Dem Dirty Trick - Fake Tea Party Registration


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
Zarko Research has learned that a nefarious unknown group calling itself "The Tea Party" at PO Box 23 in Richville, MI 48757 (near Flint) is circulating a petition on a paid basis, at roughly $1 per signature to the circulator. The group is so new that the Secretary of State has nothing on file as of this moment.

The petition was mailed to known paid circulators in the metro Detroit area earlier this week and based on conclusions of proprietary knowledge to Zarko Research, the petition is being operated by a liberal-leaning petition management firm with ties to the Democratic Party. The petition claims to seek access to the ballot for an entirely new party - the "Tea Party"

Day condemned this effort and stated it was an effort to dilute the impact of the current Tea Party - she argued this was evidence that forces opposing reform were taking the Tea Party seriously - so seriously that indeed they are trying to steal its trademark and hijack it. Zarko Research Exclusive: Dem Dirty Trick on Fake Tea Party Petition Revealed

Which Alinsky rule is this?
Zarko Research has learned that a nefarious unknown group calling itself "The Tea Party" at PO Box 23 in Richville, MI 48757 (near Flint) is circulating a petition on a paid basis, at roughly $1 per signature to the circulator. The group is so new that the Secretary of State has nothing on file as of this moment.

The petition was mailed to known paid circulators in the metro Detroit area earlier this week and based on conclusions of proprietary knowledge to Zarko Research, the petition is being operated by a liberal-leaning petition management firm with ties to the Democratic Party. The petition claims to seek access to the ballot for an entirely new party - the "Tea Party"

Day condemned this effort and stated it was an effort to dilute the impact of the current Tea Party - she argued this was evidence that forces opposing reform were taking the Tea Party seriously - so seriously that indeed they are trying to steal its trademark and hijack it. Zarko Research Exclusive: Dem Dirty Trick on Fake Tea Party Petition Revealed

Which Alinsky rule is this?



Zarko Research has learned that a nefarious unknown group calling itself "The Tea Party" at PO Box 23 in Richville, MI 48757 (near Flint) is circulating a petition on a paid basis, at roughly $1 per signature to the circulator. The group is so new that the Secretary of State has nothing on file as of this moment.

The petition was mailed to known paid circulators in the metro Detroit area earlier this week and based on conclusions of proprietary knowledge to Zarko Research, the petition is being operated by a liberal-leaning petition management firm with ties to the Democratic Party. The petition claims to seek access to the ballot for an entirely new party - the "Tea Party"

Day condemned this effort and stated it was an effort to dilute the impact of the current Tea Party - she argued this was evidence that forces opposing reform were taking the Tea Party seriously - so seriously that indeed they are trying to steal its trademark and hijack it. Zarko Research Exclusive: Dem Dirty Trick on Fake Tea Party Petition Revealed

Which Alinsky rule is this?




She'll have to ask the people that use Alinsky rules...right wingers: Dick Armey's Freedomworks, last summer's town hall terrorists, teabaggers and the pea brain coalition.

But the sad part is Alinsky helped poor and working class urban communities around the country push for improved living and working conditions.

These right wing pea brains push for improved dominance by Wall Street, banks, corporations and lobbyists OVER poor and working class urban communities living and working conditions.
I'm not saying I endorse such tactics but...

Didn't Rush Limbaugh try to start a whole campaign of doing this? Infiltrating then deflating the Democratic party?

Two wrongs don't make a right...but you can't criticize someone for something you advocated earlier...
I'm not saying I endorse such tactics but...

Didn't Rush Limbaugh try to start a whole campaign of doing this? Infiltrating then deflating the Democratic party?

Two wrongs don't make a right...but you can't criticize someone for something you advocated earlier...

"But it's so different when (insert party of choice here) does it!"
I'm not saying I endorse such tactics but...

Didn't Rush Limbaugh try to start a whole campaign of doing this? Infiltrating then deflating the Democratic party?

Two wrongs don't make a right...but you can't criticize someone for something you advocated earlier...

I call Shenanigans.

Please provide evidence that Rush Limbaugh sponsored a petition drive to create a fake registration for the Democratic Party.

She'll have to ask the people that use Alinsky rules...right wingers: Dick Armey's Freedomworks, last summer's town hall terrorists, teabaggers and the pea brain coalition.

But the sad part is Alinsky helped poor and working class urban communities around the country push for improved living and working conditions.

These right wing pea brains push for improved dominance by Wall Street, banks, corporations and, lobbyists OVER poor and working class urban communities living and working conditions.

Spot on!
[btw, the OP claims to be a teacher, but more and more her posts reveal a person ruled by emotion and convinced by the RW propaganda of an ideology antithetical to princiiples upon which the U.S. of America was founded. Someone unwilling or unable to think critically and/or willfully ignorant.]
I'm not saying I endorse such tactics but...

