Dem Debate thread...tonight in Atlanta...moderated by Rachel Maddow..they'll all go after Mayor Pete

There is a Debate Tonight?

The American People are tuning out of the Schitt Show Clown Show and they aren't going to tune in to The Commie Clown Car Show.
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There is a Debate Tonight?

The American People are tuning out of the Schitt Show Clown Show and they aren't going to tune in to The Commie Clown Show.
dont you wanna watch Mayor Pete get slaughtered?
Butt Plug is now The Left Tard's favorite Hairy Man Butt Lover. I want to see him be the Nominee, so Trump can make fun of his "WIFE".
Nah, I still think Pocahontas would be more fun.
Mayor Pete is leading by 10 in Iowa. he will be crucified tonight!

(the most commonly used phrases by candidates: Biden: "the fact is" ...Booker: "first of all"...Kamala: "let me tell you"...Bernie: "by the way"...Warren "let's be clear")

Biden campaign emails post-debate fundraising pitch prior to debate

the debate is at 9ET on MSNBC moderated by Maddow and 3 other ladies
I'd say they will go after Trump, not that I plan on watching those commie traitors.
How many in the debate will chime in on the progress (or lack of) in the impeachment inquiry?

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