Dem congresswoman says oil and gas are white supremacist, but she still uses oil and gas

She seems a little confused

You're supposed to be in the booth, honky. Quit stalling.

I'm good, I don't support the left's contention that white people need to be wiped out. You do, so please do the needful.
I can tell you are in desperate need of a villain to mentally masturbate to. The oil and gas industry is controlled by a majority of white people in the US because the white people controlled capitalism when it was creating the oil and gas industry. As far as your illogical conclusion that one woman represents millions of people is laughable at best, be sure to save your quarters.
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Just think of how stupid someone would have to be to vote for that dumbass to be their representative in Congress.

It boggles the mind, doesn't it?

These inner city Democrats always elect stupid hate filled Negroes to government offices.

It is like to win an elected office in a Democrat district you have to be a hateful racist Negro with an IQ of 60.

To get votes as President you have to be a dumbass like The Worthless Negro or a White Potatohead like this Biden clown.
I'm good, I don't support the left's contention that white people need to be wiped out. You do, so please do the needful.

I can tell you are in desperate need of a villain to mentally masturbate to. The oil and gas industry is controlled by a majority of white people in the US because the white people controlled capitalism when it was creating the oil and gas industry. As far as your illogical conclusion that one woman represents millions of people is laughable at best, be sure to save your quarters.

Into the booth, honky!

The reason why they are trying to make everything into a racist issue? That they are planning to create a false flag race war in order to seize the arms from everyone.

They have infiltrated the real white supremacist groups like the prison gang called the Aryan nation that have been itching for a war the minorities for decades. That they have been secretly releasing members from prisons, which the Deep state has infiltrated these groups to egged them on into doing things to start their revolution.

That they have infiltrated the MAGA movement encouraging others to start a war.

And once they start it, the government is going to use that as an excuse to confiscate all weapons from the people.

So be on watch for those who are talking about hatred towards other races.


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