Dem Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Violated The Logan Act: Lock Her Up!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Logan Act:
"Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both."

Dem Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: Why, yes, I met with Assad on my freelance visit to Syria - Hot Air

"Gabbard went to Damascus not only without the endorsement of leaders in Congress, she went without their knowledge. Paul Ryan and Nancy Pelosi had no idea she was gone until after she’d arrived in Syria. It was the Ohio chapter of the Arab American Community Center for Economic and Social Services that footed the bill for her, apparently, which until today had been another mystery about Gabbard’s trip."

Without the knowledge or permission of the United States government D-Rep Tulsi Gabbard did knowingly and intentionally meet with the President of Syria, the nation with whom the United states Government is currently at war!

This shit may have flown during the Obama administration, the most lawless administration in US history; however, it can NOT be tolerated any longer!

She broke the law. She, a member of the United States Congress, met with the President of the nation with which the US government is at war! Fry her ass - make an example out of her to show politicians can NOT do whatever the hell they want, ignoring laws as they choose!

Dem Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: Why, yes, I met with Assad on my freelance visit to Syria - Hot Air
When did you declare war with Syria? BTW she's right. There are no longer any "moderate rebels". America and the west should stop supporting terrorists.
When did you declare war with Syria? BTW she's right. There are no longer any "moderate rebels". America and the west should stop supporting terrorists.
Barak Obama declared war in / with Syria. The united States has been funding rebels / ISIS in this war, we have been bombing Syria, and we have combat boots on the ground fighting in Syria.

Agreed we should stop funding terrorists. Also, the US should stay the hell out of other nations' elections and governance, especially if we are going to bitch about others doing so to us. Obama injected himself into Egypt, Israel, Libya, and Syria!
Gabbard should be met by the FBI at the plane when she lands, escorted to an FBI office, and questioned on why she broke the law to meet with the leader of a nation with which we are at war.

She should be stripped of any Congressional committee memberships at the VERY least for breaking the law and she should be charged with breaking the law - fined at the very least with potential jail time.

No more lawless politicians!
Declared war on Assad.....All we heard was he had to go so approved jibadis could have it

Exactly. The Arab Spring was complete bullshit. We backed Saudi Arabia/Qatar/Turkey in this monstrous venture of replacing secular Muslim leaders with the Sunni radicals the Muslim Brotherhood.
Gabbard should be met by the FBI at the plane when she lands, escorted to an FBI office, and questioned on why she broke the law to meet with the leader of a nation with which we are at war.

She should be stripped of any Congressional committee memberships at the VERY least for breaking the law and she should be charged with breaking the law - fined at the very least with potential jail time.

No more lawless politicians!

You aren't at war though easyt65. Normally I agree with most of your posts but not this time. It's about time someone went against Obama and Hillary's shenanigans in the ME that have cost thousands of lives.

We've not been backing rebels. We've been backing terrorists. The opposition to Assad is the Muslim Brotherhood. Have you ever read what the MB did to the Coptic Christians in Egypt when we gave them Morsi? Or what they did to the Shias?

They are terrorists. Lord knows why the west has backed them. Oh and the other "rebel group" is Jabhat al Nusra. Al Qaeda in Syria. Our media calls them rebels.
When did you declare war with Syria? BTW she's right. There are no longer any "moderate rebels". America and the west should stop supporting terrorists.
Barak Obama declared war in / with Syria. The united States has been funding rebels / ISIS in this war, we have been bombing Syria, and we have combat boots on the ground fighting in Syria.

Agreed we should stop funding terrorists. Also, the US should stay the hell out of other nations' elections and governance, especially if we are going to bitch about others doing so to us. Obama injected himself into Egypt, Israel, Libya, and Syria!
1. A President cannot declare might want to become familiar with the U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8.
2. If, as you say, President Obama "declared war in/with Syria....when was that (unConstitutional) declaration?
You aren't at war though easyt65. Normally I agree with most of your posts but not this time. It's about time someone went against Obama and Hillary's shenanigans in the ME that have cost thousands of lives.

We've not been backing rebels. We've been backing terrorists. The opposition to Assad is the Muslim Brotherhood. Have you ever read what the MB did to the Coptic Christians in Egypt when we gave them Morsi? Or what they did to the Shias?

They are terrorists. Lord knows why the west has backed them. Oh and the other "rebel group" is Jabhat al Nusra. Al Qaeda in Syria. Our media calls them rebels.
I agree with everything you said...other than the fact that we are not at war. We ARE at war. The United States military has been and is still engaged with fighting against the Assad regime. We ARE flying combat missions against Assad forces. We DO have military troops on te ground fighting the Assad regime. You can attempt to 'Symantec' it away any way you want, but we are still fighting a war - an Un-Constitutional, UN-Authorized war.

