the Democrat running for sheriff in Mecklenburg County (Charlotte), was only too happy to help.

Greg Amick: Here’s a couple of things you can do. You do not have to have your driver’s license, but do you have any sort of identification?

Project Veritas investigator: But I do have my driver’s license.

Amick: Oh, you do. Show ’em that and you’re good.

PV: But the only problem, you know, I don’t want to vote if I’m not legal. I think that’s going to be a problem. I’m not sure.

Amick: It won’t be, it shouldn’t be an issue at all.

PV: No?

Amick: As long as you are registered to vote, you’ll be fine.

Non-Citizens Are Voting National Review Online

It's just more LIB business as usual.
Look how they have fucked up the country since BOBO was elected by the 'OJ' jury negro base. Not a fucking brain cell among them.

And the LIBs scream that voter fraud is a lie.
If Hagan wins, this video goes straight to the SC.
A single proven case of voter fraud is enough to nullify any election.
who in the hell is teaching the RW idiots to spell voter fraud? They had barely mastered spelling Ebola, and now their on to two words at the same time.
If a study were done and found a majority of illegals were voting Republican liberals would call for burning illegals alive that enter the country illegally as a deterrent. However, currently they believe the votes are in their favor and so giving them welfare a pat on the back while denying it's even happening or is a problem is the plan.
Nor in those who say things like 'negro base.'
Did not the negroes in the US vote for Obama at a unprecedented 93%? Are they not negroes?
Would you prefer I use a word other than negro?
Is that word somehow insulting?
Do we use the term 'European Americans'?
Pull you head out of your ass pal.
The negro in America has got it by the balls compared to any other place on earth. Free shit dripping down their 'shity' pants. That's why the all time number one most hated people on the planet of every Black everywhere else on the planet is the American negro. That pal is a FACT! There are millions and millions of desperate negroes in Africa who would do anything to get a chance to come to America. NOT to fucking gang-bang but to strive to live a decent peaceful hard working family life.
The irony is when negroes are allowed to immigrate to America the very first thing they tell their counsellor is "Please let us locate away from any inner city. We are not like 'them' and want nothing to do with 'them'. "Them" would be the simian tree dwellers.
When there is a race of people who bullies and intimidates any of their own children who show any interest to do well in school you have a failing race. It's happening all over the country.
who in the hell is teaching the RW idiots to spell voter fraud? They had barely mastered spelling Ebola, and now their on to two words at the same time.

Didn't you mean "they're"????


Posting as a liberal......

"Your full of shit, and really stupid. Their is no way I am not speaking correct. Try someone else to speak bad about or of.....okay?" :lol:
Your full of shit, and really stupid. Their is no way I am not speaking correct. Try someone else to speak bad about or of.....okay?"

posting as a RW'r there.

A good rule of thumb is that if your "proof" of anything is based on a James O'Keefe video, it's complete and utter bullshit.

How many times are you guys going to let him and his little band of morons play tricks on you?
No cross posting. We have no need for two separate threads consisting of nothing but the same stupid video.

Your threads have been merged. Don't do it again.

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