Didn't Rush Limbaugh try to start a whole campaign of doing this? Infiltrating then deflating the Democratic party?

Two wrongs don't make a right...but you can't criticize someone for something you advocated earlier...

I call Shenanigans.

Please provide evidence that Rush Limbaugh sponsored a petition drive to create a fake registration for the Democratic Party.

No one claimed Rush Limbaugh "sponsored a petition drive to create a fake registration for the Democratic Party."

Why would he need to when he was encouraging Republicans to vote a Democrat ticket in open primary states?

But, of course, you knew that.

BTW, how did that whole "Operation Mayham" or whatever the hell it was called work out for you guys?
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No, Alinsky contributed to the movement which keeps poor minorities in ghettos with no hope of bettering their lives. The Welfare State enslaves those it purports to help. The real beneficiaries are the politicians and their cronies who hold the purse strings and dole out the favors.
I'm not saying I endorse such tactics but...

Didn't Rush Limbaugh try to start a whole campaign of doing this? Infiltrating then deflating the Democratic party?

Two wrongs don't make a right...but you can't criticize someone for something you advocated earlier...

I call Shenanigans.

Please provide evidence that Rush Limbaugh sponsored a petition drive to create a fake registration for the Democratic Party.

No one claimed Rush Limbaugh "sponsored a petition drive to create a fake registration for the Democratic Party."

Why would he need to when he was encouraging Republicans to vote a Democrat ticket in open primary states?

But, of course, you knew that.

BTW, how did that whole "Operation Mayham" or whatever the hell it was called work out for you guys?

I know no such thing. I don't listen to Rush. But now that you have offered the example, please explain the equivalency of faking a registration of a political party and an individual choosing for whom he is going to vote in an election.
No, Alinsky contributed to the movement which keeps poor minorities in ghettos with no hope of bettering their lives. The Welfare State enslaves those it purports to help. The real beneficiaries are the politicians and their cronies who hold the purse strings and dole out the favors.

THAT is the kind of right wing propaganda you MUST adhere to, otherwise you'd have to admit being a 'we are not worthy' subservient that worships at the alter of the aristocrats.
I know no such thing. I don't listen to Rush.

My mistake, it was "Operation Chaos".

Rush the Vote: Operation Chaos

But now that you have offered the example, please explain the equivalency of faking a registration of a political party and an individual choosing for whom he is going to vote in an election.

The point, that obviously went over your head, was that both sides engage in shenanigans.

BTW, what is illegal about this act? The teabaggers don't own the noun "Tea" and it's "first come, first served" when it comes to these matters. I have my doubts that a "trademark" argument is going to carry here.

I highly encourage every teabagger in every other state to pull together to register the name "Tea Party" before Saul Alinsky trained Democrat operatives do so and then to run their own candidates.
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She'll have to ask the people that use Alinsky rules...right wingers: Dick Armey's Freedomworks, last summer's town hall terrorists, teabaggers and the pea brain coalition.

But the sad part is Alinsky helped poor and working class urban communities around the country push for improved living and working conditions.

These right wing pea brains push for improved dominance by Wall Street, banks, corporations and lobbyists OVER poor and working class urban communities living and working conditions.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: It took the right decades to catch on to the Alinsky rules.... the left have been using these tactics since the 1960s. Moron. Saul Alinsky was a LEFT WING RADICAL.... Holy Shit, you are dumb.

Alinsky wasn't interested in the poor, you prat. He profited off them, nothing more. Educate yourself.
No one claimed Rush Limbaugh "sponsored a petition drive to create a fake registration for the Democratic Party."

Why would he need to when he was encouraging Republicans to vote a Democrat ticket in open primary states?

But, of course, you knew that.

BTW, how did that whole "Operation Mayham" or whatever the hell it was called work out for you guys?

The critics implied moral equivalency. It doesn't exist.

The party registration campaign is fraudulent. It is sponsored by a progressive group and collecting signatures from the public under false pretenses.

An Info-Tainer publicly announcing a rationale for voters to choose one candidate over another in an open primary is not fraudulent - it is right there out in the open.

I'm a registered Dem - I often vote for Independent or GOP candidates. There is nothing immoral or unethical about that. It is might right to choose which candidates receive my vote; nor am I, or anyone else, obligated to vote along strict party lines.

Your claim is utter nonsense.

She'll have to ask the people that use Alinsky rules...right wingers: Dick Armey's Freedomworks, last summer's town hall terrorists, teabaggers and the pea brain coalition.

But the sad part is Alinsky helped poor and working class urban communities around the country push for improved living and working conditions.

