Dem. Rep.: Obamacare Enrollment Low Because People Think Law Is Repealed


A Rooincarnation
Nov 7, 2012
The lower-than-hoped-for enrollment numbers on the federal exchanges are due to Republican efforts to repeal Obamacare, Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D., D.C.) argued on Monday. Norton blamed a “negative propaganda campaign” by Republicans that confused Americans into thinking that the law was no longer in effect.

“There are millions of people out there who think it was repealed, so there was no way to break through that very easily,” she told MSNBC. Norton also pointed out that the “debacle of a website” made matters worse because it “seemed to confirm that [the law] must have been repealed, or should have been repealed.”

Dem. Rep.: Obamacare Enrollment Low Because People Think Law Is Repealed | National Review Online

There you have it, the Left admits that they believe their supporters are "stupid".
The lower-than-hoped-for enrollment numbers on the federal exchanges are due to Republican efforts to repeal Obamacare, Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D., D.C.) argued on Monday. Norton blamed a “negative propaganda campaign” by Republicans that confused Americans into thinking that the law was no longer in effect.

“There are millions of people out there who think it was repealed, so there was no way to break through that very easily,” she told MSNBC. Norton also pointed out that the “debacle of a website” made matters worse because it “seemed to confirm that [the law] must have been repealed, or should have been repealed.”

Dem. Rep.: Obamacare Enrollment Low Because People Think Law Is Repealed | National Review Online

There you have it, the Left admits that they believe their supporters are "stupid".
It sounds to me like it is Norton who is stupid. I doubt there are millions who believe ObamaCare was repealed. It sounds to me like she was making shit up as she went.
An open admission by Norton that she is, so to speak, "Shit for brains". She's not alone though, we have those remarkable, still fresh memories of Florida Rep Fredericka Wilson (D-FL) screaming "Trayvon! Trayvon!" from the House Floor. Then there's Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), another Florida rep and DNC head, to boot, telling us all something we never knew before "When Democrats vote as much as they want to, Democrats win!" And who can forget Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) little pearl of economic wisdom that food stamps along with extry unemployment compensation payments stimulate the economy. S'funny, I allus thought good paying jobs helped stimulate the economy. I guess all that talk about Henry Ford's producing the Model T at a price every working American could afford was just so much hype glorifying the American Dream, trying to keep the workers oppressed, and it was really Roosevelt's introduction of Social Security, New Deal communes and the WPA that took the economy outta tthe doldrums instead, and modestly priced homes like those of Levittown really didn't fuel the Post WWII economic boom either, it was all those other New Deal policies that FDR put in place, in concert, like the TVA and trying the Schechter Brothers, immigrant Kosher butchers in Brooklyn, for violating New Deal regulations for things like letting their customers pick out which chickens they wanted slaughtered that brought us out of the Great Depression.
Almost forgot that one gleaming moment of Ms Pelosi's career when she bequeathed us this one Obamacare memento "We have to pass this bill in order to find out whats in it" Musta just stepped outta that $100,000 liquor cabinet she kept fully stocked all the time on House Speaker One when she let that one fly. Nearly as memorable as "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it! Period!"
The lower-than-hoped-for enrollment numbers on the federal exchanges are due to Republican efforts to repeal Obamacare, Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D., D.C.) argued on Monday. Norton blamed a “negative propaganda campaign” by Republicans that confused Americans into thinking that the law was no longer in effect.

“There are millions of people out there who think it was repealed, so there was no way to break through that very easily,” she told MSNBC. Norton also pointed out that the “debacle of a website” made matters worse because it “seemed to confirm that [the law] must have been repealed, or should have been repealed.”

Dem. Rep.: Obamacare Enrollment Low Because People Think Law Is Repealed | National Review Online

There you have it, the Left admits that they believe their supporters are "stupid".

Who knew the Republicans wielded so much influence!
The lower-than-hoped-for enrollment numbers on the federal exchanges are due to Republican efforts to repeal Obamacare, Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D., D.C.) argued on Monday. Norton blamed a “negative propaganda campaign” by Republicans that confused Americans into thinking that the law was no longer in effect.

“There are millions of people out there who think it was repealed, so there was no way to break through that very easily,” she told MSNBC. Norton also pointed out that the “debacle of a website” made matters worse because it “seemed to confirm that [the law] must have been repealed, or should have been repealed.”

Dem. Rep.: Obamacare Enrollment Low Because People Think Law Is Repealed | National Review Online

There you have it, the Left admits that they believe their supporters are "stupid".
It sounds to me like it is Norton who is stupid. I doubt there are millions who believe ObamaCare was repealed. It sounds to me like she was making shit up as she went.
Actually, there are still millions that are not aware of the law AT ALL. These are the dregs of society that we see with their belts below their assholes, their hats on sideways, one hand on their nuts, the other on their ObamaPhone, a few gold teeth, a car with wheels worth more than the rest of it, a sub-woofer meant to vibrate other cars nearby and no clue at all as to who their daddy might be.

Obama has done a piss poor job of informing his supporters of the law and the consequences of not signing up.
The lower-than-hoped-for enrollment numbers on the federal exchanges are due to Republican efforts to repeal Obamacare, Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D., D.C.) argued on Monday. Norton blamed a “negative propaganda campaign” by Republicans that confused Americans into thinking that the law was no longer in effect.

“There are millions of people out there who think it was repealed, so there was no way to break through that very easily,” she told MSNBC. Norton also pointed out that the “debacle of a website” made matters worse because it “seemed to confirm that [the law] must have been repealed, or should have been repealed.”

Dem. Rep.: Obamacare Enrollment Low Because People Think Law Is Repealed | National Review Online

There you have it, the Left admits that they believe their supporters are "stupid".
It sounds to me like it is Norton who is stupid. I doubt there are millions who believe ObamaCare was repealed. It sounds to me like she was making shit up as she went.

Well, to be fair, she is a Democrat. :)

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