We fought a 'war' in Libya. We are still fighting in Iraq...again. We are fighting in Syria. Though we are not fighting wars in all of them the United States has SpecOps teams/ troops in over 80 countries around the world. People who sit back and watch TV, chat on boards, or sit in Congress have the luxury of saying 'we are not at war', but he combat troops fighting in Iraq and Syria right now don't have that luxury because they are too busy FIGHTING A WAR. (NO offense meant, and this is MY opinion.)
1. A President cannot declare might want to become familiar with the U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8.
2. If, as you say, President Obama "declared war in/with Syria....when was that (unConstitutional) declaration?
You can be at / in war without legally declaring 'War'.

Liberals bitched about Bush dragging us into war without having any good reason. Obama did it TWICE - into the middle of a civil war between terrorists and a dictator (who was helping the coalition fight terrorists) in Libya and again into the middle of a civil war between terrorists and a dictator in Syria. Yet snowflakes have no problem when a Democrat does it.

Obama also violated the Constitution, specifically the War Powers Act, by refusing to go to congress to ask to use the military in Libya. When his allotted time to use the military on his own without Congressional approval to do so had expired he refused to go to Congress to ask for the authorization.

The President's authorization to use of combat forces in Syria / against Syria without specific Congressional authorization to do so has long since passed as well.
The Logan act specifies:

"with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government "

You would first have to show that Rep. Gabbard's meeting had such an intent, and then that the intent was in conflict with U.S. policy.

Just meeting with Assad would not be in violation of the Logan Act.

Their are a lot of valid reasons that a U.S. congressperson would meet with someone like Assad. Most of them would be, justifiably secret.
The Logan act specifies:

"with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government "

You would first have to show that Rep. Gabbard's meeting had such an intent, and then that the intent was in conflict with U.S. policy.

Just meeting with Assad would not be in violation of the Logan Act.

Their are a lot of valid reasons that a U.S. congressperson would meet with someone like Assad. Most of them would be, justifiably secret.

Yes, it does.

And she should be charged under the Law
I'm thrilled she went so maybe we can finally address this charade of a civil war.

When the so called moderate rebels that happen to be ISIS and al Nusra have foreign Sunni mercenaries from all over the world in my books thats called a fucking invasion.

But yet the key phrases used in the propaganda :

Moderate rebels (who don't exist),

Civil war (never was because Saudi Arabia/Qatar/ Turkey were funding and providing weapons to all sorts of foreign fighters to depose Assad

Opposition is the Muslim Brotherhood (another terrorist group)

Brutal dictator when Assad is secular and has continually protected Christians, Shia and other minorities

And the bigguest joke of all that our media quotes is the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights who is just one guy in Coventry England giving statistics in battles. From his townhouse in Britain.
The Logan act specifies:

"with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government "

You would first have to show that Rep. Gabbard's meeting had such an intent, and then that the intent was in conflict with U.S. policy.

Just meeting with Assad would not be in violation of the Logan Act.

Their are a lot of valid reasons that a U.S. congressperson would meet with someone like Assad. Most of them would be, justifiably secret.

Yes, it does.

And she should be charged under the Law

Try rereading the Logan Act. This time read it SLOWLY so as to improve the chance that you comprehend what it says.
The Logan Act:
"Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both."

Dem Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: Why, yes, I met with Assad on my freelance visit to Syria - Hot Air

"Gabbard went to Damascus not only without the endorsement of leaders in Congress, she went without their knowledge. Paul Ryan and Nancy Pelosi had no idea she was gone until after she’d arrived in Syria. It was the Ohio chapter of the Arab American Community Center for Economic and Social Services that footed the bill for her, apparently, which until today had been another mystery about Gabbard’s trip."

Without the knowledge or permission of the United States government D-Rep Tulsi Gabbard did knowingly and intentionally meet with the President of Syria, the nation with whom the United states Government is currently at war!

This shit may have flown during the Obama administration, the most lawless administration in US history; however, it can NOT be tolerated any longer!

She broke the law. She, a member of the United States Congress, met with the President of the nation with which the US government is at war! Fry her ass - make an example out of her to show politicians can NOT do whatever the hell they want, ignoring laws as they choose!

Dem Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: Why, yes, I met with Assad on my freelance visit to Syria - Hot Air

The US is NOT at war with Syria, and all combat actions by US troops in Syria are criminal.

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