Dem Holds Slight Lead in PA-18

Democrat Connor Lamb is leading Republican Assemblyman Rick Saccone by three points in the special election to fill former Congressman Tim Murphy's seat in a poll conducted by Emerson College. This is a district Trump won by 19 points and has been a Republican held seat for almost 30 years with a Cook PVI of R+11.

The fact this race is a dead heat a week out from the election should be alarming to the Republicans in regards to this year's midterm elections.

Poll shows Lamb holds slight lead over Saccone a week before special election
Republicans need to take DEMOCRAT hate seriously and use it to motivate themselves to vote.

Dems are working feverishly to turn Texas and Florida blue. Once that happens, Republican victories are over.
Wasn't so long ago that California was red. Even more recently, Colorado.
Dems need to take over the Congress or Trump will skate if he’s indicted on crimes against America.
The spineless GOP Congress won’t have the balls to start impeachment proceedings no matter how serious the crimes are.
Justice needs to be served and it sure won’t happen with this congress.

What a ridiculous lie.
I know Trump wants to win the Mid-terms, but it's going to be a tough climb as it usually is. I feel 2020 is the big one, but let's see how things look after Trump campaigns there for this candidates.
We've effectively got a TIED Debate right now. We need to make GAINS or Trump will get nothing done after 2018.

Maybe more Democrats will stand outside the White House and shoot themselves in protest. We can hope.
Impeachment awaits Trump but only if the Dems take the midterms. Republicans don’t have the integrity to do the right thing..
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Democrat Connor Lamb is leading Republican Assemblyman Rick Saccone by three points in the special election to fill former Congressman Tim Murphy's seat in a poll conducted by Emerson College. This is a district Trump won by 19 points and has been a Republican held seat for almost 30 years with a Cook PVI of R+11.

The fact this race is a dead heat a week out from the election should be alarming to the Republicans in regards to this year's midterm elections.

Poll shows Lamb holds slight lead over Saccone a week before special election
Republicans need to take DEMOCRAT hate seriously and use it to motivate themselves to vote.

Dems are working feverishly to turn Texas and Florida blue. Once that happens, Republican victories are over.
Wasn't so long ago that California was red. Even more recently, Colorado.
Dems need to take over the Congress or Trump will skate if he’s indicted on crimes against America.
The spineless GOP Congress won’t have the balls to start impeachment proceedings no matter how serious the crimes are.
Justice needs to be served and it sure won’t happen with this congress.

There won’t be any impeachment proceedings because the man hasn’t committed any crime. Russia is your Birther movement
Democrat Connor Lamb is leading Republican Assemblyman Rick Saccone by three points in the special election to fill former Congressman Tim Murphy's seat in a poll conducted by Emerson College. This is a district Trump won by 19 points and has been a Republican held seat for almost 30 years with a Cook PVI of R+11.

The fact this race is a dead heat a week out from the election should be alarming to the Republicans in regards to this year's midterm elections.

Poll shows Lamb holds slight lead over Saccone a week before special election

I am waiting for Republicans to start distancing themselves from Trump, his stance on tariffs would be a good point to start.
Democrat Connor Lamb is leading Republican Assemblyman Rick Saccone by three points in the special election to fill former Congressman Tim Murphy's seat in a poll conducted by Emerson College. This is a district Trump won by 19 points and has been a Republican held seat for almost 30 years with a Cook PVI of R+11.

The fact this race is a dead heat a week out from the election should be alarming to the Republicans in regards to this year's midterm elections.

Poll shows Lamb holds slight lead over Saccone a week before special election
Republicans need to take DEMOCRAT hate seriously and use it to motivate themselves to vote.

Dems are working feverishly to turn Texas and Florida blue. Once that happens, Republican victories are over.
Wasn't so long ago that California was red. Even more recently, Colorado.
Dems need to take over the Congress or Trump will skate if he’s indicted on crimes against America.
The spineless GOP Congress won’t have the balls to start impeachment proceedings no matter how serious the crimes are.
Justice needs to be served and it sure won’t happen with this congress.

What a ridiculous lie.
You’re an ass. I NEVER lie. Not my make up.
So you really think if there are multiple indictments on Trump the GOP congress would impeach the criminal?
Democrat Connor Lamb is leading Republican Assemblyman Rick Saccone by three points in the special election to fill former Congressman Tim Murphy's seat in a poll conducted by Emerson College. This is a district Trump won by 19 points and has been a Republican held seat for almost 30 years with a Cook PVI of R+11.

The fact this race is a dead heat a week out from the election should be alarming to the Republicans in regards to this year's midterm elections.

Poll shows Lamb holds slight lead over Saccone a week before special election
Who cares

Pretty sure Paul Ryan and Donald Trump
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  • #48
because the man hasn’t committed any crime.
It is fascinating that you know this. May I ask how you have become privy not only to everything Mueller knows, but also everything he doesn't yet know? Because that is some amazing shit, right there!