These right wing pea brains push for improved dominance by Wall Street, banks, corporations and lobbyists OVER poor and working class urban communities living and working conditions.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: It took the right decades to catch on to the Alinsky rules.... the left have been using these tactics since the 1960s. Moron. Saul Alinsky was a LEFT WING RADICAL.... Holy Shit, you are dumb.

Alinsky wasn't interested in the poor, you prat. He profited off them, nothing more. Educate yourself.

How many more times can Alinsky be mentioned in a thread that has absolutely nothing to do with him?

If Alinsky really wanted to profit, he should have tradmarked himself.

Back to the issue of "trademarks", so does every group of little old ladies that likes to meet and drink tea on Sundays owe royalties to the teabaggers?

I am curious about the notion that a common term like "Tea Party" can be trademarked.
B'loney. The "profit" for his followers is looting the taxpayer.
She'll have to ask the people that use Alinsky rules...right wingers: Dick Armey's Freedomworks, last summer's town hall terrorists, teabaggers and the pea brain coalition.

But the sad part is Alinsky helped poor and working class urban communities around the country push for improved living and working conditions.

These right wing pea brains push for improved dominance by Wall Street, banks, corporations and lobbyists OVER poor and working class urban communities living and working conditions.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: It took the right decades to catch on to the Alinsky rules.... the left have been using these tactics since the 1960s. Moron. Saul Alinsky was a LEFT WING RADICAL.... Holy Shit, you are dumb.

Alinsky wasn't interested in the poor, you prat. He profited off them, nothing more. Educate yourself.

How many more times can Alinsky be mentioned in a thread that has absolutely nothing to do with him?

If Alinsky really wanted to profit, he should have tradmarked himself.

Back to the issue of "trademarks", so does every group of little old ladies that likes to meet and drink tea on Sundays owe royalties to the teabaggers?

I am curious about the notion that a common term like "Tea Party" can be trademarked.

Tea Party Trade Mark dispute - Trade Mark Articles - Trademark Search - Trade Mark Registration

this story reminds me of the "census" form that was sent around, lol
No one claimed Rush Limbaugh "sponsored a petition drive to create a fake registration for the Democratic Party."

Why would he need to when he was encouraging Republicans to vote a Democrat ticket in open primary states?

But, of course, you knew that.

BTW, how did that whole "Operation Mayham" or whatever the hell it was called work out for you guys?

The critics implied moral equivalency. It doesn't exist.

So, a conservative pundit encouraging a mass voter turnout to vote in an election just for the sake of "chaos" is not "morally equivalent"?

Yeah, whatever. It would be one thing if they were supporting a cause or candidate, but the express purpose of this event was to fuck with the democratic party primary processes to as to help the GOP in the general.

There is nothing illegal about it, but it's shenanigans all the same.

I'm a registered Dem - I often vote for Independent or GOP candidates. There is nothing immoral or unethical about that. It is might right to choose which candidates receive my vote; nor am I, or anyone else, obligated to vote along strict party lines.

Which is not the same thing at all. I live in an open primary state and generally vote for my GOP congressperson though I too am a registered DEM.

The party registration campaign is fraudulent. It is sponsored by a progressive group and collecting signatures from the public under false pretenses.

An Info-Tainer publicly announcing a rationale for voters to choose one candidate over another in an open primary is not fraudulent - it is right there out in the open.

Fraudulent how? If a group of citizens wants to create their own political party and call it the "Polka Dot" party, they have that right. The teabaggers, despite their claim, don't own rights on the term "tea party".

So, again, what illegal activity has occurred here?

Shenanigans? Yes. Just as was Operation Chaos (a massive failure). Illegal? No.
B'loney. The Tea Party movement is well know with a specific agenda. A group with the opposite agenda donning the name is disingenuous at best - and to many of us, highly unethical.

Not surprising that you are okay with that.
Court to hear suit over Tea Party name | Reuters

While Tea Partiers generally oppose federal government intervention, they have turned to the federal court to resolve a dispute that arose after Fred O'Neal, a central Florida lawyer and longtime anti-tax crusader, registered the "Tea Party" as a Florida political party in August.

O'Neal said the name is an acronym for the "Taxed Enough Already" party and that he hoped to recruit candidates to run against both Democrats and Republicans.

Nearly three dozen people and groups who called themselves part of the Tea Party movement filed suit against O'Neal and two associates in January, accusing them of trying to "hijack" the movement and confuse the public.

"They're trying to promote candidates that we wouldn't support," said plaintiff Everett Wilkinson, who has been active in Tea Party events and groups. "The people trust us more than the political parties. We work hard to keep that trust."

The plaintiffs said O'Neal's group is a "fake" Tea Party, a claim he scoffs at.

"I looked for the rule book but I never found it," O'Neal said on Tuesday. "I don't know what it takes to be an authentic Tea Party versus a fake Tea Party." ..

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