Dem Rep Jamie Raskin says Trump "may destroy" the GOP / GOP Sen Josh Hawley goes further:"The old party is dead. Time to bury it. Build something new"

And what will it do to the overall system if Trump takes half the duopoly offline for a decade?

I have no idea. This has not happened for 150 years. The worst of Trump's damage to the political system may be in the future.
My concern, and I expressed it here, when Trump won was that this would go so poorly that it would result in a rebound too far in the opposite direction. That's what could happen here before too long.
My concern, and I expressed it here, when Trump won was that this would go so poorly that it would result in a rebound too far in the opposite direction. That's what could happen here before too long.
I think we already have. Much of the bullshit on the left has been given the ability to grow because Trump was so damn toxic. This might be much more than that. Trump is realizing that the right is tired of the fact he constantly looses and is ready to move on but his supporters represent a large slice of the right. They are so insulated from reality I do not think anything will break them away and he is vindictive enough to try and destroy the entire party. He just may be able to do it as well.

That is not a rebound, it is a collapse.
I think we already have. Much of the bullshit on the left has been given the ability to grow because Trump was so damn toxic.
Yes, madness on one end feeds into the madness of the other. At the core of Trump's attraction was the Left's ridiculous behaviors on PC and Identity Politics, and now we're going in the other direction.

That is not a rebound, it is a collapse.
I sure hope not. We need two serious, strong parties to keep the other in check. Three would be better.
My concern, and I expressed it here, when Trump won was that this would go so poorly that it would result in a rebound too far in the opposite direction. That's what could happen here before too long.

Oh I hope this happens. It's well in reach.

Those Gen Z that saved your authoritarian hind end---let's see how much they love their prospects when Dems have total control
Yes, madness on one end feeds into the madness of the other. At the core of Trump's attraction was the Left's ridiculous behaviors on PC and Identity Politics, and now we're going in the other direction.

I sure hope not. We need two serious, strong parties to keep the other in check. Three would be better.
I hope not as well.

But I think it is a distinct possibility. A possibility I have never entertained before either. The parties always claim that the other side is going to be out of power for decades or some other such nonsense every time they win. Demographic changes were never going to bring about democrats dreams of never ending power either. But Trump's supporters? I can see them following him off a political cliff. If 25% of republican support evaporates the republican party instantly becomes irrelevant.

I would see it as a good thing since the libertarian party would be the natural replacement but they have their head so far up their own ass they are never going to get more than single digit support. And sorry MAC, the forward party is not going to do any better :p
I hope not as well.

But I think it is a distinct possibility. A possibility I have never entertained before either. The parties always claim that the other side is going to be out of power for decades or some other such nonsense every time they win. Demographic changes were never going to bring about democrats dreams of never ending power either. But Trump's supporters? I can see them following him off a political cliff. If 25% of republican support evaporates the republican party instantly becomes irrelevant.

I would see it as a good thing since the libertarian party would be the natural replacement but they have their head so far up their own ass they are never going to get more than single digit support. And sorry MAC, the forward party is not going to do any better :p
I support and contribute to the Forward Party because I'm a one-issue voter: We have to change the system, and they are the only group who is serious about doing so. Any other issue is secondary for me.

And as long as that "system" incentivizes and rewards the worst impulses of its participants, we'll see both parties do what got us into this mess.
Trump has been wounded dozens of times
Republicans refuse to follow up

Trump will be back
Could be. I see that Candace Owens is going after him now, as are a few others. Cracks in the wall only, but I'll bet a lot of these enablers have been looking for a handy off-ramp...
Could be. I see that Candace Owens is going after him now, as are a few others. Cracks in the wall only, but I'll bet a lot of these enablers have been looking for a handy off-ramp...

Candace Owens flows with the wind.
The only reason she opposes Trump is that he supported people getting vaccines
Now that he's wounded, we find out how low he'll go to protect his brittle ego.
If the submissive Republican cucks stop kissing Trump's fat ass, he will start a third party to punish them. Trump absolutely will not give up his political power easily.

And so the same cucks who allowed this poisonous snake to come into their tent now have to face the consequences of their cowardice. They have to either keep him around, or they face serious defeat in 2024.

This is why I keep saying that deep down inside their black souls, the Republicans are praying Merrick Garland arrests Traitor Trump.
Could be. I see that Candace Owens is going after him now, as are a few others. Cracks in the wall only, but I'll bet a lot of these enablers have been looking for a handy off-ramp...

But will the sycophants drag them back? They have to appeal to the customers they service, that is how business works and not doing so means a quick death. But they know doing so just means a slower death.

Oh the conundrum.
If the submissive Republican cucks stop kissing Trump's fat ass, he will start a third party to punish them. Trump absolutely will not give up his political power easily.

And so the same cucks who allowed this poisonous snake to come into their tent now have to face the consequences of their cowardice. They have to either keep him around, or they face serious defeat in 2024.

This is why I keep saying that deep down inside their black souls, the Republicans are praying Merrick Garland arrests Traitor Trump.
I would think that even Trump knows he can't win doing that, no? Unless it's tied to some financial scam and winning is secondary, I suppose.

But will the sycophants drag them back? They have to appeal to the customers they service, that is how business works and not doing so means a quick death. But they know doing so just means a slower death.

Oh the conundrum.
Yep. This is what happens when a person sells their soul to something they HAVE to know is a charade. That's done consciously, so paying a heavy price is inevitable. The gravy train will end at some point.

These pundits have chosen to go pro wrestling with their jobs. They know it's not real, but the street-level rubes don't. So when the shit goes south, they have a choice to make. As you say, a conundrum.
Yep. This is what happens when a person sells their soul to something they HAVE to know is a charade. That's done consciously, so paying a heavy price is inevitable. The gravy train will end at some point.

These pundits have chosen to go pro wrestling with their jobs. They know it's not real, but the street-level rubes don't. So when the shit goes south, they have a choice to make. As you say, a conundrum.

Now put "public health officials" where "pundits" are and see if it rings even more true.

Hint: It does
You can’t expect independent voters to vote Republican unless you give them an agenda they care about

Much like Gore claiming US coastal regions would be under water by now, Democrats and Washington Establishment RINOS had already declared Trump would not only destroy the GOP by now but the entire country as well.


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