No, not really. I’m simply not a hyper partisan bat shit crazy loon. After a year and a half of Russian collusion accusations there is zero evidence. ZERO. It’s as real as Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate
I am waiting for Republicans to start distancing themselves from Trump, his stance on tariffs would be a good point to start.
Nah, you're barking up the wrong tree, there. The GOP base doesn't give two fucks about tariffs, and it probably supports them. The Republicans aren't going too turn on Trump, unless they feel they will lose elections big time without turning on him. They would rather get nothing at all done, then let the Dems win. So even Trump's knack for castrating their party (when it is in charge of all 3 branches of government) will not be enough.
because the man hasn’t committed any crime.
It is fascinating that you know this. May I ask how you have become privy not only to everything Mueller knows, but also everything he doesn't yet know? Because that is some amazing shit, right there!

No, not really. I’m simply not a hyper partisan bat shit crazy loon. After a year and a half of Russian collusion accusations there is zero evidence. ZERO. It’s as real as Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate
No evidence. Lol
Another one not following the investigation.
There’s plenty.
Plus just look at Trump’s behavior.
Bob Woodward: Trump does not act like an innocent man.
I’m simply not a hyper partisan bat shit crazy loon.
To believe Trump likely committed a crime does not make on e partisan or loony. What an odd thing to say. I just look at his bizarre behavior and it tells me something is up. Might I be wrong? Sure... unlike some here (*cough*), I am not claiming to know for certain either way.

After a year and a half of Russian collusion accusations there is zero evidence. ZERO.
There you go again.... your level of inside knowledge is absolutely amazing! Again... what is your security clearance, and how did you become privy to all the knowledge Mueller does and does not possess?
Democrat Connor Lamb is leading Republican Assemblyman Rick Saccone by three points in the special election to fill former Congressman Tim Murphy's seat in a poll conducted by Emerson College. This is a district Trump won by 19 points and has been a Republican held seat for almost 30 years with a Cook PVI of R+11.

The fact this race is a dead heat a week out from the election should be alarming to the Republicans in regards to this year's midterm elections.

Poll shows Lamb holds slight lead over Saccone a week before special election
dems have not done so well in these special elections thus far
I am waiting for Republicans to start distancing themselves from Trump, his stance on tariffs would be a good point to start
Most have.

Establishment Republicans stand in Trump's way just as much as they did Reagan.

They despise Trump. I despise them.
Democrat Connor Lamb is leading Republican Assemblyman Rick Saccone by three points in the special election to fill former Congressman Tim Murphy's seat in a poll conducted by Emerson College. This is a district Trump won by 19 points and has been a Republican held seat for almost 30 years with a Cook PVI of R+11.

The fact this race is a dead heat a week out from the election should be alarming to the Republicans in regards to this year's midterm elections.

Poll shows Lamb holds slight lead over Saccone a week before special election
Republicans need to take DEMOCRAT hate seriously and use it to motivate themselves to vote.

Dems are working feverishly to turn Texas and Florida blue. Once that happens, Republican victories are over.
Wasn't so long ago that California was red. Even more recently, Colorado.
Dems need to take over the Congress or Trump will skate if he’s indicted on crimes against America.
The spineless GOP Congress won’t have the balls to start impeachment proceedings no matter how serious the crimes are.
Justice needs to be served and it sure won’t happen with this congress.

What a ridiculous lie.

how is it a lie? it's not like the GOP is doing its job.
Democrat Connor Lamb is leading Republican Assemblyman Rick Saccone by three points in the special election to fill former Congressman Tim Murphy's seat in a poll conducted by Emerson College. This is a district Trump won by 19 points and has been a Republican held seat for almost 30 years with a Cook PVI of R+11.

The fact this race is a dead heat a week out from the election should be alarming to the Republicans in regards to this year's midterm elections.

Poll shows Lamb holds slight lead over Saccone a week before special election
Who cares

Pretty sure Paul Ryan and Donald Trump

Apparently he does or he wouldn't be coming here on Saturday to Rick Saccone's rally. Pence was already here as well.
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  • #57
Democrat Connor Lamb is leading Republican Assemblyman Rick Saccone by three points in the special election to fill former Congressman Tim Murphy's seat in a poll conducted by Emerson College. This is a district Trump won by 19 points and has been a Republican held seat for almost 30 years with a Cook PVI of R+11.

The fact this race is a dead heat a week out from the election should be alarming to the Republicans in regards to this year's midterm elections.

Poll shows Lamb holds slight lead over Saccone a week before special election
dems have not done so well in these special elections thus far

In earlier congressional races you are correct, but since that time the Democrats have flipped 39 state legislative seats.
Be real, you didn't do any research, you went to the same fake ass news websites you always go to and they spoon fed you what you already want to believe

I don't think he bothered with any legitimate news sources. I'd think if he wants to talk about research then the local election boards and secretaries of state would be a good start.
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The fact that a district President Trump won by 19 points is pretty much a toss-up should be cause for concern if you're a Republican. I still think Saccone is going to edge it out, but seeing him lose would certainly make my day.

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