Dem Congresswoman Jayapal can't get Donald Trump's wiener off her mind

Yesterday she said that "Trump incited an erection." :laughing0301:

WATCH: House Explodes in Laughter as Radical Democrat Congresswoman Says: “Let’s Talk About the Fact that President Trump Incited an ERECTION" | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger

She also said Trump is the smoking gun awhile back. I bet she wants to smoke his gun. thinks you protesteth too much.
Memba MTG and her show and tell on Hunter Biden??? :auiqs.jpg:

BTW, her faux pas was funny as hell. The rest of the chamber thought so too.
Yesterday she said that "Trump incited an erection." :laughing0301:

WATCH: House Explodes in Laughter as Radical Democrat Congresswoman Says: “Let’s Talk About the Fact that President Trump Incited an ERECTION" | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger

She also said Trump is the smoking gun awhile back. I bet she wants to smoke his gun.

Once you have orange, you never go back.

Is Jayapal a trans-woman?
Just the latest example of a Democrat who is fit to
clean toilets,but not her own toilet.Even she knows her poop
is unbearable.It's a Democrat thing.There is not much wiggle room
left for Demoncrats to lower their standing.However, why should that stop
them.? They live for daily transgressions and attacks.
Yesterday she said that "Trump incited an erection." :laughing0301:

WATCH: House Explodes in Laughter as Radical Democrat Congresswoman Says: “Let’s Talk About the Fact that President Trump Incited an ERECTION" | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger

She also said Trump is the smoking gun awhile back. I bet she wants to smoke his gun.

If Trump lands the POTUS again the statist left may well be feeling Donald's erection alright, like ole Donald will have both hands planted firmly on the back the statist left's shoulders as he is phuking them into begging for repentance. All depends on who controls the upper/lower chambers of congress. Then there are still the RINO's which my be able to nullify Donald's effectiveness.

She's brain dead.

My late husband was not overly political but leaned slightly left, yet he'd just lose his mind with revulsion when he saw Jayapal on TV (which was fairly frequently, since we lived in Western WA.).

U were smart to clear the Socialist Republic of Washington State when U did. I call west of the Cascades the "Blue Sardine Can". My son relocated from Spokane last summer to the Gig Harbor area. The lefty atmosphere there sounds repugnant & the CO$T OF LIVING over there sounds way higher than over here in the general Spokane area, @ least according to my son. Wishing you the best over there, till next time!
U were smart to clear the Socialist Republic of Washington State when U did. I call west of the Cascades the "Blue Sardine Can". My son relocated from Spokane last summer to the Gig Harbor area. The lefty atmosphere there sounds repugnant & the CO$T OF LIVING over there sounds way higher than over here in the general Spokane area, @ least according to my son. Wishing you the best over there, till next time!

Thank you. I was absolutely floored by how much cheaper everything is here in the Midwest when I moved! A dozen eggs and a pound of ginger root cost literally HALF here what they did in Western WA. Gas has ALWAYS been jaw dropping cheap here as well. My home here was newer and larger, on a larger property, for HALF of what I got for my home in WA.

Smartest thing I ever did.

Yesterday she said that "Trump incited an erection."

Did I miss something, JG? When did Trump incite an insurrection? How did he incite an insurrection that started all by itself 40 minutes before he even left the ellipse, told people to be lawful and peaceful, yet Ray Epps DIDN'T incite an insurrection actually being there on the front line for 24 hours telling people to march and bust inside?

And just when has Trump ever been convicted of 91 indictments?

Is every democrat in this country utterly stupid, confused and misinformed?
That diseased paki fuckpig should be cleaning the baseboards in that room, not in front of a microphone.

And the entire planet knows it.

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