Dem ny congresswoman gets mugged

Wanna make bets on the ethnicity of the mugger?

Hey, she was Asian-American and everybody knows those folks are all rich and well educated so she had it coming, right?
You know what they say, a conservative is a liberal whose been mugged. Maybe she'll now grow some common sense.
While this was a frightening ordeal, I fortunately was not seriously injured," Meng said in the statement. "Obviously, things could have been much worse. I thank the U.S. Capitol Police and the District of Columbia Police for responding quickly and professionally."

Wow, the "first asian" elected to Congress from New York is so very politically correct. As she said, "it" could have been worse. She could have been raped up the ass and had a kidney removed to please her democrat supporters. Fortunately it is okay and the police did a great job of not preventing the savage assault. Does the dumbass first asian even realize the fucking monkeys (obamasons) and their neighbors in Washington that tried to kill her cannot vote for her?
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The word "mugged" is a slang term. What happened to the congresswoman was assault and robbery. How do the "Capital Police" have jurisdiction? Do congresspeople have special security unavailable to the general public?
Just making her feel at home.

New York is one of the safest cities in the world.

Depends upon the neighborhood.
With Bill Diblasio at the helm, the criminals will have a field day.
Crime in NYC will probably not get back to the days of Dinkins and Koch, but with a new mayor who does not believe in law and order, you can bet your last dollar the bottom feeding street thugs will out in force.
Plus any action against the knockout game in NYC will be called profiling. The guardian angels have promised patrols so libs are sure to go insane
She being a lib she'll be most understanding when Holder prosecutes her for violating the civil rights of this outstanding youth by her unwarranted complaints.

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