Dem Debate 10/13


Oct 3, 2015
Who do you think will have the best and worst performance? And who will get slammed with the most criticism?

Chafee, Clinton, Lessig, O'Malley, Sanders, or Webb?
Who do you think will have the best and worst performance? And who will get slammed with the most criticism?

Chafee, Clinton, Lessig, O'Malley, Sanders, or Webb?

None of the above. The questions asked will be like: What college did you attend? When did you meet your wife/husband? Who is your favorite football team? Do you have any great grandchildren? You know, the really hard hitting tough questions the biased media will hammer them with.

Who will be the furthest Left, out in Mao-land?

Aren't food, clothing and shelter basic human rights?

Who will deliver the most Free Stuff?

Who will best demonize and vilify the "rich" (aka: anyone with a job)
Who's airing it and who are the moderators?

Probably attack Sanders the most to strengthen Hilderbeast's poll numbers
Who do you think will have the best and worst performance? And who will get slammed with the most criticism?

Chafee, Clinton, Lessig, O'Malley, Sanders, or Webb?

Worst Performance: All of the above. (Lessig won't be there.)

Their problem will be to appeal to the Left while not appearing to do so. The Impossible Dream.
Who do you think will have the best and worst performance? And who will get slammed with the most criticism?

Chafee, Clinton, Lessig, O'Malley, Sanders, or Webb?
1: who?
2: why Vote for an has been... never was hag, why?
3: who again?
4: who again?
5: vote for the old guy in back to the future? Who always looks like he woke and combed his hair with an egg beater after an all night bender?
6: who again

Deep bench... NOT!!!
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This is a Clinton vs. Sanders debate and I think Sanders is going to score some points.

Any questions about the email bullshit and the Benghazi bullshit will put Clinton on the defensive. Sanders has no manufactured scandals pushing him off balance. He gets to stay on message all night, while Clinton will always have a part of her brain trying to remember her canned responses to Benghazi and the emails.

But those will probably be raised right out of the gate and thus will get them out of the way.

Then Hillary has to deal with the ingrained habit of most politicians: triangulation. Trying to answer a question without answering. Being against the TPP while being for it but really being against it for the moment. Saying she will combat ISISBOOMBAH by saying how tough it will be to fight ISIS and how a seasoned hand is needed to guide us through the mess, and never saying exactly what she will do about ISISBOOMBAH. Then the usual "tax the rich more" pablum.

I think the only person so far who has said exactly what they would do about ISISBOOMBAH is Carly Fiorina. All the others are too chickenshit to commit to anything. Carly, though, said she would kick ISIS in the nuts, blast them with a bazooka, then smoke some cigarettes.

Sanders is a lot like Donald Trump. He has no filter. He doesn't triangulate. He just tells it the way he sees it from his perch in the Loony Tree. He's going to go down smooth with the Democratic voters who are just as sick of Establishment candidates as the Republican voters are.

Sanders differs from Trump in that he doesn't soften up later. He stays entirely on message. Sanders has been waiting his entire life to have the giant megaphone he has just been handed. And the country is at a point where they are ready to listen to the weird old geezer.

"I thought they said this guy was crazy."
The ones with the longest record will get the most criticism, of course. The ones with the least name recognition will be aided the most. Nothing will shake out one way or the other until at least the second debate.
I'm anticipating Hillarys arrival at the debate

think it will look like this?

I think Hillary will get criticized the most.. worst performance will be Chafee. And Sanders numbers will go down after Tuesday when ppl see the other candidates
Who do you think will have the best and worst performance? And who will get slammed with the most criticism?

Chafee, Clinton, Lessig, O'Malley, Sanders, or Webb?

Dunno, I'll probably tune in just to watch Bernie though, don't agree with anything he advocates but he's still cool and interesting to watch. :)

Who do you think will have the best and worst performance? And who will get slammed with the most criticism?

Chafee, Clinton, Lessig, O'Malley, Sanders, or Webb?

Dunno, I'll probably tune in just to watch Bernie though, don't agree with anything he advocates but he's still cool and interesting to watch. :)

Great Scott!!!
Ya, me too.
He always looks like he combed this hair with an egg beater after a night of binge drinking... He needs to go back to the future.


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